Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Trip to Town

Hello friends,

I had to make a trip downtown on Wednesday.  My destination was the Eye Clinic at St. Paul's Hospital in downtown Vancouver.  It was my first time to the clinic and the first time I've been downtown for quite some time.

I managed to snap a few photos of the sky and some reflections which I share in this post.  Unfortunately I was running a bit late for my appointment so I didn't get as many photos as I wanted.

It got a bit windy before I left the house and a bit cloudy. I thought it was going to rain but it turned out to be a rather warm day; nothing too unbearable and certainly a lot better than I was expecting.

We've just come through a long weekend. It is always a long weekend on the last Monday before May 25th in Canada and is called Victoria Day, honouring Queen Victoria's birthday.  It also marks the unofficial beginning of our summer season when camping enthusiasts begin their camping season in the many camps and parks.  In my area (Vancouver/Lower Mainland) it usually rains on this long weekend.  Though rain was predicted and heavy clouds gathered, it actually didn't rain. Quelle surprise (what a surprise), lol.



Kay L. Davies said...

What? No rain? What did anyone have to complain about?
Love your photos.
Hugs, K

Denise said...

Wonderful post.

jabbott said...

The weather people often get the weather wrong. Never mind hey glad you had a pleasant day.You took some seriously good photos again, those tall skyscrapers are just mind blowing x

affectioknit said...

Love the big buildings and sky...

~Have a lovely day!

Ceil said...

Hi Joyful! That first photo is so striking with the reflection of the other building in it. The last one impresses me with the colors of blue. And you were in a hurry? These are great!
This weekend in Memorial Day in America, and the beginning of the summer too. We honor all those who died defending our country. I'm ready for some good weather :)
Have a fun weekend!

Margie said...

Wonderful shots.
Be well and take care.

Joanne Noragon said...

Beautiful! Pictures I would take; we have very similar points of view. I love reflective buildings and what is reflected in them. You had the bonus of a beautiful sky.

carol l mckenna said...

Creative series of shots of the buildings juxtaposed against the sky ~ lovely for SWF ~ xoxo

artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

Jim said...

Beautifully captured in reflection.

orchid0324 said...

Wonderful pictures of the sky with buildings and I learned the word "juxtapose" from Carol p;)
Thank you SO much for your sweet words for me, slowly getting better♡♡♡

Sending you Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

DeniseinVA said...

Great shots! Love those buildings, the reflections are great too..

Arija said...

Great ant hills. Just wish I knew which town it is.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Beautiful buildings and skies!!

Kay said...

Wow! Those are very impressive buildings.

Gattina said...

Beautiful pictures ! They look very high !

Joyful said...

Hi Arija, I mentioned in my post that it is Vancouver but I didn't mention it is in British Columbia rather than Washington State. Thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

Awesome shots.

Anonymous said...

Reflection of one building in other looks very beautiful. Love it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful shots, I specially like the first one with the great reflection.

stardust said...

Fabulous pictures of beautiful high-rises soaring into the sky. I like the first picture with impressive reflection best, too.


Meredith said...

Love the pictures of the buildings. We are heading into our long weekend and I can't wait, no working on Monday is going to be fantastic.

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Always enjoy your sky photos. These with the skyscrapers make me feel right at home ... as you will know, I'm just down here in Seattle. Well, our Spring is getting off to a good start, how about you? Vancouver is one of my favorite cities, and, yes, I do think it is even more beautiful there than the Emerald City. :-) Don't tell my Chamber of Commerce I said that! Thank you for your kind comments on my little blog. I wonder if you have a park near your home like the Dahlia Garden at Volunteer Park? Have a good weekend. John

Rajesh said...

Wonderful set of images. Very cool reflection.

Max-e said...

Nice series of shots. I especially like the first one with the reflections

Cynthia said...

Those are really beautiful buildings, and clouds, too.

'Tsuki said...

Great serie about urban architecture... Your pics are really a perfect illustration of the theme, well done.

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Great building,lovely skiesand wonderful refelctions

Viera said...

really beautiful reflection... nicely done...

Charlene N. K. said...

Great captures! I like the reflections on the buildings and the cloudy sky.

Jackie McGuinness said...

Great photos!
Rain? It hasn't stopped raining here.

TexWisGirl said...

great glass buildings to capture those reflections!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well you may have been in a rush but you still managed to capture some fabulous reflections Joyful.. I hope your eye appointment went well!

Nonnie said...

what a magnificent building you captured in reflection! your city seems to be full of gorgeous skyscrapers! and the clouds, I've never seen such tightly fitted clouds as these.
thank you for your visit to my blog, happy to discover yours!

Terriea Kwong said...

Beautiful skies and reflection of buildings. Now that you're into summer that will be awesome to enjoy outdoor activities. Have good times.

EG CameraGirl said...

Vancouver is such a magnificent city!

Saucy Siciliana said...

Such high buildings, I would be lost there. Here the buildings are about three floors high:) It's been raining here too Joyful, what a strange spring.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Beautiful photos of Vancouver.... We don't get near cities very often ---so I always enjoy seeing the huge buildings and great architecture... Beautiful....

Thanks for coming back to my blog. It's been awhile --but I am always glad to hear from you... Please come back anytime...


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