Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Good Report

 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.
Matthew 10:42 (NIV)

Hello friends,

I hope this post finds you well and in good health. I also hope the weather is agreeable wherever you are. It seems the weather is so unsettling in many places around the world. These days you never know what to expect.

I reported just over a week ago about the abundance of hail we had here in Vancouver. Pictured below is the hail which had accumulated around my newly planted lettuce. Since that day, the lettuce (and other plants) seem to be fine.  However I find the lettuce doesn't grow that fast despite our sunny and very warm weather.  That might just be normal. I haven't grown lettuce for several years and I can't quite remember much about the experience.

The main purpose of today's post is to give you an update about missions work in Kenya.  Many of you have been following the plight of Angel Baby Fidelis pictured in the photo below with her advocate, Joseph Wanjau and the baby's mother.

Joseph has been raising the funds for Angel Baby Fidelis travel to Canada for surgery to remove the growth on her face and brain.  The baby also needs reconstructive surgery.  I am so thrilled to report that through Joseph's efforts and through the support of people near and far, the family is now able to travel to Canada!

Joseph is just waiting for word from the hospital as to when they will be ready to perform the surgery so that travel arrangements can be made.

I ask each of you to continue to pray for this family.  They will be far from home in a foreign land.  They will need to remain in Canada for 4 months for the surgery and recovery process.  I am grateful that they will get to make the trip during Canada's warmer months and not during winter. I only hope they will cope well with the humidity levels in Ontario.

Let us pray they will adapt and that they will have good success in surgery and recovery. Let us also pray for Joseph who is tirelessly working in Kenya to support orphans and to support disabled children and their families through the Hope Foundation for Orphans.

Photo Credit: Joseph Wanjau, Hope Foundation for Orphans ~ L to R, Joseph, Baby Fidelis & her mom

In other news, my good friend Jonah has continued to make his evangelistic outreach and humanitarian visits to the Pokot people of northern Kenya. These people are the Plains Pokot as they live in the dry, infertile plains herding goats, cows, sheep. Often it is too dry to keep the livestock watered and fed properly and the people also go hungry.

It takes a full day of travel to reach these people from home base in Kericho in the Highlands of Kenya. My friend Jonah has a huge heart for the Plains Pokot and has made many missions trips to reach them with the good news of the gospel and with practical food aid.  He does whatever he can and travels with other volunteers from his church about once per month or as funds allow.

You can see the people are very happy to receive their flour.

Some of the local men help to distribute the aid.

Jonah also likes to try and bring treats and fun to the people.

Here you can see them enjoying the succulent watermelon. I can only imagine how good it must taste when you are thirsty in a dry land.

In my last photo you can see the woman having fun blowing bubbles.

Perhaps it is the very first time she has ever experienced the childlike joy of blowing bubbles.

[Photo credits:  All photos of Pokot mission courtesy of Jonah of Missions of Hope, Kenya]

 I can certainly remember how much fun I used to have a child blowing bubbles.

As a grown up I love opportunities to buy bubbles for children just so I can watch them have fun and squeal in delight at such a simple pleasure.

In closing, I want to say that we value your faithful readership and as always we covet your financial and prayer support for the ongoing work to help the Pokot peoples
If you can help donation can be sent

via Pay Pal  

Donations to Hope Foundation can be made at their website.

Thank you.

If you have any problems or need any assistance with making your donation let me know and I will try to help you.

In the coming near future  I will let you know about another great initiative from one of my readers who is very keen to help raise funds for ongoing needs in Kenya.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Taking a Break

Hello dear friends,

I hope this day finds you well and in health.

I am stopping in to let you all know that I will be taking a short blogging break. I've got a number of things that will be occupying my time in the next little while and so I need to organize my time a bit better.

I will still be checking email throughout the days ahead so please do not hesitate to contact me if you like.

Until I see you again the blogosphere, I wish all of you a peaceful and healthy time ahead.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Enjoying May Skies

There have been some lovely skies this month.

Joining in with Skywatch Friday.

Click on the link and you will see more awesome skies from around the globe.

Have a lovely weekend.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day in North America.

I want to take a moment to wish all of you mother's a very happy and special day.

If you are a child or grown child and still have a mother I hope you will make a time to let her know how much you appreciate what she has done for you. Not everyone has that opportunity and not every one has a good mom but many are very blessed to have had a good and loving mother. 

I was fortunate to be blessed with a very loving mother.  One who took her responsibilities of love, care, concern and guidance for her family and other people very seriously. I was never unsure about mother's care and protection and she did her very best for all her children and for the children of others. For these blessings, I am very grateful.

She is now in the twilight years of her life and unable to do much.  Even so she still tries to think of others and show them she cares. Mostly though I now take care of her with the help of my youngest brother.  My nephew (my departed sister's son) also cherishes his grandmother as she helped to raise him.  Even though he is very busy he tries to make time to lift her spirits and give her the motivation to keep on living.

Mother's Day seems to be an appropriate time to let you know about Baby Fidelis and her mother who live in Kenya.

Mothers who live and toil in developing countries have it so hard.  This family is of very humble means and the mother finds it difficult to find work to care for her child but she does the best she can.

In Kenya when you have a disabled child, people become very suspicious of you.
Not only do you have to worry about how to take care of your child with limited means and no government support system but you have to contend with whispers, ridicule and accusations for people still think that you have been cursed or involved in witchcraft somehow and that is why your child is born with a disability.

Parents often hide their children and lock them away out of sight due to the stigma but also sometimes to protect them from others.

Baby Fidelis was born with a defect called large frontal growth (Encephalocele). This is a rare disorder that occurs in about 1 in 5000 births worldwide. If the child has surgery soonest, she has a better chance of recovery and normal development.

As you can see from her photos below this growth is very large and she needs surgery urgently.
She is expected to undergo reconstruction surgery in Canada but first the family advocate in Kenya is trying to raise the funds needed for several of them to travel to Canada and remain and live in Canada while the child undergoes surgery and recovers.

Can you help?

Just think if this was your baby or your grandchild, what would you do to help her?
Her mother is very poor and believe me if she could fly to Canada now on her own means she would gladly do it. 
But she needs our help.

They are SO CLOSE to having the needed funds to undertake the travel.

Baby Fidelis with her mother & family advocate, Joseph Wanjau, Hope Foundation

Time is of the essence and we need to do what we can now, not next week or the week after.
As the growth gets bigger it creates more pressure in the head for this young child.

Thank you for reading and responding.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Baboons in the Park

Baboons are fascinating creatures. 

They are curious too. If you leave your car doors or windows open they will get inside and take things just as the monkeys do.

In fact, baboons are Old World Monkeys.

These photos were taken at Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya. I took many photos but at the moment I can only find a few to share.

I especially enjoy watching the baby baboons. Understandably the baby baboon likes to stick close by mama baboon.  Most often you will see the baby being carried around on the mama's back or belly.

 This particular baby seemed to be having lots of fun by himself on the picnic table with his mama close at hand.

I hope you enjoyed these photos.
I'm linking up with our host Eileen at Saturday's Critters.

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers reading this.
You deserve a big hug. xx

Thursday, May 7, 2015


Now and then I am blessed to catch a sunrise. This is one from a few days ago. 

We continue to have odd weather. It hailed again.This is the 2nd time in a week.

The hail looked like snow. I couldn't believe it but speaking to a cousin of mine just yesterday I learned it was snowing where she lives. It is rather late in the season for that. While we were talking on the phone I saw one reporter from her city (Edmonton) bringing the news of their recent provincial elections. The snow was falling and blowing wildly about him. Brrr.

The hail did a bit of damage to my garden plants.  I didn't realize that until I uploaded these (and other photos) and saw the damaged  leaves.
 I think they will be hardy enough to get beyond it.

I apologize to my readers if you haven't seen me much this week. I'm recovering from a nasty bout of food poisoning. I seem to be on the mend.

How was your week? 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.
Have a look there for more awesome skies from all over the world.

Monday, May 4, 2015

After the Rain

I captured these images after a light rain today.

Linking up with Our World today.

For an update on BABY FIDELIS, please click here.

Thank you for stopping by!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Beautiful Pansies

Linking with i heart macro

For an update on BABY FIDELIS, please click here.

Thank you for stopping by!

No Knead Bread

I've made No Knead Bread only once before but it was the kind that sits overnight in the fridge. It was a different recipe that I seem to have lost and it was a lot stickier than the new recipe I've found. I see the photos that came with the recipe and they show a lot stickier dough than mine though I followed the recipe to the letter (not my usual style, lol).

Anyway, these are photos of the bread. I only let the dough sit for 2 hours, formed them into loaves and let them rise for another 30 minutes before baking. 

Click here for a link to the recipe and all the instructions. I didn't let mine get quite as brown on top for the smoke was starting just as I checked the bread at 30 minute mark. I deemed them done!

The bread is very hot so needs to be cooled off before biting into a slice or two.
They turned out very crusty and that is how I like it!

Have you tried making No Knead Bread before? 
Do you like it?

Saving Angel Baby Fidelis - Goat Eating Party Fundraiser

Joseph Wambau in Kenya has posted the following effort to raise funds for Baby Angel Fidelis Muthoni in Kenya.


Saturday 9th May we shall be having a Goat eating party as we raise funds for Angel Fidelis who was born with Large frontal growth (Encephalocele) with bone defect and is expected to undergo reconstruction surgery in Canada.
Your presence or support will be highly Appreciated

Goat Eating & Fundraising for Fidelis Saturday, May 9 at 11:00 am  Golden Palm Hotel, Kenol


I am far from Kenya as are many of you but I can continue to post of the need and encourage people to donate to the cause.

Joseph Wambau, is the young man in Kenya who is helping Fidelis and her mother raise funds to travel to Canada  for much needed surgery. They need our support because the surgery in Canada is free but they do need to raise travel funds to get from Kenya to Canada and to have living expense money while they are in the country.

Please do what you can to share this need with your contacts and friends.

The more people who know of the baby's situation, the more people who will be reached that might help baby Fidelis.

If you have limited time but want to make a donation, you can do so through Pay Pal.

Here is a link to the Pay Pal button
Please mark any donations as "Purpose - Baby Fidelis" so the funds get to the right child.
The Hope Foundation which is based in Nairobi, tries to help many orphans and disabled children.
Identifying the funds for Fidelis makes sure that it is earmarked for her travel and not to the general needs.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Painted Sky & A Little Girl

Psalms 78:23
Yet He commanded the clouds above And opened the doors of heaven;
- See more at:
Psalms 78:23
Yet He commanded the clouds above And opened the doors of heaven;
- See more at:
 Yet he gave a command to the skies above
    and opened the doors of the heavens;
Psalm 78:23

Psalms 78:23
Yet He commanded the clouds above And opened the doors of heaven;
- See more at:

 The changing sky never ceases to amaze me. 

Despite all the rain that fell and the gray days we had, I was  awestruck by
the beauty to be found in the sky this week. 


On the other side of the world and under the same sky lives a little girl named Fidelis Muthoni.
Carrying her is Joseph Wambau, the young man that is trying to help Fidelis and her mother get to Canada this month for much needed surgery. They need our support because the surgery in Canada is free but they do need to raise travel funds to get from Kenya to Canada and to have living expense money while they are in the country.

I would be grateful if you could spare a few minutes to do what you can to share the information about Baby Fidelis more widely with your own circle of contacts and friends.
You can find all the necessary information at this link
The more people who know of the baby's situation, the more people who will be reached that might help baby Fidelis.

If you have limited time but want to make a donation, you can do so through Pay Pal.

Here is a link to the Pay Pal button
Please mark any donations as "Purpose - Baby Fidelis" so the funds get to the right child.
The Hope Foundation which is based in Nairobi, tries to help many orphans and disabled children.
Identifying the funds for Fidelis makes sure that it is earmarked for her travel and not to the general needs.

Thank you so much for your help!


Linking up with Skywatch Friday.
Check out the link for more awesome skies from around the world.

Baby It's Cold Outside - Skywatch Friday

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, We're at the tail end of our winter snow and very cold temperatures if we can believe the weather for...