Monday, January 2, 2012

Time has a Way of Moving On

Dear reader,

Where does the time go? It seems that the older one gets the quicker time passes and the Christmas season we just had is no exception.

This past Christmas was the first time I was at my own home for Christmas.  There was only one other time I was far from home and family at Christmas.  I didn't remain at my home though because I had been invited to a friend's for the holiday. I wanted to stay home but she insisted that no one should be alone at Christmas so I accepted her hospitality.  This year, I had a number of plans but everything was in limbo until the last moments before Christmas.  In the end I was at home and it was okay. I was looking forward to it and I thought I might actually have a nice rest from all the busyness of constant appointments concerning my leg, and all kinds of errands to run, before Christmas. Not!

It was quiet but it wasn't restful because I was very busy. Besides the rush of buying and getting Christmas gifts in the post (yes, this year I did buy gifts!), decorating my home and my tree, planning and buying food for Christmas dinner and generally getting things tidied up, I had a number of other unexpected projects.

A blogging friend of mine, Caroline, has been wanting to change up her blog for a very long time. I offered to try and help her though I am not a blog designer as such. Caroline had her own ideas about what she wanted and I learned that my skill set wasn't advanced enough to complete some of the specific work.  Not to fear though as I was able to give Caroline what she wanted through the assistance of my brother.  In the end, Caroline was happy with the overall result and I was happy to have helped her achieve her goal.

I had another unexpected project to help my nephew with his budgeting.  I didn't know that he had been struggling and was seriously considering dropping out of university.  Though he doesn't live with me and has an  "affordable" rental that he shares with others, we live in one of the most expensive cities in Canada,  perhaps even in all of North America (exception New York City), and the burden of the finances were proving to be too  much for him. 

I offered to take a look at his budget and see what the shortfall is and whether we could save his year. It took awhile to get all of his financials and to create a budget and a cash flow to the end of the school  year.  It was also a bit challenging figuring out what his real costs are in a few areas because of the holiday.  At this moment, he is also trying to renegotiate some of those costs.  We've established a food budget and come up with nutritious and affordable menu ideas and places to shop. They are menu ideas as opposed to recipes but I've kept them simple and easy. It will require that he shops the sales and cooks more.  He did say that he has been cooking more since he moved here so those skills will help him.  We have chatted about living within the budget categories, the difference between "needs vs. wants" and how to use a credit card. Shortfalls in the budget and ideas about how to meet them while trying to successfully manage a course load, were also important aspects of the budget "summit".

As an auntie and surrogate parent,  I feel it is my duty to demonstrate some "tough love". It is the first time that my advice and suggestions appear to be listened to and accepted. That means, this can be a very good learning experience for which life long skills can be learned and applied though I know it will be very challenging for him.  I will also be saving funds monthly for when he finishes his term as he will have no money left over to cover bills until the first pay cheque.  He hopes to sublet his bedroom which will help him a lot.  But he needs a back up plan if that doesn't work out and he still needs money until first pay cheque even if that does work out. I have a few stipulations for giving my help:  no credit card usage and renegotiating credit card interest rate, getting on equal payments for electricity costs, no gym membership, taking thermos (flask) coffee to university, no entertainment unless it comes out of the food budget. The budget is very strict. There is no fat. He will need to bite the bullet and commit to the plan or the year will have been a lost one in the sense that he will have incurred significant debt from student loans.  At least the debt will have been for a useful purpose, if he is able to finish the year and complete his courses with good grades.  Though the budget is very tight, I do feel it can be met with some hard effort and discipline.

I have tough conditions because I want him to learn financial discipline and responsibility for his own actions. If I was overly strict, I would simply say "get yourself out of it" and "you made your bed", but I think people need second chances. Sometimes you get a second chance and sometimes you don't.  In this case, he has a chance to set things right and it is now or never to learn some good financial management skills.  I've seen him struggle with some of the same financial issues now for several years though in different circumstances and he needs help but he can only benefit if he is willing. Right now to make some effort to change because he doesn't want to lose out on his entire academic year. Sadly, the issues he faces are not uncommon.  There are many people who fritter away hard earned money on "nothings", racking up debt, and wondering where the money goes.

To his credit, he does know that there are certain things that are costing him too much (like debit card bank fees) but he doesn't know how to fix the problems. He tries but then it seems to lead to other issues and then he gets into a cycle of issues.  I'm sure many of you reading this can relate and have had to deal with these kinds of issues yourself, or seen loved ones with similar issues, but different circumstances. I too, can relate, because I always had to learn things the hard way with  no one to teach me or guide me about financial matters. Thankfully I was able to begin to learn and get some measure of control over the myriad financial issues that we all have to deal with every day.

My medical issues and associated costs are another thing I was dealing with over Christmas.  As part of better financial management,  I wanted to get all the benefits from my extended health coverage for the year 2011 as I could. I'm still experiencing a sore knee and so I went to as many physiotherapy and registered massage therapy sessions as I am allowed under my health plan.  I also filled my eye prescription and my pharmacy prescriptions for the next several months.  Once 2012 rolls around, I have to pay a deductible before I get any prescriptions filled. I like to prolong that payment.  As a result of all this activity over the holiday, I now have my receipts ready for submission to the insurance plan.  I won't have the problem I often have of losing track of my receipts since I can submit them all at once.

Finally, I managed to take stock of my goals in 2011 and set new ones for 2012. I've got a busy year ahead and I am hoping that soon I can enjoy myself without the level of knee and leg pain present I had this past year.  I still have pain but hopefully things are improving. I do notice my right leg muscles and knee cap are not stiff like they have been for at least half a year.  Hopefully the stretching and exercises will really help.

Things have been much busier than I could have anticipated over the holiday but I feel like I am ahead of the ball for 2012 and ready to make the best of things.

A photo of a gate I took in Chinatown.

The truth is that right now I am a little tired so I probably won't be blogging that much for a few weeks. I want to enjoy the next few weeks and take things slowly as I begin to implement my plan for 2012. I hope you will come back from time to time and see me once I am back.


  1. Penny, you are so ambitious! Bless your heart!

    And the help you are giving your nephew could change the entire course of his life! So few people understand the definition of "living within one's means," let alone living that way. That is so important. Good for you!

    We'll miss you if you take a break from blogging, but you know we'll be happy for the time you feel you can resume.

    God bless you, Penny.


    1. Thank you, Linda.

      I can sense a subtle change in my nephew and an excitement about this term's studies as he doesn't have to shoulder his burdens alone.

      I'm enjoying my blogging break though have tried to visit other blogs during my break.

  2. Penny,

    Good for yo for taking a break. Your nephew is blessed to have such a loving and wise aunt.

  3. You are so kind to help that nephew who has been struggling with his budget. I'm sure it will pay huge dividends if he follows through. So many young people (and some not so young) have not learned to live within their means. God bless you for your effort.

    Also, Penny, know that you have praying for your health to improve daily. The Lord Jesus is the Great Physician! I trust Him completely. I'm sure that you trust him too.

    1. Fred, I know my nephew is happy to have someone he can turn to. I'm hoping this will be a postive learning experience that will stand him in good stead for many years. Thank you so much for remembering my health in prayer!

  4. I took a peek at Caroline's blog - very nice! Helping others with budget is hard. I can't help to roll my eyes when my coworkers whine about not having any money...but yet I watch them with their smart phones, starbucks coffee, and talk about their cable tv shows. It is those that are already pinching the pennies that are hard to help. I hope that your nephew is listening and grateful for your help!

    Enjoy your break - rest, relax, and enjoy!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, KT. You are so right about people whining and complaining when they are still living in luxury and waste. It is much harder to have a workable budget when you have little.

  5. You've been a busy lady. :-) Your nephew is blessed to have your help. I'm sure he knows that. Life will be much easier for him if he learns to budget early on in life. Do you have government health plans in Canada? Do you have to wait a long time to see your doctors? I'm sure the U.S. will eventually end up with a nationalized health care program.

    1. Yes, I've been a busy one! My nephew says that the budget issues I am helping him with are like another course requiring a lot of work for him. I agree and if he is able to do the work, he will be ahead of things for the years to come. I have replied to your doctor question at your blog ;-)

  6. Hello Joyful.
    Wishing you good luck with your plans for 2012.
    You're a good person caring for other people.
    Take care of yourself.
    Hugs Hanne Bente ♥

    1. Thank you, dear Hanne. I appreciate your good wishes and wish you the same for 2012!

  7. What a PRACTICAL blessing you are to all, Penny including your family and more pertinently your nephew. You have motivated me to speak to a family member regarding her financial issues for her to help us as we help her in her old age. Bless you for your loving nature and the encouragement you offer to your readers as well. Love and hugs Jo

    1. Hi dear Jo! I'm glad I was able to motivate you and I hope you have been able to talk to your loved one about her financial issues. God be with you as you work through the process.

  8. Wow! ... you have been busy ...

    I wish you a fruitful New Year Penny and a return to good health ...

    oh ... and lots and lots of fun and laughs :)

    1. Thank you, Graham!

      I wish you all the very best in 2012 also. Lots of fun and laughs would be terrific, LOL.

  9. Wow, you have been busy and give so much to others. You deserve a break. I wish you an amazing 2012 and will be looking forward to your posts and the wonderful things this New Year will bring to you:-)

    1. Thank you, LV. I am enjoying the break I've had so far. I come back out of resting to blog about the Missions of Hope which are so very important to me. People there in Kenya need our help and our prayers. Thank you for your kind wishes for 2012 and I wish the same to you.

  10. Wow, you could be a professional financial adviser, at least for how to become debt-free! Your nephew is fortunate to have you nearby to help him with his finances and spending. I do hope 2012 is a happy and healthy one for you and that you will reach all of your goals.

    1. LOL, Pat, I never thought of it that way. Experience can be a good teacher. I wish you and your loved ones the best for a healthy and happy 2012 as well!

  11. Wow! Your list of goals for the coming year is the most comprehensive I've seen anywhere. I like the way you think.
    It would drive me nuts to have to work too much on figures, however. My mind can only take so much along those lines.
    Glad to see you are going to take an embroidery/quilting break!

    1. Hello Margaret! My list of goals may be too long but if I can make a start on almost everything I will be happy. I agree too much work on figures is not fun but to keep on top of finances it seems necessary. I do hope to take a machine quilting course. I just have to "appoint" some time :-)

  12. Have a great sabatical and enjoy the rest, you have earned it. Blessings Crystalxx

  13. I pray that your leg will get better soon. It must be bothering you alot. I can tell. Have you tried goin to a chinese physician instead? Not sure if you believe in chinese medicine. But it sure works for me esp for muscle pains/aches.

    RESTFUL INCREASE is what you need to achieve this year. Too much has happened in 2011. Its time to slow down and take a step at a time.

    Christmas was too busy for me too. Sometimes i feel we get so caught up in the buying n shopping for gifts. So much that we dun find the time to enjoy the christmas moments. Afterall, it only happens once a year.

    Everything's mad rush in this world today. Dont you think?

    I cud see the love and concern you have for ur troubled nephew. Hope he pulls through his financial situation and be debt free soon. Im sure things will improve as he continues to feel disciplined and heed your advices.

    Take care and have great blessing in this new year.

    1. Melissa, you have left me such a sweet comment full of loving concern. Thank you so much. I have in fact seen a Chinese physician but to no avail that is why I am now going to physiotherapy and registered massage therapy.

      I love your words and theme for me for 2012 "RESTFUL INCREASE". That sounds just like what I need since we do tend to get in a mad rush. I try very hard not to get caught up in the madness of everything these days. My nephew seems to be heeding advice and doing well as the year gets underway.

      Love and blessings for you in 2012!

  14. I appreciate this blog :) It showcases the fact that you possess a spirit of excellence. You take maintaining order serious! I pray I can also receive that anointing from the Lord! :)

    1. I appreciate your kind remarks, Mic! I do like order and I believe that God does also. May 2012 be your year of anointing in those areas that you need. Hugs. xx

  15. It sounds like you are a wonderful, caring friend an auntie. I pray you get your strength renewed.

    1. Thank you, dear Shanda for your loving thoughts and prayers.

  16. Happy New Year, Penny. Keep blogging, even if only occasionally, because you know you inspire us all!

    1. Thank you, Clair. I often don't know if my blogging inspires anyone. I so much would like to inspire everyone who reads here to do what they can to help others, help themselves. Bless you!

  17. Nice of you to mention the blog Penny, thank you. I'm posting about it myself today or tomorrow, to thank you publicly.
    There are so many people around that need the sort of financial advice you've been giving your nephew - and who will listen. It's good that he now knows it's not uncommon, and that it can be done.
    Thanks for all your help and advice during 2011, talk soon.

    1. You're welcome, Caroline. I've seen your post about it and I thank you for your kind words.

      Perhaps someone will read about my overview of advice to my nephew and be inspired to get their affairs in order. I know there are many wonderful financial advice blogs out there.

      I look forward to your blogs and chatting in 2012.

  18. You're always so full of energy and incentive and ready to help everyone. You should rest now for a while. Do lots of stretching for your leg and knee, it does help believe me, I do specific stretching exercises for my fibromyalgia and it does help. I understant what your nephew is going through, it is so difficult for young people these days.
    take care of yourself, Happy New Year!

    1. Francesca, so lovely to see you. I am resting and I've been doing a lot of stretching. It is slowly helping. Thank you for your encouragement, both for my health and for my nephew. Happy New Year!

  19. Dear Friend,
    wow, May, God Bless you my friend.
    Amen to all that you are doing!! May 2012, bring you laughter, wisdom from above, and the finances to do all the things you desire to do. me

    1. Thank you Brenda. You are a delight to me. May God bless you richly in 2012!

  20. My goodness you have been busy. I wish you all you wish yourself for 2012.
    I hope your nephew appreciates all you are doing for him. I have never had a credit card. My Dad always told me what I could not afford today I could not afford tomorrow. It has been excellent advice. Diane

    1. Hello Diane. Yes the close of 2011 was very busy but I'm so glad to have been home to get the new year 2012 well organized and underway. My nephew does appreciate what I am doing. The credit card for a student is not a good idea. Of course, he wasn't a student when he got it. This is a good time for him to learn how best to use one. Your dad gave your wise advice and you were wiser still to heed his advice.

  21. Joyful,
    He is very happy and lucky to have an aunt like you. After I got married, I had to deal with financial issues. I was not good at doing it. I should have known the difference between needs and wants. It took me long time to lean it. But, jouful, how many talents you have?
    I’m sorry that you have a sore knee. I hope everything will be Ok very soon.
    It is good to take a break sometimes. You will come back, being fully recharged.
    Best wishes,

    1. Thank you, Keiko. It is always nice to hear from you. You are so honest by sharing your challenges with finances. But I am glad to hear you did learn the difference between wants and needs. It is a hard lesson for many of us, including me but it is a good lesson to learn. My knee is responding slowly to lots of stretching. I look forward to reading more of you in 2012 for you bring joy and beauty to my days.


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