Sunday, August 19, 2012

Little Linet ~ Update August 2012

The last time I wrote about Little Linet she had recently had her front teeth removed and she was having problems eating. She is now undergoing testing in preparation for cleft palate surgery.

All photo credits:  Jonah of Missions of Hope
Here is little Linet with her mother in their home.

Here Little Linet looks cautiously into the camera. I wonder if she knows what is really in store for her?  Probably not as she is still very young.

This is the environment in which Little Linet and her younger sibling live.   As you can see they are very poor and there is trash all around the neighbourhood because there is no garbage pick up.  There is no way the family could manage to give the little girl surgery without outside help.

Little Linet's next medical test will be on August 28, 2012. Shortly after that, we hope that she will be pronounced a candidate for cleft palate surgery. Then she can be free to run around and play like other children.  Her mother can also be free of the worries about her little girl's future because of the cleft palate disfigurement and the related health issues. Please join us in praying for this little girl and her family.

If you can help Little Linet to get surgery and perhaps give the family some assistance with food needs afterward, I would love to hear from you. We accept donations via Pay Pal. Donations can be sent to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com  No amount is too small.

Please feel free to share this word with your friends or in your church or social circles with a link back to this blog or to Jonah's at Missions of Hope. Thank you so much for your help. 


Jo said...

Africa is so hard on the innocent: children and old people, even animals. These conditions above are so familiar to me and I wish there was more I could do to help you/Jonah to help little Linet. I continue to pray for her and her family that somehow the means will be found to have this surgery. Bless you dearest Penny. (((Hugs))) Jo

Jan said...

How is Linet doing with the eating now? Thank you for reminding us about her and keeping us updated Penny. I hope that she gets through the tests ok and is approved for the surgery.

Pat said...

What a precious child. I hope she will be able to have the surgery. An acquaintance of ours is a dentist; he and other dentists periodically go to poor areas of Mexico and give free medical care. I wonder if such groups also go to poor areas in Africa.

Joyful said...

Hi Pat, they do have groups that go to Africa and give medical and dental services. However the need is always so great in these places, esp. the rural areas and many people never get the opportunity to hear about, let alone receive the free treatment. I pray that more people would be able to go to all parts of Kenya and go more often. The need is really there.

Denise said...

She is so precious, praying for her.

momto8 said...

such a simple thing as eating that we take for granted....
I will pray for her.

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

I am going to give. Hope it works this time. xx

Joyful said...

Hi Crystal Mary, it will work if you go to Pay Pal and use the address I give in the post. Any problems, please let me know via email but I know it will work. Thank you so much and may God bless you. xx

Farida said...

Your kindness will definitely help not only this child but many more. God bless you more for your kind deeds!

Pamela said...

Precious. What a ministry you have. Your love seeps through all your words and photographs.

Anonymous said...

Hey Penny! Many thanks for the updates. I hope you are able to get Linet registered for free surgery by Operation Smile. You can find details here:

Joyful said...
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Joyful said...

It came through. Many thanks for the donation and for the g+1

Joyful said...

Hello Wa Makere, thank you for the link. We actually know about Operation Smile. I mentioned it in my post on July 28th. It isn't free surgery as such and there is no guarantee that Linet will be "screened in". She has a better chance if we take care of her and get her medical help directly. She needs it anyway because of her eating issues. God bless you for the info my friend.

Kerrie said...

Dear Penny,

This is my first visit to your blog. I read a comment you wrote, which I totally agree with, it was on Crystal Mary's blog post "Neglected Children" - through your words I felt in my heart an outpouring of your love and compassion for others.

I am so glad I was led to your blog. The images of Little Linet, her mother and the neighbourhood they live in speaks volumes. It tears my heart apart!

I will add this precious family to my prayers. I would like to learn more about Little Linet and your plight for her to have the surgery. The testing that she is currently undergoing, who is doing that? I presume who ever is doing the testing, will then make a judgement call as to if Little Linet is a suitable candidate for the surgery? I PRAY SHE WILL HAVE THE SURGERY!!! Do you know if Missions of Hope will fly her out of Africa to another country for the surgery, if approved?

I will read back on your past posts also. God bless you Penny for your loving care towards those less fortunate.

Love and care, Kerrie

Kerrie said...

Oh Penny, I meant to ask you for your permission to use the photographs in this blog post. I would like to use the photos on my blog and write about Little Linet. Is this okay with you? Thank you. Smuggles (Smiles and Hugs), Kerrie

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome, dear friend. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Maria said...

Wishing Linet all the best ~ all the love ~ and all the talent of the medical world ~ with God's beautiful Grace!
*blessings always*

~ Maria

KC said...

Dear Penny, Do you have an update on how Linet went with her appointment at the hospital on August 28th? Thanks, Kerrie

Joyful said...

Dear KC, I have a brief update that Little Linet has been evaluated and can undergo surgery. I will have a fuller report in a week or so (deadlines are always fluid in Kenya). I am happy that Little Linet is able to have surgery but raising the funds for the surgery is a major challenge which needs much prayer. We cannot continue to do more surgeries without having the funds in place first. Thank you for your patience, understanding and prayers.

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