Thursday, August 8, 2024

Sky to Share

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

How are you and how is your summer going?

It's hot again this week.  I'm doing okay but most of my summer has been spent dealing with indoor and outdoor renovations. Not the kind of thing I want to be doing at the best of times. Hopefully this will be the end of major renovations for awhile though I do have a few larger projects that need to be done in good time.

I enjoyed these skies a few days ago and wanted to share them here.

 I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.  Thank you for stopping by.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

All in a Tuesday's Work

Hi dear friends and fellow bloggers,

It's still quite warm where I live.  I don't have air conditioning so I rely on fans and keeping windows open for fresh air too.  It's quite hot and stale indoors but often it's quite a bit cooler when I step outside.

I've been busy for several days washing and cleaning items in the master bedroom, trying to make sure as much dust and dirt is cleaned as possible before contents are returned on Thursday. Today I got rid of another large piece of furniture that won't be going back into the bedroom.  

One of the dresser drawers had been jammed for a long time.  I tried hard to open it without entirely damaging the drawer in case someone wants to salvage it.  It's solidly built and could be sanded and shined. I had to remove 2 panels of wood to push the drawer from the back. I'd keep it if I had more room but I'm trying to make 'breathing space' in the master bedroom. 

I decluttered 3 large pieces so far (big screen television, large stationary bike & this dresser).  I'll also be getting rid of an office chair too.  It feels good to make more space in the master bedroom. 

A few items were removed from the drawers and tossed as they are mostly old magazines that are no longer useful.

I enjoyed this Bento box after a bank run.

There were some lovely clouds in the sky to gaze upon. The following photos were taken at 9:30 p.m. but I have noticed it is getting a bit darker earlier in the evenings than a few weeks ago.  Though it's still summer, I get a bit melancholy as the summer draws closer to an end. I enjoy the fall season a lot but it doesn't last so long and then there is winter.

A pretty evening sky.

It's still quite light out at almost 9:30 p.m.

I went a bit further afield for veggies and fruits on Friday.

Pretty in purpose but I don't know what it is.

Another purple flower that I don't recognize.

Tomorrow is already Wednesday. I'm hoping to paint inside the master bedroom closets. The contractor was quite lazy and refused to do an iota of work beyond strict parameters of insurance restoration claims.  He wouldn't even leave me the paint to do it myself but when I told him that's what others have done he reluctantly left me a bit of paint so my task will be a touch up only which is fine since it's expected to be very hot tomorrow.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

First Skywatch in August and a Bit of a Catch Up

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all fine and enjoying summer. After several days of rain we had quite a hot day today. Every day for two weeks, various contractors have been coming to my home to do little jobs here and there to get the place move in ready. Today someone came to wash the master bedroom carpet and this should conclude the interior renovations. I've arranged for contents to be returned next week. I can't wait to get everything unpacked and back to normal.

It was a hot day but I had to get out and mail several parcels. I also had to stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables. I snapped these photos while I was out.

Some of you might remember that the master bathroom exhaust fan died after the water leak. A new one was installed yesterday. It's quite a bit larger, much quieter and has stronger air intake.  I think I'll be having the exhaust fan in the main bathroom changed to the same as the new one, a Panasonic model.

I've been on a bit of a cooking spree trying to use up a lot of what is already in the freezer and pantry. I couldn't run out every day with workers coming and going so I also ended up baking some bread which I haven't done in a long while. Thankfully it was raining heavily on the day I baked the bread so it wasn't an issue to have the oven on.

I saw these flowers by the side of the road. I thought they were cute.

When it's too hot to do much of anything, I read. I finished the crime novel, This Body of Death by Elizabeth George. I enjoyed it a lot despite the fact that I tend not to read crime novels.  

I'm now reading a few different books.  I need to hurry up and complete the book on the vagus nerve because the book is due soon and there is a wait list for it so it can't be renewed.

Are you reading any good books?  Let me know.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday today. Thank you for stopping by.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Skywatch in July

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well.

I've enjoyed this past week because the temperature has been a bit cooler and the skies have been beautiful. I hope you enjoy this week's photos.

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Thank you for stopping by. 

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Currently Doing & Reading

Hi friends and fellow bloggers,

There isn't much to report here other than it continues to be quite hot and that saps my energy and what I can accomplish.   I've also been taking it easy since my last post because I wasn't feeling well. I'm starting to feel a bit better.

The interior repairs and exterior patio renovations are getting near completion. Indoors the ceiling and walls need to be painted, the carpet underlay replaced, closet doors returned and a bathroom exhaust fan replaced.  I'm not sure if the contractor is going to be washing the carpets. He is sticking very rigidly to the insurance parametres because he doesn't get paid for 'extras'. It's appalling what insurance considers a restorative job. Even so, I've managed to work with the company that is overseeing the project and they have approved small extensions to the work here and there for which I'm grateful. I have my own carpet cleaner and if the job won't be done by the contractor, I will wash the carpets myself before I ask the moving company to delivery my furniture from storage.

There are several issues with the patio work but it's a bit harder to deal with since the issues affect all patios not just mine so we'll see how things go over time.  The project manager is betwixt a rock and hard place since he has his marching orders though he knows that it might be better to do things differently.  Overseeing all the work which has been ongoing for long is quite a tiresome process but soon it will all be over and there will be a scramble to try and return everything to normal and enjoy what is left of the decent weather.

In between the renovations and doing the normal day to day things, I've been reading.  These are the latest books.

Highly recommended

Just completed Reckless Daughter which I highly recommend to Joni Mitchell fans.

Just starting the book on the Vagus Nerve

Just starting the E George book, a crime novel.

I also go for a walk in the evening when the sun is not quite as hot.

I treated myself to dinner out on Friday night.

I won't be travelling at all this summer.  My brother was supposed to visit in July with his wife and the plan was to travel to WA state for a short visit.  That plan is now scrapped.  They hope to come in September and I also hope to have my niece visit in September. Hopefully we can all meet up in Vancouver if travel schedules allow.

Drop me a note in the comments about what you're doing this summer.

Moody Sky ~ Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Happy Friday to you. I hope you all had a great week. I'm keeping my submission to Skywatch Friday v...