Saturday, March 17, 2012

Update on Edwin (Part 3)

Hello friends,

Since I posted last week's  update about young Edwin, both he and Jonah have made 3 more round trips to Nairobi and Tenwek hospitals, for treatment and testing.  Some of the test results have been
sent out of country for consultations to help the doctors know best how to treat Edwin's disease of
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia.

Edwin sitting outside the family hut.

Baby in the family.

Edwin's father reading Edwin's medical report.
Edwin's brother standing in front of the hut where the entire family lives. He is newly married and trying hard to help his family and make sense out of his brother's medical challenges.


Right  now Edwin is on a drug called Glivec or Imatinib. Based on what I've read this seems to be a very good drug and a newer treatment for this kind of cancer.

Edwin needs your prayerful and financial support to continue his treatment and also possible new living accommodations as space is rather crowded. He and Jonah have been travelling by overnight bus to save on costs.

  If you can help, donations can be made here.
Your help is worth more than you can realize.
God bless you for whatever you can do.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Child at a Time

My friend Charles put me on to this film. After seeing the trailer I remember hearing about this story on CNN news. It touched me then and it touches me now. I think you will agree.

If you haven't already considered child sponsorship please do. Compassion International is one organization I can recommend.  If you can't make a multi-year committment, please consider a donation to Missions of Hope which also does a lot of good in Kenyan villages to help children and their families.  Blessings to you and yours.

Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, I hope you are all fine this beautiful day. These photos are from a walk to a small local park.  Some tre...