Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Those Pesky Pills

Those pesky pills that appear on clothing are equally annoying with towels. I recently purchased 4 new towels on saturday, two dark blue ones and two tan coloured ones. In my rush to launder them I put them in the washing machine together. Big mistake! All the towels have pilling all over them.

Thankfully I have a trusty gadget which I purchased many years ago. I am not sure the name of it so I will simply call it a pill remover. Usually these are small gadgets that fit in your hand but this one is rather large. I am so glad I purchased it. Though I don't use it that often, it has more than paid for itself over the years.

I took a photo of the pilling on my dark towels and the pill remover. You can see that the pills are rather large.

After several minutes of moving this gadget all over the towel (as if you are mowing the cotton threads), the towels are looking better. I have completed removing the pills from the tan coloured towel and have half finished the darker ones. I will continue in the morning with the better light.

You can see in the photo above that the "catcher" in the pill remover has captured all the dark blue fuzz.

I am so happy for having this gadget. It not only saved me the frustration of removing the pills painstakingly by hand (or with some sticky tape wrapped around my hand) but also saved me from losing the clean look of my new towels.

I would be interested in knowing what method you use to remove pills from your towels or sweaters.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Ukrainian Orthodox Church

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It was a glorious day of sunshine today in Vancouver. My first day out since my return the other day. I snapped this shot of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church just as the sun was setting.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Comfort Foods

This week was a time of comfort foods for mom and I. We were blessed with a gift of moose meat. Today I cooked some up and this is what we had for dinner.

It was so good that mom kept saying "this is so good", and when she finished, she said she couldn't eat another bite. I didn't bother with any starch accompaniment. We simply had baby greens, radishes and sticks of English cucumber. Mom doesn't like salad greens chopped into pieces so that is why the salad greens look as they do. But they are good no matter which way you eat them! I also stir fried some slices of red pepper with mushrooms and stalks of celery. This mixture is what is obscuring the meat somewhat in my photos.

The moose meat has been cut into slices off a slab, pounded and dipped into flour on both sides before frying in hot oil. One must use enough oil so as not to dry out the moose meat which is very lean. Read more about the moose meat here.

Earlier this week, I made pan fried bannock. I've blogged before about oven baked bannock. See here and here. For the pan friend version, you omit the oil/shortening from the recipe. Once you form your rounds or pieces of bannock to be cooked, you heat some oil and fry the bread, turning it over once it has browned. Once cooked on both sides, you lay it on strips of paper towel to blot out the excess grease. Eat. It is especially good with butter and jam.

Here is a picture of what the fried bannock should look like.

Just as I was finishing this blog, mom's daily aide came for the night service. Lo and behold she brought some minced buffalo meat. See a photo of a buffalo here. Wow, we are so blessed.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Scenic Sunset

Southwest facing view of the mountains in North Kamloops, BC.

Scenic Sunday

Early Skywatch

This is an early post for Skywatch Friday . It seems I'm sometimes late but never early until today, lol. We've had a spectacular fe...