Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Problems with the Comment Section

Hello my lovely readers,

This is a quick note to let you know I am having issues with the comment feature here at Blogger. In particular the problems I am having are in regards to my last posted entry on learning to swim. The problems have occurred over the past few days. Sometimes I will publish your comment and it won't appear! Other times, I publish my response and it won't appear. Most recently I see all approved comments appear but my own response is not in the proper format. For now I will leave it like that. I simply wanted to let you all know that I am not ignoring you or your comments. I appreciate every one of them.

Are any of you having similar issues?


Jan said...

Beautiful sky scene!
I haven't noticed any difficulties and would not think that any of my friends are ignoring comments on purpose, sometimes we are away or busy or perhaps not feeling like being on the computer.
Hugs and Blessings - Jan

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hope this goes through..meaning to pay you a visit! Beautiful scene here- really lovely hues! I do know a little of what your going through and hope it gets resolved soon! I've been out, but missed you! Have a great evening, Regina-

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Try to rest you comment preferences and stay away from the embedded feature..The sky looks so pretty.

Joyful said...

Hope this goes through..meaning to pay you a visit! Beautiful scene here- really lovely hues! I do know a little of what your going through and hope it gets resolved soon! I've been out, but missed you! Have a great evening, Regina-

Skywatch Friday - February 21, 2025

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...