Monday, February 7, 2022

The Weekend

I don't know where the weekend went. I thought I would have a lot of time to do things because I precooked meals on Thursday for the weekend and did a lot of housework as well. There are some household  jobs I dislike and I tackled 3 of them this weekend. I guess I must be in spring cleaning mode.

The range hood, filter and back of the stove were cleaned. I see I missed a few spots.

The vacuum canister was emptied and washed.

Sunday I also tackled cleaning part of the refrigerator. I dealt with spoiled items in one refrigerator crisper and rearranged things. I need to do another session perhaps later this week to bring everything up to par. The refrigerator is one thing I really don't look after too well. It's because I tend to overbuy and then don't make time to clean things out before hand. I also like a bargain so when I go grocery shopping I over buy. I'm trying to stop these bad habits by doing more meal planning and am having limited success. Eventually I may hit on the right balance.

Friday I stayed up far too late.  I was pleased with myself for getting so much done and decided to take advantage of that by staying up to watch television and read. To be honest, I didn't really enjoy myself because I was too tired.  My fatigue bled into Saturday and I did nothing except read a book. Thankfully today was back to a more or less normal.  I was able to do my daily Bible reading, lots of dishes, cleaned out a good part of the refrigerator, did a load of laundry and made some chicken-rice stew for Monday's meals. I also finished reading one of the books on my stack.  Soon the library will be letting me know that another 2 books are ready and after that I'll probably slow down in the reading department.  The days are getting lighter and brighter as long as it isn't raining.  I'm hoping to tackle some long awaited projects when the weather warms up and the light in the day starts earlier. I'm like a turtle when it comes to household or crafting projects but I enjoy the process.

One of the things I did on Friday was wait for my meat delivery. The ranch that delivered the meat is located almost 3 hours north of me and they delivered right to my front door. It's my first delivery from them and I was only able to get ground beef because that was all they had left besides ground pork.  I am pleased with the process so I'll see whether I'm able to order different cuts next time. It will really depend on cost, timing and room in the freezer. My freezer space is limited and it would need to be emptied to get one of their 'packages'. That makes it very tricky right now so we shall see how it goes.

For the first package of ground beef I made some roasted veggies, ground beef patties and salad. It's also the first time I've used rainbow carrots. Altogether it was a satisfying meal and the beef patty was filling so I only had one. The other one was saved for the next day lunch/snack.

I do have a sweet tooth so I made these blueberry muffins with a mix of unbleached flour and spelt flour. They are dark from spelt four but also because I accidentally dumped a lot of cinnamon in the batter. No worries though. The cinnamon spice is well past it's prime and the taste is quite weak. The muffins were just right.

If you have done the FlyLady system before and want to try it again I thought I'd provide a summary chart for you.  This might save you having to go look for it. Click on it to enlarge.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I believe it's from Cuba. A long distant relative gifted it to me.

  2. I've never heard of rainbow carrots! Do they taste any different? You have been quite busy, I'd say! Your hamburgers look great too! I made some last week also with onions and bread crumbs, a little egg mixed in, and then our son cooked them on the grill. They were SO good, I was glad I cooked enough for two meals! Ground beef or any beef is so high in price right now that we are not using as much as usual. We are having to eat more pork and chicken. My husband loves beef bologna, but we can't even get it at the store right now. They've been out of it for several weeks, and even so, it costs as much per pound as a steak, so I'd say eat steak! LOL. I hope you have a great week and take care and don't overdo it.

    1. Hi Pamela, I didn't notice much difference in taste with the carrots except they didn't seem quite as sweet. I had read they are sweeter than regular carrots but I didn't find that to be the case. We make our hamburger patties almost the same though I mostly use soda crackers instead of bread as the binding along with the egg and I might add the garlic or other seasoning before I mix it all together. All meat, fowl and fish has been expensive here for long. The better deals have been on pork for a few years now. I haven't been able to find bologna like we used to get when I was a child. You know the kind in a loaf roll. If I find it it is a small roll and very expensive. Sometimes I buy the thinly sliced ones for sandwiches. That is still available. Thanks for stopping by and have a great week.

  3. Sounds like you got a lot done. I refuse to start cleaning properly until the wood fire is no longer in use, it seems to create a volcanic like dust appearance everywhere!! I have grown multi coloured carrots, but I see they are also in the shops here now. Take it easy and do not overdo it. Cheers Diane

    1. Thankfully I did get a lot done. As you know if you miss one day or working it piles up rather quickly. I know what you mean about the volcanic like dust. I lived several years in a place where I had a wood burning fire place. Take it easy too Diane.

  4. It sounds like you've been very productive even with some rest time in between. Your meal and muffins both look great! I went back over to the Flylady site for a review after first finding your blog. Many of the routines have stuck with me all these years, especially the daily routines. I may try to follow the zones again and see how I do with that. Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Martha. I started out slowly but rebounded do all turned out well. Best of luck with the zones.

  5. You are such a good cook. Healthy food!

    1. Thanks Joanne, I try real hard to make healthy meals though I don't seem to be able to get into making low carb meals. Little by little.

  6. I'm impressed by your cleaning! Those are not things I like to do either.
    Your meal looks good and I like those carrots.

    1. Thank you Mari. I'm glad I'm not alone in my dislike of the household tasks I mentioned. If I liked them better they would get cleaned earlier and be easier to clean! Have a great week.

  7. You're a great cook. You make some delicious stuff.

  8. What wonderful food! That looks divine! And I admire your diligence in doing so many tasks. I think this week I will clean the fridge -- not just rearrange but take the drawers and shelves out and give them a good washing. I skipped my 30-minutes-a-day in my office yesterday, catching up from the weekend at the kids, so back to that, too. I have to force myself!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I find it hard to be diligent about housework I do not enjoy but sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and do it. Happy cleaning.


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