Thursday, February 4, 2016

Beauty in Twinkle at Twilight

I am blessed. 

 This week, I was admiring all the twinkling lights and freshly fallen snow on the mountains. 

So I stopped to take a few photos.   

As I did, many stopped to admire the beauty too and acknowledged me by smiling and saying some wonderful words about the beauty before us.  I was glad to pause and commune with others in gratitude for the beauty that is here.

For when we live in a place of such beauty we should never neglect to give gratitude. 
When we see moments of beauty we should always pause even ever so briefly and drink it in.

Today I say "Happy Birthday" to my beautiful (late) sister who was born on this day.
We miss her still and have the hope that one day we will reunite.
Today I also bid adieu to an auntie who I will not see again on this earth.
Rest well in God's arms until we meet again.
Today I give thanks that the Pokot man and my friend Jonah have both had surgery and come out of it.
Now I pray for their full recovery.
Time on earth is in God's hands alone. 
Let us give thanks for every breath we take.


In beauty I walk 
With beauty before me I walk 
With beauty behind me I walk 
With beauty above me I walk 
With beauty around me I walk 
It has become beauty again 
It has become beauty again 
It has become beauty again 
It has become beauty again 

(From the Navajo Way Prayer and Blessing)


Joining in with Skywatch Friday


ak_ut said...

beautiful pics and words - happy weekend ♥

Indrani said...

lovely words complimenting the beautiful pic.

Anita said...

Lovely post and photoes ♥

Hootin Anni said...

Wow....the lighting is so perfect for your photos!!! I am really admiring the beauty of the city lights at dusk. Great photos.

My brother's [late] birthday is today. I know just what you mean about missing a part of us that only memories can surface.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, beautiful words and a lovely prayer for your sister. The scenic shots and views are beautiful. Lovely post. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Meredith said...

I know you miss your sister, my thoughts are with you.

Anonymous said...

So very pretty and a lovely tribute to your late sister.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful views.

Red said...

You live in a beautiful area and have skillfully chosen some interesting light conditions.

jabbott said...

Yes we have so much to be grateful for x

carol l mckenna said...

Loving tribute to your sister and magnificent twilight shots! ~ gorgeous!

Happy Weekend to you, ^_^

Anonymous said...

thanks for visiting my site, like the most the first and last photo.

Pietro Brosio said...

Great views indeed!

Denise said...

beautiful post

Jeanie said...

These photos are simply lovely and so, too, are your memories and tribute to your sister. I especially remember people on their special day many years after they have left the earth. Such a reminder of what they brought into our lives.

Melbourne Australia Photos said...

Beautiful shots!
You may like to share at the Saturday Silhouettes meme also:

Jan said...

Twinkles and lights! Can't beat them! Snow capped mountains and spires too!

I love that blessing.

Sending love to you Penny as you think about your treasured sister and say farewell to your Aunt.

Thank you for reminding me to make the time to be thankful for all of the beauty around us, there is so much.

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Beautiful Navajo Way Prayer. Thank you for the blessing and may God bless you!

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