Showing posts with label coffee shops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee shops. Show all posts

Monday, April 3, 2023

Tuesday 4 - Coffee Time

Coffee Time

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

How about a bit of coffee questions this week?   Or, if you drink tea ow anything else, adjust the questions to suit you.

1.  What is your favorite tea or coffee? (KIND or Brand)

My favourite coffee to make at home is Maxwell House regular strength. Years ago I used buy my beans, grind them and home and make coffee in a French press.  My favourite beans were Swiss Wash (decaf) and Guatemala Antigua. I found these two were just the right strength and the Swiss Wash was actually quite nice for a decaf because the Swiss Wash process preserved the coffee flavour.  I no longer have a French press to make coffee but may get one in the future.  A while back, I also purchased a Nespresso Machine (as in the photo below) and like to use that now and then especially with the frother though I haven't settled on the right coffee blend and the pods can be very expensive. If I have just the right blend of coffee and use a French press or the Nespresso machine, I typically will have only one cup of coffee.  It is enough. I guess it must be more concentrated than other coffees.

As for tea, I usually enjoy Rooibos tea (which is decaf) made in tea bag form by Lipton or purchased loose in some health stores. Lately, I've started drinking sage tea at night and sometimes in the morning too for health benefits. Apparently it's supposed to be good at fighting inflammation and reducing blood glucose levels among other things. Rooibos tea also has similar health benefits.

2.  Do you prefer your coffee in the morning, afternoon or evening?

I have a cup of coffee when I rise and usually one or two more during the day. One in the afternoon and if I go out alone or with a friend, I'll also have one in early evening.  When I'm alone, I use this time to enjoy reading a book.

3.  Do you meet friends for coffee in a café or restaurant? Often or not?

Yes, meeting a friend for coffee is one of my favourite ways to visit with a friend. I'm not fussy as to what kind of restaurant.  With my female friends they usually like to go to a quaint and interesting tea or coffee shop. With my male friends, Starbucks or McDonalds is fine. When I'm alone I usually go to McDonald's where I can enjoy a coffee and read undisturbed.  Unless it's Friday night. McDonald's at that time of week is usually hopping with young people and they make too much noise for me to relax and enjoy a book. How often I meet friends depends on my schedule. I will usually book these meetups several in a row over a few weeks and then go for a while without meeting.

4. Do you have a night time regimen before you go to bed, and how about your first thing in the morning routine?   Does it include a hot drink to relax in the evening or coffee to get you going in the morning?  Does it help to start and end the day right?

Yes, my morning routine consists of waking slowly and having a water, medicine and coffee before I have my shower and begin the day. My days can vary a lot but I always begin with slowly waking. In the evening after cooking and cleaning up afterwards, I usually make a hot rooibos tea to stay warm in winter and relax over reading a book.  In summer I'll have a cold beverage of some kind usually one without too much sugar and this is when I might have some kind of supplement or herbal tea as well. This is also when I meditate and pray more meaningfully because it is quiet and peaceful at this time of the day. Both the morning and evening routines help me start and end the day right.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Neon Lights in the Night



I love the way this neon vintage light looks against the night sky.

They also have a beautiful painted mural on the side of the building where the seated patio is located.

Enjoy your week ahead. 

Stay safe and thank you for visiting.

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