Showing posts with label soaps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label soaps. Show all posts

Monday, November 4, 2024

Bath Time ~ Tuesday 4 Meme

Hello!  It is nice to have you back again for Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie at Cottage by the Sea.

Today we're discussing the secrets of the bath?

1.  Do you take baths or showers?  Is there a reason you prefer one to the other?

I only ever had baths as a child.  I remember my earliest baths were in homes without running water. Mother would heat up the water on a gas converted wood stove then fill a round aluminum tub which was placed by the stove for warmth.  Then each of us kids would have a bath in privacy as no one else came into the kitchen during our bath times.  

Since I've become an adult, I only ever have a shower. I don't know why I converted to showers since it was so long ago. I think it had to do with my thinking it was much quicker to have a shower because the tub didn't have to be filled with water first and I was always short of time in the mornings. I had a friend who overcame this by having her baths at night before bed because she preferred having a bath in a tub. Today I would have a difficult time to have a soaking bath even if I wanted too because bad knees make it hard to get up and out of the tub.

2. Once a day shower or bath or do you have a different schedule?

I have a shower once a day in the morning or before I go out for appointments or errands. I've been told I shouldn't shower so often because the skin on my legs is far too dry. I've experienced dryness for some time but it became a larger problem over the last year and a half or so. I use oils, heavy creams and vaseline to try and protect my skin. I am trying, not so successfully as of yet, to ha e a bath less often and just have a bird bath but it takes me just as long if not longer and I find it cold in the bathroom even with the heat light on. I guess it's a symptom of growing older. Either that or poor insulation and definitely inadequate indoor heating. 

3. What are your favorite soap and shampoo?

Due to the dry skin issue I've started using body wash and lotion products that the local hospitals use.  They are made by a company called Medline and the particular products I'm using are Phytoplex, both the cleanser and moisturizer.  But I also buy other creams and lotions made by various companies.  I also sometimes buy unscented castile body wash at a local dispensary.

4.  Back in the day many loved Jean Nate spray after a bath.  My mom enjoyed Avon's Skin so Soft.  What do you like in the way of skin creams, oils or sprays?

I used to use and love Avon's Skin So Soft too.  But I lost track of my Avon representative many years ago and stopped shopping for Avon products.  Now I purchase lotions at my local pharmacy or on Amazon if I want to purchase the Phytoplex items. I also buy oils at a local dispensary (sunflower, jojoba, avocado apricot and so on).  Sometimes I mix the oil into the lotions I'm using. The lotions I tend to use are mainly Eucerin and Lubriderm, sometimes Bergen's, Aveeno and Vaseline (lotions and jelly). I like lotions that are heavy but not too sticky which is why I like adding the oil. The Phytoplex moisturizer is one of the nicest I've used so far. It goes on well and is both hydrating and soothing.  I don't use any body sprays or perfumes anymore.  I stopped wearing these because there are so many restrictions in public places about wearing scents and also I personally know many people with allergies.

Thank you for stopping by.

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Tuesday 4 - House & Home

Hello and welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie who writes a blog called Cottage by the Sea.

Today's these is home secrets for keeping house and person clean. Maybe we will learn a few tips from one another.

1.   What household tool or appliance do you rely on a lot?

Like most western households these days I have many household appliances. I use most of them on a regular basis but I rely on the washer and dryer and the vacuum cleaner the most. During heat waves I also rely on several fans because I have no air conditioning.

2.   Which laundry detergent, fabric softener, and dish detergent work best for you?

I've always used Palmolive for hand washing dishes because it was the sole dish detergent featured in television commercials back in the day. I still use it but now I also use Dawn.  Sometimes I also use Ivory.  I  interchange between these 3 with Dawn being the primary dish detergent I use.  I  also use several kinds of liquid laundry detergent: Purex, Arm & Hammer and  Freshex (1st and 3rd one are free of dyes and perfumes). To be honest, I have not researched to see how environmentally friendly any of these products but in a quick search I see there are concerns about both Palmolive and Dawn.  I'll need to investigate further but slowly I am moving toward using fewer chemically based products. When I had a front loading washing machine I made my own powdered laundry soap but now that I now I own a front loading HE washer, I buy liquid soap for such machines.  I don't use fabric softener but I do use fabric dryer sheets. I sometimes use wool dryer balls instead of fabric sheets and plain white vinegar in the rinse cycle to deodorize towels and linens.

3.   What soap do you like to use?   Where do you have soap in your home... bathroom, kitchen, shower?

I use liquid  castille soap which I use only for body soap in the shower, not for household cleaning.  Castille soap is made of plant oils — coconut, hemp, sunflower seed, jojoba and olive. I used to buy Dr. Bronner's brand but it is quite expensive. Now I buy exclusively at a place called Soap Dispensary where they sell oils, soaps and many products in whatever amount you want and they dispense everything into recyclable containers which you pay for on deposit. You get your deposit back when you take the container back for cleaning and reuse by another. I also use bar soap from time to time, primarily soap made with Shea Butter, Goat's milk or Olive Oil. I also use Ivory bar soap from time to time. I keep liquid hand soap in the bathroom, castille liquid soap in the shower, dish detergent in the kitchen and laundry detergent in the laundry closet.

4.   What is the secret to a clean home in your opinion?

The secret to a clean home is not to leave things undone each day. Everything needs to be picked up and put away or folded and put away or washed (like dishes). The other thing is to take care of "hot spots", places that accumulate clutter. For me it's my desk and dining table, for others it may be the kitchen counter and so on. A few minutes each day, or a set time each week, to tackle such things will go a long way to keep everything tidy.  Regular decluttering will also help. As I've aged I've faced various health challenges and taken on possessions of loved ones who passed on.  Now I have a huge job to get things to a cleaner, tidier state and in better working order. I've been working away for a long time already to get things in better order.  Slowly I'm getting there but it is a challenge.

Washing dishes is my least favourite chore but I like a clean sink.

Thanks so much for stopping by! 

Have a great week ahead.

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...