Showing posts with label rodeos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rodeos. Show all posts

Monday, January 9, 2023

Tuesday 4 ~ The West

Howdy Partners... welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4. Today let's talk about  the West.

1. Got some favorite Cowboy or western movies or TV shows you have liked? 

I grew up in an agricultural region where there were a lot of farmers and cowboys. Most men worked out on the land and wore jeans and cowboy hats. With this background, listening to country music and watching western movies or TV shows was second nature. I watched a lot of western shows but oddly don't remember a favourite movie.  I do remember a few television shows I liked such as Bonanza, Big Valley, High Chaparral, Gunsmoke and Davey Crockett. I liked them all. I also remember a lot of cowboy movies starring John Wayne which I enjoyed but cannot remember the names of the movies. I still watch any of these if and when I can catch them.

2.  Ever been to a rodeo or horse show of any kind?

Definitely. Without fail the entire town and several surrounding towns, would attend the annual rodeo and fall fair. Bare back bronco riding and chuck wagon races were especially popular with most people but I liked the barrel racing best. The fair had carnival rides, snack foods, baking, sewing and handcrafts and all kinds of produce and animal exhibits.

3. Can you ride a horse or would you like to try?

I have ridden a horse.  Someday I'd like to try again however I am far from being a natural horse woman. In fact I had trouble getting on a horse the few times I rode one.  I'm the type of person who needs a stool to assist getting on the horse and have difficulty swinging my leg over the horse's back.

4.  How would a vacation on a dude ranch suit you?

Yes, it would suit me however it isn't on my 'must do' list. I grew up amongst cowboys and respect them.  However this lifestyle was never really my cup of tea. Fortunately if I change my mind there are dude ranches in my province that are easily accessible.

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...