Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them.
1. Have you read the book or seen the movie Gone with the Wind and what did you think of it?
Yes, I've read Gone With the Wind but it was long ago. I also saw the movie before and after reading the book. I enjoyed both the book and the movie which is quite unusual because normally I find the book to be much better than the movie. In this case, the movie was fantastic. Vivienne Leigh was one of my favourite actresses. She was so beautiful and emotive in all her roles.
2. Which character was your favorite? If you didn't read it or see it. who is your favorite fictional character from a book or movie and why?
Scarlett, played by Vivienne Leigh was my favourite character in the movie. I probably wouldn't like her much if I met her in real life because she was spoiled and childish. But I admired her character for rising to the occasion during the hardships of the war and learning how to survive.
3. Are you a fan of big epic films like Dr. Zhivago, Gone with the Wind, etc. If not what kind of films do you enjoy the most?
I love big epic films. I googled "top epic films". It turns out I've seen and enjoyed all of the ones on the list (Gladiator, Braveheart, Titanic, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Dances with Wolves, The Bridge on the River Kwai & All Quiet on the Western Front). There was one film on the list called '300' which I didn't see it. In fact, I've never even heard of it. I also enjoyed Dr. Zhivago which is such a classic film.
4. The Ante Bellum era is indeed gone with the wind. Is there an era in history that you are interested in or that you have a good deal of knowledge about? Perhaps there is an era you would like to learn more about?
Yes, I am very much interested in movies set during the during the time of the Roman Empire. I think I've seen every movie that was ever released that was set during this era. Most of them I saw as a youngster and a teenager; movies like Ben Hur, Spartacus, Cleopatra, to name a few. I was especially interested in the lives of Christians and the hardships they endured during that time and how God helped them through the tough times. One of the more recent films I enjoyed about this era is Gladiator (2000). Here is a famous clip from that film.
Thank you for visiting my blog and thank you to Annie for hosting Tuesday 4. I'm looking forward to reading your answers to the questions too!