I'm making one more appeal to help Elvis finish his university studies. His last day of classes will be August 20th and I've managed to finish paying for his tuition and all his living costs.
Any donations would be welcome to help pay for the graduation costs and ceremonies. Graduation will be a huge milestone for his family.
Donations gratefully received at kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com
In other news, the boy I was going to help go to vocational high school in Liberia has had a set back. All the schools in Liberia have been closed and there is a state of emergency due to the Ebola virus now making it's way in Western Africa.
We need to pray for these people in west Africa, all the medical staff who help them and put their lives in great danger, and for protection against the spread of the virus to the western nations.
This is very serious business.
My American friend lives just outside of Monrovia, Liberia and cares for a number of children orphaned by the civil war. She has been sending money for the care and feeding of these children for years now but only moved there a few months ago so the children, including several teenage boys are not used to having adult supervision and direction.
All the children she looks after have now got to take care not to come into contact with outsiders (including friends) and need to stay home from all school and outside activities.
Food and extra medicine for a 2 month period have been purchased but the children don't quite understand just how serious things are.
Prayers for their cooperation and understanding would be appreciated.
Many thanks!
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Skywatch Friday.