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Welcome to Toni's Tuesday 4 and another chance to learn more about yourself and your fellow bloggers.
1. Were you an adventurous child at all?
I don't think I would describe myself as a very adventurous child. My mother was overly protective with me as the eldest and a girl. I was always told about the dangers out there and my time to do the normal things was strictly limited and observed. I developed a fear of doing a lot of things that other children did more naturally such as swimming, riding a bike and skating. I did do all of these things eventually but none too well and to this day I really don't do any of them. All of my siblings took to these activities very naturally. I suppose too they were given a lot more freedom given that by then mom and dad had more experience as parents. However they were still given strict instructions about when to be home and so on. I'm glad for these kind of rules when I was young but wish I didn't become so fearful. It's something I've tried to work on in later life with some success.
2. What were some of your favorite places to go when you were a child? Amusement parks, movies, restaurants, zoo. etc?
I enjoy all of these things as a child. My small town didn't have a zoo but each year the circus would come to town and practically everybody would attend. I enjoyed it a lot and was always nervous when the lion trainers would work with tigers and lions. This was in the days before such things as animal rights. I'm not even sure if there is such a thing as a travelling circus anymore in small town Canada. We didn't have amusement parks though once a year in late summer just before school started again, we would have the Fall Fair and Rodeo. The fair always included the carnival and was something we loved to visit into the late nights. We did have one movie theatre and dear mom would make sure that I went to matinees either with her or with my siblings and of course we'd have popcorn and pop for a treat. Restaurants were very few but we did get out to the Woolworth's Cafe once a month when mom went shopping or when it was back to school shopping. We also had a chinese restaurant where we had a treat now and then but not that often.
3. What games did you play outdoors? indoors?
We played every game that was known in our parts both indoors at outdoors. Indoors at school we played things like dodgeball, volleyball, basketball, indoor hockey and probably more. Outdoors we played a lot of soccer, road hockey, baseball, cricket, track and field, hide and seek, roll over & tetherball. I feel like I'm missing something from the list of games and sports. For quiet games indoors we played all kinds of things like card games (Crazy 8, solitaire, some played poker and some played cribbage) and board games (snakes and ladders, Chinese Checkers, Yahtzee and so on). In summer it would stay bright outside. Even at midnight it would be like dusk so we kids did a lot of playing outdoors in those times. We even played outdoors in winter because the sun would shine brightly and though it did get cold it wasn't cold each and every day. We'd make snowmen and have snowball fights.
4. Where did you grow up and do you think it affected who you are today?
Hello friends and fellow bloggers,
I hope you are enjoying your Saturday so far.
Today it got warm enough to wear sleeveless tops, sandals and shorts if you so desired. I don't wear shorts anymore and I usually wear a very light long sleeved top over a sleeveless one. But I saw plenty of people dressed for very hot weather today.
I've been trying to get out for a walk and errands as often as I can but it was actually very cold and rainy for about a week. As a result I developed a bit of a head cold but I didn't remain in bed. In fact, I probably needed more sleep and rest than I did get but I'm working on it.
These photos were taken when the weather was still cold and rainy earlier in the week.
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Does anyone know what flower this is? |
Hello friends and fellow bloggers,
I hope you're well.
Over the past week, I've found it quite cold on several days but we are creeping toward warmer temperatures in general.
That usually means looking for cold treats to have while out and about.
I happen to love ice cream and so the local Dairy Queen (DQ) is one of my favourite places in the neighbourhood on a particularly warm or hot day.
I love sweets. I always have. When I was much younger I used to bake a lot of sweets because back in those days we didn't eat a lot of them. Though mother did bake most of our breads and the occasional cakes, pies, pudding or cinnamon buns it wasn't like we had dessert every day. I think these were considered an occasional treat or something for special occasions and holidays.
I wanted it more often so I began experimenting making my own brownies, a variety of cookies, pies and other things I no longer remember. I even tried making ice cream from a little cook book for kids that I'd sent away for from the Carnation Milk company. Perhaps some of you remember the cookbook.
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Paperback selling on Amazon for $35. |
If you wrote to the evaporated milk company you got a free copy. I see it is selling on line for a lot more than 'free'. Even if I found my cookbook it would fetch nothing because somehow I burned the front pages quite badly though I don't remember how it happened. I still used the recipes that were not scorched, lol.
After a couple of years learning and experimenting I stopped baking altogether. I was worried I might gain too much weight. I was always on the larger side even though I didn't eat that much. In fact, mother always used to worry about me because I never ate breakfast, hardly touched lunch and ate sparingly at dinner time. I just didn't have such a big appetite and most time I still don't. But if you give me a pastry, I'll probably try and eat it. So I stopped making baked goodies for that reason. I never really started baking again until retirement because then I more time to figure out how to bake breads and other things.
Some of you know that I've had T2D now for some years. As you age, the most diabetes generally get worse. I've really learned to eat differently and have tried all kinds of different ways of eating. I think the best approach is intermittent fasting but I still find it difficult. Even if you do all the right things I find you get fatigued from always having to be vigilant.
I also know that I still have a love of baked goods. Some of them are sweet and of course a lot of them have a high carbohydrate content. So I'm finally going to try and learn how to bake goods using alternatives to white flour and other grains. I will go slowly so as not to stress myself. I been wanting to do this for a long while and I've picked up some good library books to get started. If I find one I like very much I may buy it but there is so much online for free too.
Here are some books I picked up. Most of them look very good. Not all of them are baking books. The big one called Simple Healthy is a regular cookbook. I bought a few ingredients to try out some regular meals before embarking on baking adventures.
I gravitate toward simple recipes. Ones that don't needs a lot of fuss or a high number of ingredients. The Simple Healthy Cookbook seems to fit the bill. I like the look of the bakery books too but not yet sure how complicated things are.
Let me know if you have any experience with baking sugar free and gluten free and whether you have any cookbooks or websites to recommend. Many thanks!
Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where we answer 4 questions each week and try to have some fun with them. 1. Have you read the book...