Sunday, May 4, 2014

It's Raining, It's Pouring ~ Again

After my post here, we had one more nice, sunny day. 

Perfect weather.

Now we are back to rain. 

The weather is about 8 degrees cooler today than it was last Wednesday. The forecast ahead sounds pretty good. It is rain mixed with sunny days and temperatures a few degrees warmer than today.

I planned to work on the garden this weekend but it was just too wet.

I have managed to plant kale and brussels sprouts. My few perennials are also doing well.  There is a lot of work to do even with a small garden and so many containers.  Every year I dread the planting. It isn't easy to get the big bags of soil up into the patio and out into the garden and I have to jump up onto the retaining wall to plant.  I think I would enjoy gardening a lot more if I have a house with street access.

I'm not really complaining because I absolutely love having a real garden even though I live in a condo in the middle of the city.  It is nice to see things growing and to have a few birds drop by to visit.

In other news, I had a pleasant surprise in the mail when a long time friend sent me early birthday wishes. Her daughter, a mutual friend and I, were all born within a few weeks of each other and she likes to remember all of us.

My friend sent me two butterfly plates made locally. The card is cute too.

I don't make a big deal out of my birthday and I don't like others to either.  I'm not sure if this is because birthdays after the age of 16 were not celebrated in my family.  In fact, only certain birthdays were celebrated in a major way; ages 1, 7, 10, 12, 16 were the ones I remember. (Well I don't actually remember my first birthday party, lol. I just heard mom talking about it a lot as it was the first birthday of her firstborn and was special to her).

I am totally opposite to some of my friends who remind me weeks in advance of their upcoming birthday. But when someone does something quietly for me in remembrance of my birthday, it touches me a lot.

While I was out shopping for starter plants on Friday night, I was blessed by this awesome sunset.

I tend to miss out on beautiful sunsets here as they aren't visible from my patio and I'm often home at the sunset hour.


I noticed that many people are still having terrible weather and my wish for you are some perfect days ahead.

Though we are back to rain here I am not too down about it. It only takes a few beautiful days here and there and the promise of more ahead, to keep me happy.

Have a wonderful week ahead wherever you are.


Joanne Noragon said...

It is a fabulous sunset. I see the difficultly with planting; fortunately there is a reward.

Joy said...

You do well to tend your 'upstairs' garden so well, Joyful, all things considered, and I'm happy you get so much enjoyment from watching it bloom and grow! It is lovely when someone makes a special effort to wish you happy birthday, and your friend is obviously very thoughtful and kind - do enjoy it when it comes around! xo Joy

jabbott said...

Think your doing ever so well with coping with the challenges with your garden you seem to have some big plant's. I can only emagine like you mentioned lugging the bags of compost up there must be hard work indeed.Hope the weather cheers up a bit so you can get on with some gardening. Hope you have a lovely day when its your birthday. Like me im a low key birthday girl too, we just who we are xxx

Denise said...

Have a wonderful birthday, so glad you were born. Praying for you, and your mom.

KT said...

I understand about the rain...((sigh))...we were blessed on vacation not to have seen a drop, but here at home has been a bit more wet. Well, I suppose that is good for the garden! I like quiet birthdays too.

Carole M. said...

sounds like your gardening is a real exercise project; as you say it's nice to be able to watch things grow, especially in differing surrounds where it becomes more challenging - lots of rewards

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday in advance. We are not that big on all the celebrations either.
But it is sure nice to be remembered.

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