Monday, February 21, 2022

Tuesday 4: Pondering Odds & Ends

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 kept up in her memory.
There are 4 questions to ponder and consider each week.  Here are this week's questions and my answers.
1. Do you have a favorite gem stone? Why is it a favorite.
I have two favourite gemstones. My first love is the deep, blue sapphire. I have always liked jewel coloured stones and blue is my favourite among them.
In later years, I also developed a great fondness for turquoise stones set in silver because I love the Native American jewellery of the South West. This stone is not as readily available in Canada and it doesn't really suit my style of dressing so I admire it from far.
2. Do you know and  understand the doctrines of your religious faith?  If you are not religious, do you have a personal doctrine you believe and live?  

I grew up in the Pentecostal faith and am pretty well acquainted with the doctrines. Actually my childhood church identified as non-denominational but it belonged to the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.  The fundamental belief is that one must be saved to get to Heaven and that salvation is not through any good works but by belief in Jesus Christ, Son of God,  who died on the cross for the sins of mankind. Other things follow but this is the essential belief. As a side note, the things I experienced as a young Christian are seldom experienced in the church today; such as speaking in tongues and the interpretation immediately following, for the edification of the corporate church body. It can also be a bit tricky for me personally to distinguish between the different arms of Pentecostals because they do not all believe exactly the same things.  But I do believe they all have the same belief about salvation and Jesus' death and resurrection.
If this question is too personal, tell us about your pet or favorite pastime.
I'll use this as a bonus question. I don't have a  favourite pet. I like all kinds of animals including exotic ones. However I don't think people should have exotic animals as pets. For pets I love both dogs and cats. I grew up primarily with large dogs that acted not only as pets but also as guard dogs.  They were usually German Shepard dogs and they were always very playful with us and I loved them a lot.  We only had one dog at a time and it would have its own house to sleep in outside.  When we kids were not in school we spent a lot of time playing chase with the dog outside. I'm not able to own a dog in the city so I've grown to love cats which are often accepted, but not always,  in apartments and condos.  I've come to learn that cats are unique and special too and they have the added advantage of not needing to be taken for a walk.

My favourite cat breed is Turkish Angora

3. Do you have a favorite decor style... as in classical, traditional, modern, mid century, colonial, etc?  What do you like about it?
Tuscan Living Room

My favourite decor style is traditional English, French or Tuscan country. I like the rusticity and comfort as well as the colours.  Nothing is too precious and has a "lived in" look.  I'm not good at consistency in decorating.  My taste for furnishings and decor pieces is very eclectic and it can also be hard and expensive to find the item you want when you want.  It's easier to stick to a bohemian or ethnic/tribal style because I've collected a lot of pieces that fit this style and I'm comfortable with it.  The main idea I like in a home is comfort.  Two words people have used to describe my home when they visit are "comfort" and "peace". That makes me happy because it's what I aim for and my style is definitely  not fancy.

Elements and colour of bohemian tribal. I use more red/orange and less black.
4. Are  there any books or movies you want to see this summer?
I don't have any burning desire to read particular books or see particular movies. I have a long list of books I would like to read and I just pick one or two up at the library when I'm ready for a new one. As for movies, I've completely lost track of what movies are being released. The only big screen movie I've seen since the pandemic began is the 007 movie, "No Time to Die" with  Daniel Craig. It is his last James Bond movie and I'm in anticipation to see who will play the next 007. In case you haven't seen the movie yet and you love James Bond, I highly recommend this movie. You might be able to catch it on television or borrow the DVD from your local library.


Thank you for stopping by and spending some of your day with me. I appreciate it.


  1. Ah! You are ahead of the game here today! Good for you! Now you have spurred my interest in playing along tomorrow. I enjoyed your answers. I never thought much about the style of furnishings I like best because I have the family museum to caretake. LOL. I guess I'll write more about that later. Tuscan style sounds interesting to me, but I am probably more a cross between country and a type of Victorian style. was mostly inherited. When it comes to religion...I personally believe that faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord is the only prerequisite to salvation...everything else comes after salvation, as "gifts" are given by the Holy Spirit to believers in Christ for the edification of the Body of Christ and also to lead others to Him for salvation...and there are many diverse gifts just as we have many diverse "members" in our body...each one serves an important part in the whole body. On another subject, I haven't seen any of the James Bond recent movies. I liked Sean Connery best, and then Roger Moore next, and after that I don't think I saw any more of the movies. Are they still really good? Maybe we will try to watch some on TV when we can find them. Oh, Sapphire is my birthstone and my favorite gemstone too. I also like turquoise, but don't have any to speak of, but would love to wear it if I had it! I'm just not really into much jewelry. I have a few special pieces that I wear, and then boxes full of costume jewelry that has accumulated over the years and needs to find a new home. I really need to do some serious purging. Thank you for this post. It stimulated some good thinking!!

  2. What fun answers, Penny! I really enjoyed this post!

  3. Very interesting post Penny. I love sapphires too. I also belong to a non-denominational church, but without the Pentecostal background. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi Penny,
    ...what a fun little q & a...
    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. I like turquoise too. I like that picture of the Tuscan room. I agree, comfort above all things!

  6. I like looking at turquoise jewelry, but not really wearing it, as well. I have a few pieces I purchased on mission trips to the Navajo reservation but the only one I wear regularly is a large heart shaped ring pieced with turquoise and other colored stones. I got very lucky and snagged it at a pawn shop in Gallup, NM for $10. It is interesting to hear you mention the speaking of tongues having to be followed by interpretation in order to edify the entire body. That's what the Word says, but man, I've experienced quite a few cases here in Pennsylvania where everyone was speaking in tongues and it just created utter chaos. No interpretations of course. I don't remember it, but I quess there was a major charismatic movement here in the 80's that produced a lot of what a friend of mine calls "crazy charismatics" and admits she was one at the time. I tell her she's still crazy! lol Anyway, with the way this world is headed it just thrills me when I hear of a church that truly does things biblically. Boy, this is turning out to be a long comment so I'll just say that that is one beautiful cat (I have a Maine Coon) and I love the Tuscan room! I need to add Tuscan to the list of decorating styles I like. Have a blessed and wonderful week!

  7. Turquoise is my birth stone and the gem is topaz. I have wanted a squash blossom necklace for as long as I can remember. I want to see no time to die also! Thanks so much for joining in my friend.

  8. Wonderful answers! I love turquoise also. When I worked in the county courthouse in my hometown as a young lady, the County Assessor made this jewelry in his spare time. Oh how I wish I could have purchased some of his pieces. Blue gemstones are a favorite of mine too. Have beautiful and blessed week. Thanks for sharing.

  9. We just saw the 007 film. Our son-in-law Zach shared it with us. It was suspenseful and excellent. I love those movies. :-) I love the blue gemstones. I am blue topaz in December. Thank you for sharing your story here. Have a blessed week.

  10. I loved this post but I need a spare 30 minutes to reply properly which I never seem to have.
    Keep safe Diane

  11. Yes....I'm eclectic in my style too. I want my home to just be welcoming and comfy/cozy. If I love something then I don't care what style it is. I love turquoise too.


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Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...