Friday, February 7, 2014

Birds on a Wire

The birds are enjoying a relatively sunny day.  But it is deceptively cold.  Snow is a possibility in a few days.


  1. lovely! looks like a bird get-together.

  2. Funny...we've been hearing lots of birds outside...even in all the snow and cold...a sure sign that spring is on the way...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  3. We have a lot of sights like this around here. It is neat how all the birds face one way.

  4. Hi Joyful, Isn't bird behavior interesting? I often wonder what makes them all stop and sit together like this. Then, usually, when one takes off, they all go. This is a nice capture. It is quite cold down here just south of you. Below freezing for sure. Yesterday there were pictures of ice floating in the Puyallup River. We don't see that very often! Have a great day. John

  5. The blue sky makes it a happier picture. These overcast days are so dreary.

  6. Looks like a nice resting spot for the birds. Lovely sky shot! Have a happy weekend!

  7. They look like they're expecting, and waiting for, something exciting to happen - surely not a great pile of snow! I do hope you don't get 'snowed in' Joyful! Keep warm and take care, hugs, Joy x

  8. That sunshine does make it look enticing to be outside!

  9. I've noticed, on my firsy winter of extreme cold, thay birds aren't nearly so active as when the weather is warmer or the ground is snow and ice free. A first for me.


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