Monday, June 30, 2014

Outreach in Kenya

Some of my friends in Kenya went on a short term missions to the dry northern regions of Kenya to a place near Marsabit, Kenya. Along the way you can see it is quite dry. You can see wild ostriches along the highway.

As they got closer to Nanyuki, Kenya, they had a car breakdown and had to overnight there.

You can see some scenes in the general area and how dry it is.

Stopping for a break.

This young missionary couple in the photo are from the Maasai peoples of Maasai Mara and they were being accompanied to their missionary post in Marsabit area, where they will minister to the Rendille tribe of peoples.

Young missionaries from the Maasai Mara in southern Kenya.

A natural, local landmark.

A local man in traditional dress pops into the local store.

My friends were also on an short missions trip to deliver food, medicine, water and the gospel to these precious people.  The missionary family will stay behind and make this area their new homeland.  I've learned that there are a lot of high powered weapons around this area.  My guess is it is because there is a lot of cattle rustling that goes on in these far flung areas where tribes raise cattle. Once you leave Laisimis and carry on north to Marsabit, outsiders often need armed escorts to accompany them for their own protection.

The Rendille people are largely unreached by the gospel and follow their traditional beliefs and god called Ngai.  The people originate from Somalia and have amalgamated with the Samburu people of Kenya. They live in very large villages in the dry regions of the Kasuit desert.

I absolutely love the intricate bead work the women are wearing on their heads and around their necks.

Drought has forced many to leave their traditional ways and move closer to aid depots and towns.
Marriages are arranged by parents, and a heavy bride price of livestock is involved. Rendille marriages are frequently between an older man and young girl.

Pray for these people. If you wish to donate anything to the efforts there, please send via Pay Pal to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com

At this time, please also keep Elvis in your prayers. He is the young medical student studying in Kisii Town. We are anticipating he will have two more months of university and then graduation. We still need to cover his final living costs and graduation expenses. If anyone would like to help him, funds can also be sent to kerichojoy[at]gmail[dot]com. Just specify whether you want funds to go to Elvis or to Rendille efforts.

I spoke to my cousin yesterday. She is visiting me from Edmonton, Alberta; a far distance from Vancouver.  It was good to see her again as it has been a few years and she almost passed into glory in February 2014.  I consider her a walking miracle.

She has expressed an interest in travelling to Kenya.  I am hoping next time I go there she will be with me.  That will be so exciting!  Many friends have said they want to travel with me but no one actually saves for the trip.  When my cousin sets her mind to saving, she can do it so I am very hopeful. It would be a trip of a lifetime for her and I would be privileged to share it with her.

Many thanks for reading and for praying.

Have a wonderful week.

Joining in with Our World Tuesday.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


The month of June is almost over and it has flown by. I have a lot to do before the month is out and it will help me keep track of things and stay accountable to make a list here.  Once these tasks are done I will have finally caught up to a lot of the outstanding tasks I've been working toward completing over the last few months. Then I'll get a chance to enjoy the rest of the summer and visits with friends and family.  At least that is the hope.  I don't plan on taking any long trip this summer but I may be taking a few short trips in the local area and possibly one longer road trip before summer is out.  We have some beautiful scenery in this part of the world and it is good to get out and enjoy it once in awhile.


Balance of June To-Dos
·      Clean bird bath
·      Finish potting container garden
·      Clean patio pavers and patio umbrella
·      Get rid of all patio garbage
·      Finalize paperwork and filing (In progress)
·      Declutter bedroom storage containers/sort sock drawer/empty & store suitcase
·      Deliver “buggy” with donated items to Rose or have her pick them up
·      Confirm & get together with Gladys,  Norma, Pat & Bev (individually)
·      Return library books
·      Correspondence (email/chats) with various friends from afar
·      Pay bills & check bills for monies owing to me
·      Charitable giving for July
·      Prepare list of food needs for entertaining
·      Restart daily cardio (I've missed a few days)
·      Restart blood glucose log (I've missed a few days)
·      Aim to finish 3-4 “works-in-progress” (crafts)
·      Start new projects (2)
·      Prepare mom’s care package items
·      Identify mending needs and purchase any materials needed (In progress)
·      Clean bathrooms & bedroom
·      Identify what can be tossed from storage unit (Get help)
·      Vacuum  
·      Finalize 2 applications (mine) & follow up on 2 (other)

Summer flowers from the neighbourhood (Black eyed Susan)

Wednesday’s To-Dos

I had a good start today on jobs/tasks that need to be done. Of course some of these are daily things like talking to my mom.  The rest of the tasks are mostly on-going things that need doing. I don't have a set schedule for accomplishing them because I just need to go along with my energy level in getting things done.  Sometimes running errands and getting to appointments takes up full days out of the week.
  •  Wash and fold 3 small loads of laundry, put clothes in piles & return some to their places
  •  Sweep kitchen, entryway and master bathrooms floor
  •  Clean kitchen refrigerator
  •  Collect and bag all household garbage
  •  Make grocery shopping list
  •  Wash all produce and put in refrigerator containers
  •  Water all garden containers (a.m. and p.m.)
  •  Dead-head 6 pots of plants and repot two containers
  •  Pay one bill on line
  •  Contact telephone company to discuss overcharges on one phone bill
  •  Talk to mom (x2)
  •  Talk to my cousin
  •  Wrap and prepare 3 of 5 parcels and confirm addresses for mailing
  •  Manage Blog “Reading List” & Visit and comment on blogs
  •  Make a "To Do" list   

I may have missed some things from the list but it is long enough to keep me going and on track.  

What about you "dear reader"?  Do you keep lists of "to dos" on your blog? your phone? a sticky note, your calendar or not at al?

I used to use sticky notes (yellow pads) and often keep a running list of 'to dos' in my electronic calendar. I BF dates and set reminders but I prefer a paper list or a list on line when I have a lot of tasks to do.  Something I can see at a glance.

More neighbourhood flowers

Gone With The Wind ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1.  Have you read the book...