Friday, June 10, 2016

Happy Friday

Hello everyone,

I hope you've all had a good week.

We've been having a few days of cooler weather and clouds interspersed with a bit of rain. I always like a break in the weather. It adds a little interest to the daily things of life and if it has been hot, it cools everything down as well as helps the grass and flowers grow.

Right now I'm still trying to make time to progress reading

- Common Ground by Justin Trudeau (written before he became our Prime Minister)

I've also purchased two new devotionals.

I seldom purchase new books but I heard these two authors interviewed on television and decided to buy their books
for study.
Most days this week the cloud cover has made for largely uninteresting skies but earlier in the week I captured this interesting sky.

I'm not quite sure but it looks like there are two wispy, long clouds crossed with a trail left by a plane.
What do you think?

I took this photo just over a week ago but  missed sharing it with SWF.

I am glad it's Friday.
I've been so busy with this and that.  I need a rest and some time at home.
After Friday's errands I hope to stay in and do a bit of paperwork
interspersed with reading and generally just try and  relax in between the usual chores one has to do.
Monday we are expecting very heavy rain.
But soon I'm sure we will be back to hot, or at least warmer weather.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Joining in with Skywatch Friday 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Hello everyone,

It continues to be a very busy season. I always feel like I'm running to catch up but I am enjoying life and I hope you are too.

In one of the blogs I read, Affectioknit, Teresa, wrote about her intent to donate her long hair to charity. She's already done it for several years.

Hair yesterday before hair cut (sorry about the lighting)

I thought this was a wonderful idea.  I've long wanted to do it myself but seldom have long enough hair to do so.

My hair now
This year things changed. I haven't been to the hairdresser for so long. It gave my hair a chance to grow. I've been planning to go and get my hair cut off as it was getting far too long to brush and stay neat.
The reminder to donate hair to charity came at the right time.

I did some investigating and found a place near my home that will accept hair of all kinds.

Locks to be donated
While I am not entirely happy with my hair cut, I can live with it and it will grow out. I am pleased that I have enough length to donate to someone who can benefit from what otherwise might go in the trash.

Have a wonderful week ahead!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Let Me Have a Closer Look

"There's some good seed down here".

Linking up with Good Fences at the Run*A*Round Ranch

Have an awesome rest of your week!

Monday, May 30, 2016

My World


 What could be better than a warm day's walk watching the peaceful scene of ducks on the water and breathing in the glorious scent of wild roses?

Joining in with Our World Tuesday today.

Enjoy your week and thank you for visiting!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Frolicking Birds and a Fence

I was lucky to catch a male Mallard Duck flapping its wings in the water.

The detail and the colouring on the feathers is simply amazing and beautiful.

Not to be outdone by the ducks, the Canada geese were making their presence known.

Joining in with

 Eileen at Saturday's Critters
 Anni at  I'd-Rather-B-Birdin
Judith at Lavender Cottage come the last Monday of May.

Thank you to each of them for hosting these fun memes.
Thanks for stopping by!

A Trip to the Garden

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I finally made it to the community garden plot the other day. It was over due for some weeding. It was al...