Friday, January 17, 2014

Warm Skies

In taking my walks the last two days I've realized just how warm it is. We haven't had nearly as much rain as we normally do at this time of year. I had heard that in December we got one - fourth our usual rainfall. I think it was a week ago today when we had a downpour and I got quite soaked on a short walk. I had to cut the walk short and take a bus home.

I like the pastel colour in the sky as the day was ending.

Usually too when it isn't raining, it can be very chilly here. But this year is an exception. I'm finding it rather warm.

Pussywillows...we always love to see their arrival.

When I went out yesterday I noticed that the pussy willows are budding. Egads!! It is very early for that. I used to think February blossoms were early.  One of the nation's meteorologists has been saying the last few years that in terms of the weather we should now learn to "expect the unexpected".  I can see he is right.

We've been having a bit of fog the last two days but in some areas the sky is blue and clear.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday
Happy weekend to you!


  1. Pretty skies and I love the view of the city's skyline.. The weather seem to be unpredictable..We are having cold temps and either snow or rain every couple of days. I am ready for Spring..

    Have a happy weekend!

  2. I like the light orange of the sky after sunset,too. The weather in your place is unpredictable, I heard. Now our place is warm but the cold wave will come around here the next week,according to the weather forecast.
    Have a lovely weekend!

  3. The weather sounds great now but I wonder how it will affect the water supply and bug populations later on this year. I guess we'll know in a few month, won't we?

  4. Great shots ~ each unique for SWF ~ thanks for visiting and commenting ~ carol, xxx (A Creative Harbor)

  5. We are having a stormy rainy December in England. Your weather man was right to say the seasons are changing, feels more like Autumn!

  6. The unexpected is becoming the norm. It's all lovely to photograph.

  7. Very lovely pictures today.

  8. Wunderful skies! Love the last foggy shot!

  9. Your pics are lovely Joyful - I love the powdery look in the sky in your last pic, and pussy willows, I haven't seen those for years, thanks so much for sharing and I hope your weekend is a blessed one and your Mum and friends are all doing well - as well as yourself of course! Love, Joy x

  10. The pussy willows are blooming? Agh! Around here, I am just tired of walking on snow and ice!

  11. Always love seeing these post of your neighbourhood. It has been pretty mild here too! xoxo

  12. Lovely pic fotos, love much the three foto, here in Belgium cool winter.

  13. Our weather has been erratic, too in terms of temperature. Either very, very cold or quite tolerable.

  14. The warmest winter on the north since I came here. Poor East Coast...

  15. Hi Joyful! I wish our weather was on the warm side! It's 5 degrees today, and we just got another 2 inches of snow. Egad.
    But I know what you mean about 'unexpected' weather. We have gotten way more snow than usual. Might as well decide I like it, right?
    My favorite photo is the one of the downtown area, wrapped in fog. I could stare at that all day :)
    Have a great Tuesday :)

  16. Hi Joyful, Sure like your photos in this post. I wonder how long your walks are? That must have been a long way out when you had to get the bus home during the downpour. Do you know Green Lake down here near Seattle? I like to walk around the lake ... it is about 3 miles. I think walking is really important ... the exercise we get has a lot to do with how we feel, both mentally and physically. That's just my opinion, I'm not a doctor. :-) Also, you are so right about the weather! It has been wierd down here as well. It has been much dryer. The unfortunate side affect of this is that we have had more fog ... that is my least favorite weather condition. Have a good day up there and thanks for stopping by John's Island. John

  17. And here I was thinking that it would be very cold in your neck of the woods, after reading about the polar vortexes in US. Glorious photos.

  18. I enjoyed your walk, since it is far too cold to walk where I live. Instead it's the indoor bicycle looking out the window into my snow covered garden for me! The first photo is so beautiful.

  19. Hi Joyful, Please excuse my 2nd comment, just wanted to say thanks for your kind comments on my blog. Really enjoyed your comment on San Francisco. John

  20. a lovely collection of photos, blossoms and pussy willows are a sweet surprise so early in the season


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