Thursday, March 1, 2018

It's Been Quite the Week!

Hello everyone,

Another week has zoomed by and I hardly had time to catch my breath.

We had 3 snowfall warnings over the past week and the temperatures got quite chilly.  I'm not sure but I think it must be some kind of record.

I didn't take a photo today (Thursday) but the snow was all gone and the sun came out. The temperature felt very comfortable. I'm sure the weather should be gradually getting better from now going forward.

I had an appointment with the Sleep Lab. It was really just a follow up concerning an overnight sleep oximetry test I had done earlier. I already knew my oxygen levels appeared normal and the doctor confirmed that. Good news there.  I've been referred to the "other side" of the clinic where they will try to help me with my ongoing sleep issues (unfreshing sleep). I don't hold my breathe over real answers from them but it will give me some peace of mind to follow through with it. I've already put it off for years. I guess I'm concerned that the solution will be to recommend medicines and really I don't want to go that route. In the meantime, I continue doing everything I can to achieve better sleep, that is restorative sleep.

The view outside the UBC Hospital where I went to see the Sleep Specialist.

I've also done some shopping at a far place about an hour from my home. I often purchase on line but since I have problems finding pants to fit properly I thought I'd go out and try things on. I came away with some purchases but when I got home I realized they gave me one wrong item (right colour, wrong size).  Now I have to return to get the right size. I also have several other purchases I made a few weeks ago that need to be returned to a different store.

Just over a week ago I lost or misplaced my mailbox key and I don't have a duplicate so I had to call a locksmith.  The mailbox key was attached to the storage lock key so the lock had to be cut off and a new lock purchased.  Altogether these two tasks cost a fair bit.  At least this time I will have spare keys so there will be an extra set put aside.  There are still some minor bathroom things that need to be done; changing out the toilet seat cover in one bathroom and upgrading the shower head in another bathroom. Like my cushion projects it feels good to finally get some of these outstanding tasks done or nearly done.

Another long awaited event finally happened this week. The telephone company had indicated it is upgrading the fiber optics which deliver internet to my home. Right now the telecommunications company is gathering consents from homeowners in the building. I have spoken to their project contact on the phone and he also came to my door to get a signature. Once 80% agreement has been reached, the builders will come out to do what is necessary to bring the faster speeds to my home. I understand in another month I can possibly have access to the fast speeds. I can't wait to get this done as I have already waited years for this service to be available.  In the meantime my internet speed has become one of the slowest speeds available in the area.

At long last one of my cousins arrives tomorrow for a brief visit and I've been busily cleaning, tidying, getting small jobs done and thinking about our menu. I haven't really decided on a menu and she is no help as she said she will eat anything.  So I purchased different things to have several options on hand and will decide what to do when she arrives. In fact we may go out to eat since it is her 60th birthday we are celebrating.

My eldest nephew had his birthday yesterday so I called to wish him a very happy birthday.  I'm giving him money as a birthday gift and he was very happy about that. That way he can do what he wishes with it and have something he enjoys.  I think I mentioned once long ago that my nephew is a cowboy.  He is constantly developing his skills and amongst other things, he and his wife train horses.  His wife is also a gifted photographer whose specialty is photographing horses and their owners. People love her work. The video below is already a few years old but you can see him at work with one of the horses. There is no sound, only video.

Early in the week I met up with a younger nephew at his work place at the university. I presented him with one of my handmade afghans for his (latest) graduation gift. He graduated in November and I attended the ceremony but hadn't yet given him a gift.

He loves hand made afghans and I gave him the blue one in the photo above.  It will coordinate well with a fabric quilt I made him years before.

My nephew (in the photo below) has a BA and an MA in Psychology and is now working on his Ph.D.  He is researching and examining how neurosteroids, such as testosterone, regulate different aspects of executive function, particularly behavioral flexibility.

I snapped this photo of him in the lab when I visited a few weeks ago. 
I am very proud of him because  he has won numerous awards and scholarships and currently holds a 4 Year Doctoral Fellowship from my alma mater, UBC. 
When he finishes he will either continue on the research track or transition to medicine.

It's also been very busy on the missions front but I will end here. 
Perhaps Kenyan missions will inform the next post.

Have a wonderful week everyone. 

I'm linking up with



Lady Fi said...

Lovely sprinkling of snow - and I like those colourful blankets.

Mamaw's Place said...

Lovely pictures. Those afghans are gorgeous.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like you've been quite busy with your shopping, projects, and visitors. Love the afghans. So perfect!! Enjoy your visit with your cousin...and do fun stuff. Cook only if necessary! That's my motto! LOL.

Dianna said...

You certainly did have a busy week, Penny! I loved seeing the snow pictures! I know you are looking forward to having your cousin visit with you. I know you will have a lovely time together. Everytime I see a picture of your handwork I just drink it in! I've been working on a baby afghan and have preferred that size because it finishes up more quickly, BUT when I see pictures of your handwork it makes me want to go out there and buy yarn to start one for the back of our sofa. You are proud of your nephews...they both have amazing things to do in life. My husband works in a psychology lab and they do such interesting studies. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead of you!

Red said...

It's surprising what they know about sleep issues. I went though the sleep lab here. My oxygen levels are just above the minimums. I've never heard of your condition. I can imagine how you feel.

Jeanie said...

Lots of good news here. I'll bet your nephew was thrilled with his afghan. (The blue was my favorite, too!) Good news with the internet -- what a nice plus that will be! And very good news that your sleep issues aren't medically serious, like apnea. I hope they can find some good solutions for you. Have fun with your cousin -- I wish mine would come visit!

Joanne Noragon said...

Two very talented nephews. I cannot imagine their careers. You are up to your elbows in life, too. Have a lovely visit.

Annie said...

Wow, he trained that horse well! Loved seeing that :). You have to be so proud of your nephews! They are amazing guys.
Loved seeing your afghans. So pretty.
Hope the sleep test goes well. It's scary to not get rest when you need it.

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

You have a lot going on. I hope you get your sleep issues taken care of without medicine. I used to have a devil of a time falling asleep but that has changed and I sleep well but I have no idea why. I love your sky shots. I can tell that Spring is coming.
I love that Afghan you purchased.

Breathing In Grace said...

So much going on in your life right now. I'm hoping no more snow for us here in Tennessee. Those afghans are beautiful. I sure hope they're able to help you somehow with your sleep issues. Rest is so important. Hope you have a great weekend.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Wow, a busy week! I like your sky shots with the bare trees. Very pretty!

Al said...

Snow is pretty but that weather seems awful!

Angie said...

You have been busy ... thank you for taking the time to tell us about it ... I hope your sleep issues get resolved - we know sleep is so basic to the functioning of the human body! Your family is amazing - isn't it interesting how people choose such different paths? Have a restful weekend!

Pam said...

Oh my gosh....SNOW still, here in TN we have spring. High today is 58 and so much in bloom.. Yep, tis the season to be sneezing! Hoping you are well.

Rhodesia said...

Penny I feel sorry for you with a sleep problem. My mother always had a problem and it one of the things I inherited!!!Nothing worse than being tired and not able to sleep. Lucky you with faster WiFi speeds looming in the future we are only at 0.5 and it is soooooo frustrating. Take care, Diane

Elisabeth said...

Thank you for sharing all your busy week full of photos. Your nephews are so very talented, you must be so proud. Also, I hope they were able to help you with the sleep fun for sure, I do get them every now-and-then when I have a lot on my mind. Tossing and turning for what seems like all night and can't even remember if I even fell asleep at all! Your afghans are so beautiful, such a thrill to receive one as a gift! I enjoy reading your stories and you sure have an interesting and busy life!

shayndel said...

It does look like quite a week! And quite a video too with your nephew! Amazing and beautiful to see his training with the horse, its not something to see very often!! Hope you are having/had a wonderful time with your cousin!! Sharing this prayer for sleep in Shalom (peace) that it may be of comfort to you and help you with your sleep!
In peace I will lay down and sleep,
for you alone LORD make me dwell in safety. Psalm 4:9

Angie's Recipes said...

Your handmade afghans look beautiful! The whole last week was freezing cold, very unusual since it's already spring. Good that sun comes out today and next week will be so much warmer.

Jan said...

What a busy week. Lovely to hear all your news. It has been very cold here too in the Uk and we are not used to all this snow so most of the country has been struggling in one way or another. Here is has not been too snowy however.

Nancy Chan said...

You make beautiful afghans and they make great gifts! We don't mind having some snow here but it is not possible!

NatureFootstep said...

seems your weather is pretty much lik ours. Unpredictible!

Anonymous said...

Well, our "nor'easter" last week gave us tons of WIND & RAIN. However, this week's "nor'easter" is supposed to give us 8' of SNOW! YEAH!!!! Congrats to your should be proud of his accomplishments!! It is so rewarding to see young ambitious people!!...:)JP

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I will be happy when all these snow storms are over. I am looking forward to spring. Your afghans are beautiful, I like the blue color. What a neat video of your nephew training the horse. It is a beautiful horse. I hope all goes well with your sleep study. I can see why your would be very proud of your nephews. Thanks for linking up your post. I hope you have a happy week ahead.

jabbott said...

Hi Penny glad all was well at the sleep clinic. I'm glad they think they can help with your sleep issues,as lack of sleep is horrid for you.

Glad you are keeping busy and all your family are keeping well. Your handsome nephew is a credit to your family with his achievements. Hope my mail gets to you soon xxx

jabbott said...

Hi Penny, glad you got good news from the sleep clinic, and that they will be able to help you get some sleep.
You have been busy and all those family birthdays,you have managed to make some stunning blankets.
Your handsome nephew is a credit to your family with his achievements x

2 gators said...

penny, love the afghans beautiful (my mom used to crochet but now due to severe arthritis she can no longer do it) I cherish her last afghan she made for me. your nephews all have very neat jobs. congrats to the nephew who is doing the research on his awards.

diane b said...

The week looked cold and wet. You must be very proud of your nephew

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

You lead such a busy and productive life (and obviously your nephew takes after his Auntie)..... it is amazing that you do as well as you do in spite of your sleep issues. You must have great willpower -- once in a while I don't sleep well for a few days in a row and after that I am no good to myself or anybody else. Every time I decide I should get some help, see a doctor etc., the next night I start sleeping well.

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