Thursday, February 27, 2014

Happy Thoughts

After 3.5 days of  non-stop snow early in the week the sun came out to say hello.

There were also some atmospheric low lying clouds left behind.


I like the lightly striated clouds against the pale blue sky.

I also like the cross in the newly renovated church steeple which peeks out above the leaves. At night it lights up the sky.

I wish you all a beautiful weekend with happy times and happy thoughts.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.


  1. Creative photos with the beautiful skies and branches and fences in fore ground ~ Lovely quote ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  2. Pretty scenes of the mountain tops. The steeple and cross is a lovely view! Have a happy weekend!

  3. Lovely photos. So, it stopped snowing somewhere! There is hope.

  4. Sadly there is more snow expected soon. I hope that will be the end of it for this year. Though the snow dusting on the top of the mountains look beautiful, I'm longing for more sunshine and the beloved cherry blossoms :-)

  5. Sun & fresh snow - unbeatable.

  6. The first one is so creatively framed.
    The sky looks pleasant, hope the sun shows up everyday. :)

  7. Oh, I like those mountain peaks!

  8. Hi Joyful, Sure liked those photos! The one of the cross just above the leaf in the tree is pretty amazing. I like the views up there in your part of that beautiful country. Did you happen to notice that there also looks to be a cross up just above the mountain at the center of your first photo? It may be an optical thing in the lens of the camera ... it's very light ... but it is cool. I also like your quote on Happiness. That is so true. I sure appreciated your taking the time to give me a really nice comment on my blog about the old brochure and how well it turned out on your screen. Thank you! I hope you have a fine weekend up there. Take care. I will look forward to your next post on SNAP THAT. John

  9. Correction on my comment above: The light cross above the mountain at center of photo is your 3rd pic ... not the first one. John

  10. What a awe inspiring view, thank you for sharing x

  11. Beautiful views of the snowy mountains!

  12. Such beautiful pics of your wonderful view Joyful, and I would think the lit up church steeple would be such a wonderful sight, and comfort, at night time! Thank you! Hugs, Joy xo

  13. Hi Joyful! Three and a half days of snow? Oh my gosh, that's crazy? How much did you get all together?

    The photos you took look wonderful though. The mountains look so pretty with the snow on them. I didn't see the church cross at first, I was looking at the cross made by the sticks in the right corner. But then I saw it peeking out. I love church spires. I think of all the people who have gazed on them through the years and have been inspired.

    I hope your weather gets better soon. Happy weekend my friend :)

  14. That statement is so true, gorgeous pictures today.

  15. The pictures are beautiful...the one with the church steeple is amazing. We supposed to get 9" of snow tonight and tomorrow--3 1/2 days must have given you more than that. I hope you stay warm!


  16. Looks cold. Would love to see a picture of that steeple lit at night in the snow. Bet its pretty. Stay warm.

  17. Hello and thanks for stopping by. What beautiful pictures of the mountains with that cross and the leaves to frame them. Just gorgeous.

  18. I really appreciate sunny days now,tonight & tomorrow we are gearing up for more snow.
    I just love that the church steeple glows at night,& you snapped a cross in the trees as well! I noticed that right away,phyllis

  19. It is a treat tonsee those mountain peaks peeking through in you skys.


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