Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Guerilla Garden

We are blessed in my city to have a lot of guerilla gardens.  In case you haven't heard of guerilla gardening yet, it is gardening on land that the gardeners do not have legal right to use, often an abandoned site or area not cared for by anyone.  We get a lot of guerilla gardening happening on the sides of city streets.  A lot of them are small little gardens planted around trees.

Guerilla gardeners certainly add a lot of beauty to the city and brighten up all kinds of neglected areas of land where people pass by.  These little gardens bring a smile to my lips and joy to my heart. I like to take photos of these gardens whenever I can.

Here is one guerilla garden.

And here is a  pretty pink clouds...just because ... it's Skywatch Friday.

Click here to join Floral Friday Photos and here for Skywatch Friday. 


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  1. I'm glad to see you at my place... :)
    …and you were asking about vermicelli/Sewayyan,
    Sewayyan is a famous dish made from very thin
    vermicelli cooked in milk sugar and dry nuts. It is Prepared during “Diwali”, “Eid”, and other happy occasions in parts of India and Bangladesh.
    For the recipe, original link is here:

    Btw, nice post I get immense plessure to see natural those flowers.

  2. Try it and I'm sure you would love it.:)
    Silver is edible though flavourless, it is easily available in Indian market.
    I'm giving you link to make it more clear...
    Have a nice day.

  3. Beautiful sky, the colorful clouds are gorgeous. I like the idea of guerilla gardens, If the area is neglected why not make it beautiful with flowers. Your photos are lovely. Have a great day!

  4. Beautiful - this is such a great idea ... I've heard of people involving the community and establishing guerilla veggie gardens ...

  5. This is so nice to look at. Kudos to the people who planted it.

  6. I love guerilla gardens! And that desire to bring beauty to ugly or uncared for places! And such a beautiful skyscape you've captured too!

  7. I like guerrilla gardening - lovely shots. And a wonderful pink sky.

  8. I had not heard of the term "Guerilla Garden" before, but it gives me an idea. We have a lot near us that is vacant - for sale. Well, since the economy took a nose dive in 2008, it has been for sale for a LONG time.

    Maybe next year, I should call the number to ask if I can start a garden on the least the neighbors would be happy!

  9. These flowers are so beautiful and I love how they are so bright and vibrant! Great post


  10. I think guerilla gardens are a great idea. Loved your photos, too. Thanks for your visit to my blog, too. Always love when you stop by. Susan

  11. Hello Joyful
    Oh, how some beautiful pictures you show with some beautiful flowers.
    Wish you a good weekend :)
    Hugs Hanne Bente

  12. I had never heard of guerilla gardens - but I love that idea! Your blog is looking busy and beautiful Joyful, bless your heart.

  13. I've never heard of the term guerrilla garden - it describes them so well. It's a lovely idea. Yesterday evening we watched a programme about Samuel Hearne, who explored much of Northern Canada in the 18th century and was an advocate for travelling as locals do. Such an interesting life...
    Have a good weekend Penny.

  14. I wish we had geurilla gardens here as well so there will be lovely gardens everywhere for people to appreciate and visit :D

    Whoever thought of this idea is really great. Thank you so much for sharing again something wonderful in your part of the world!

  15. Beautiful sky. I think I remember reading something happening in the UK along similar lines. I love this idea of Guerilla gardening - how fabulous to create something beautiful in this way. x

  16. Wow- I love the whole guerilla garden concept!! These photos are so beautiful-- how wonderful that people in your city have such pride for where they live! And that evening sky is just stunning!


  17. Gorgeous shots!
    Guerilla gardens are a wonderful idea! Actually, I'm doing one myself. It is between the street and my vegs garden;o)
    Thanks for sharing;o)

    Have a nice week****

  18. I have never heard of guerilla gardening but what a great idea. I have never really lived in a town with out a garden of my own, so maybe this is why I have never heard of it. Love your photos and the sky is stunning. Have a great week Diane

  19. I've never heard of guerilla gardens before but what a superb idea. Your photos are wonderful and I want to thank you for including Today's Flowers. We very much appreciate this.

  20. This is such a cool post because I think the whole concept of a guerilla garden is so unique and pretty! It can make any city just feel more happy and fresh. :)

    Thanks for sharing


  21. such a lovely idea; planting sunshine ...

  22. Beautiful pictures, the last one is fabulous :)


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