Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Photo Tag - Wildlife Orphans

I was inspired to play this game from Teresa at Affectionknit. To play the game you you have to open your first photo folder, go to the tenth photo and then tell the story behind it.

The photo below is my tenth photo. It is a snapshot of Pastor Jonah from Kericho, Kenya. He is escorting me to the Nairobi Wildlife Orphanage. This is a great orphanage as it rescues wild animals who have been abandoned in the wild and gives them a place of safety and refuge.

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I couldn't show this photo without also showing you at least a few photos of the wild orphan animals.

A beautiful leopard
A male lion and two lionesses....A close up of the lion...King of the jungle

I've tagged some fellow bloggers to play this game. Happy photo sharing! Umber Dove, Windhover, Liivia, Urban Balcony, Kaliforniasta, Flowers & Weeds, Lynn's Life, Mme. Bookling, Iowa Garden, Nancy*McKay & Pastor Jonah.


affectioknit2 said...

Awesome photos!!!

Urban Green said...

Thanks for tagging. Very interesting idea. Will definitely post.

UmberDove said...

I kinda really love "random" pictures - I'll have to grab mine and write it up!

AppaloosaMoon said...

...i think this theme is FUN...but your photo story is...GREAT...i'm a HUGE advocate of animal rescue/rehab/wildlife...& to see the CATS...oh save one more more more leopard...would FILL MY HEART...thank you!

Joyful said...

affectioknit2, I'm so glad you liked the photos. Check back from time to time as I hope to feature many more wild life photos from Kenya.

Joyful said...

Urban Green, thank you so much for joining in on the photo tag. Your photos were fabulous :-)

Joyful said...

UmberDove, I look forward to your "random" picture whenever you have settled in a bit after your big move. Happy settling :-)

Joyful said...

Nancy*McKay, I'm so glad to hear your say you are a HUGE advocate of animal rescue/rehab/wildlife. This KWS that looks after the Wildlife Orphanage is doing a great job and is always in need of more support.Please read more about KWS here, including about the Nairobi Wildlife Orphanage

Joyful said...

affectioknit2, I'm so glad you liked the photos. Check back from time to time as I hope to feature many more wild life photos from Kenya.

Joyful said...

Awesome photos!!!

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