Sunday, January 16, 2011

Compassion's Children

There are so many ways to help children in Africa and so many non-profit agencies both at home and abroad who provide opportunities to each of us to help these children.  

I choose to help orphans mainly through the Missions of Hope  whenever I can. But recently I also took on sponsorship of several boys through Compassion International's Canadian office. My sponsorship involvement is very new so I haven't received a letter from one of my boys yet. 

First I sponsored little Peter. 
Peter is 6 years old and lives near Nakuru, Kenya.  I didn't get a chance to visit Peter when I travelled to Kenya.  My sponsorship was too new for the organization to prepare everything in time for my visit. I am hopeful that I can visit Peter some day.

Two weeks after I sponsored little Peter, I felt led to sponsor John.

Doesn't John's smile just grab you? I really felt a connection with him and especially upon learning he lives in the slums near Nairobi. I also hope to visit little John in future.


During the process of learning more about Compassion and its sponsors, I learned that there are also many children who have sponsors but these sponsors do not write to them for whatever reason.  For example, a company might sponsor a child or several children but not assign anyone to write to these children.

I found out that volunteers are needed to correspond with these kinds of children who don't have anyone to write to them.  Through letters a child is shown love and care and can receive the encouragement to overcome the challenges they face.   The benefit to you and me is that we can take on child sponsorship in a budget friendly manner.

After only a month or so of waiting, I received an information package in the mail.  The package sent along a photo of the little 10 year old boy I will correspond with in Ethiopia. His name is Haile.

I am only permitted to send letters, cards and flat paper items to sponsored children in the mail.

I've already sent Peter a card for Christmas and a photo and information about me and will need to send similar information to John and Haile (minus the Christmas cards). I also plan to send all three boys  a postcard "fun" map of Canada and some "Canadian stickers".

I am very excited to embark on this new addition to my support of children in Africa. I look forward to a long association with these young boys and hope to be a positive influence on them.

In closing, I want to encourage any of my readers to please check out children on the Compassion International website for your country and consider sponsoring a child.  There are so many who need sponsorship. If you really do not have the funds to sponsor a child would you please consider taking on a correspondence child? You simply write to the Compassion office in your country and let them know of your interest in writing to a "correspondent child".  Can you imagine the excitement a small child has when they get a letter from a stranger across the world? A stranger who takes an active interest in who they are and encourages them throughout their childhood years. It is a simple joy we can have in life to bring joy to others and to receive joy in their joy.


Jan said...

Thank you for telling us about your child sponsoring.

I also sponsor, a boy in Chad, but it has not been so joyful. I went into it thinking I would be helping educate a child so that he would be a great asset to his community, perhaps become a doctor for example, but he is not being sent to school by his parents, as he minds the animals, and therefore he doesn't write.

Blessings that it will be a very satisfying experience for you, and the children.
Love, Jan

Joyful said...

Thank you Jan. I am sorry that your child is not being educated. I believe that the children being sponsored through Compassion have to go to school to be eligible to remain in the program. Parents are able to send only one of their children for sponsorship. Many of the local child development centers also give the children tutorial support.

Did you sponsor your child through Compassion or through another agency? Whatever the outcome, please remember that you helped this child and his family survive and that is important. Remember when you have given a cup of water to the least of them, you have given it to Jesus. Your help is enormous. God bless. Love, me :-)

OtienoHongo said...

Thanks for this article Joyful, it is very heartening to know that you are sponsoring children here in Kenya and may God bless you for that. Next time you are in Kenya please let me know, maybe we could meet for coffee...

Joyful said...

OtienoHongo, thank you for your kind words. I'm delighted to hear from you. You have a coffee date :-)

The Professor's Wife said...

How awesome that you sponsor three children! In college, about 10 years ago, my husband (then just my friend!) and I each sponsored a child (his in Columbia, mine in Mozambique) through World Vision, and are still sponsoring these same children! (It is one of the reasons we started dating, having this in common). I used to be very faithful about writting them letters, but honestly have gotten lazy about it as they have gotten older. So thank you for the reminder! And what a great idea for people to write letters if they cannot afford to sponsor!

Joyful said...

The Professor's Wife, how awesome that you and your husband have sponsored the same children for years. When I was in university I did sponsor children for several years through what used to be called Christian Children's Fund here in Canada. At that time my country of choice was Mexico. The child kept changing due to families no longer being eligible for the program so after a few years I gave it up.

I encourage you to continue to write as you are the life line. I know it can be difficult to be consistent in these things but even the occasional letter will be a real treat for your child.

Diane said...

We have a charity shop just up the road from us, Children of Africa, I have taken a lot up there in the last month while I am trying to have a tidy up :) It is always a very busy shop. Diane

Bossy Betty said...

What a great a worthy cause! Thanks for this inspiring post.

Michelle ~ Blogging from the Boonies said...

Our 7 Compassion children are SUCH blessings to us!! Thank you for spreading the word! Feel free to check out my blog if you need any more ideas for letter writing or goodies we can send along!

Michelle ~ Blogging from the Boonies said...

Oh, I wanted to clarify... Not all Compassion children go to school. It depends on a number of factors. If they aren't able to go to school, they will receive educational tutoring at the project.

Joyful said...

Diane, that sounds like an awesome shop. We have one similar shop in the city run by the Mennonites who use the proceeds for all their various missions.

Joyful said...

Bossy Betty, thank you for your kind words. You seem like a very busy lady with lots of love and humour. Do you have a sponsored child?

Joyful said...

Michelle, thanks so much for dropping by and clarifying that Compassion's children do not have to go to school. I am still learning about the organization. I will definitely check out your blog for ideas about what I can send my boys. How awesome that you are sponsoring 7 children!

Regina said...

I realized I left out a response to you on my blog..but just left one.
I did this so very long ago when I wasn't too good at keeping committments. Now, I do think if your being led to do so, its fantastic.
I've been impressed to work within my own sphere now more than that's what I'm doing..being faithful right where I am. All of it comes down to faith..and can't move without it.
These kids are adorable..they look as needy as some Grandkids I know (cough)
no, I don't have any yet, sort a (smile)

Joyful said...

Regina, you do have a point, about being faithful where you are planted, though I also believe that when we are open and listening God speaks to us about doing more. I think believers are all called to help the widows and the orphans but not everyone chooses to do it, or if they choose to do it, they do it at different times.

No judgement here though as we are all free beings with free will. That is what is great about being a believer in the triune God and the Holy Bible. In the menatime, we need to be faithful where we are at. Blessings.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there, no judgment, what is more then?
I mean, if all boils down to matter where you are, as that's what it still necessitates in behalf of orphans or widows -regards to material when the money changes hands. Distance, issues..all that God lays on the hearts..we just respond accordingly:)

Joyful said...

Hi Regina, what I mean by "more" is when we are busy doing what we are doing where we are planted and God speaks to us (often in that still small voice) and He asks us to take on additional things or stretch ourselves to go beyond what we are doing where we are planted. I see it all the time with my fellow believers, especially in the area of local or global missions. I hope I explained that ;-)

Jan said...

My child is with World Vision, and I know that my monthly contribution benefits the village, and not just the one child/family.

Joyful said...

Hi there, no judgment, what is more then?
I mean, if all boils down to matter where you are, as that's what it still necessitates in behalf of orphans or widows -regards to material when the money changes hands. Distance, issues..all that God lays on the hearts..we just respond accordingly:)

Joyful said...

Regina, you do have a point, about being faithful where you are planted, though I also believe that when we are open and listening God speaks to us about doing more. I think believers are all called to help the widows and the orphans but not everyone chooses to do it, or if they choose to do it, they do it at different times.

No judgement here though as we are all free beings with free will. That is what is great about being a believer in the triune God and the Holy Bible. In the menatime, we need to be faithful where we are at. Blessings.

Joyful said...

We have a charity shop just up the road from us, Children of Africa, I have taken a lot up there in the last month while I am trying to have a tidy up :) It is always a very busy shop. Diane

Joyful said...

Bossy Betty, thank you for your kind words. You seem like a very busy lady with lots of love and humour. Do you have a sponsored child?

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