Showing posts with label library. Show all posts
Showing posts with label library. Show all posts

Monday, May 27, 2024

Library Tour

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

The weather was inclement but I decided to go for a walk to the library.  Before I did that I met up with a friend for coffee.  She's going in soon for knee surgery and I'm not sure if she'll be up to visitors or going out for awhile after that. I was planning on visiting her at the hospital but that depends on whether she is up to a visitor during her expected short hospital stay.

After we had a coffee visit, I made a trip to the bank, met up with my nephew for a few minutes and then took a walk to the local library. It was raining and cold but my jacket has a hood so I was fine and it wasn't raining heavily. 

I thought it would be nice to share some photos of the library's interior.  I visit the library often but I've never showed the inside.  It's a small branch but much larger than the one it replaced.  There are lots of nooks and crannies to read or work on a computer and a good selection of books and movies to borrow.

Interior entrance

Reception area

Featured books and fast read books

Non-fiction holdings

Newspaper and reading area.  There is a fireplace in the corner which is turned on during winter months. 

Movie collection

Magazine collection

Fictional collection, youth and children's books beyond

Fiction holdings

This area is reserved for teens and children

Another shot of the teen/children area

The sign says teens but everyone sits at the tables

I hope you enjoyed the tour of our little library. It's usually quite busy there but on Friday night it wasn't quite so busy. I noticed that the patrons that evening were all men. I think there was only one woman besides myself and no children. I was only there to return a book and pick up another.

The below photo shows the book I picked up. It's written by a doctor who wrote about many patients of his who over the years, told him of their near death experiences (NDEs).

Monday, May 20, 2024

Tuesday 4 ~ Books

Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4.

Books are such a big part of many people's lives. Maybe we should talk about that.

1. Do you have some books in your home? If so what subjects are they? Which is
your favorite?

Oh my, do I have books! Yes, I do. My husband says I have books all over the place and on every corner and surface. Even though I got rid of at least 100 books just before the Covid pandemic and very seldom buy a new one, I still have too many books to accommodate well in our living space. 

Subjects are wide ranging. I have all kinds of novels from classic to contemporary, novels from authors around the world, art books, history books, science and self help books, Christian story books, Christian bibles and study books.  I also have a lot of self help books, cooking books, DIY books, children's books, craft books and so much more.  Based on the statistics produced when I log my reading material, I found out that my favourite genre is historical fiction.

2. Do you enjoy browsing around in bookstores ? Do you have a favorite you like to go to?

I really love browsing in bookstores. I used to make an afternoon on weekend specifically to go to a favourite bookstore and browse the aisles. My favourite book stores always had seats and tables to sit at and examine a book more closely before buying.  In those days there were many great bookstores large and small. These days they are fewer in number and they no longer have comfy seats and tables.  I realize in answering this question, that I haven't
actually browsed in a bookstore for many years. Mainly it's because I stopped buying new books and magazines many years ago already because I always got carried away with too many purchases.  

If I do purchase a 'new to me' book, it's usually something I've purchased on line or in  used book or thrift store. That way I don't feel any regrets when I finish reading them and want to gift them to charity.  It also means I don't contribute to my already plentiful book library.

3. Do you think real books are clutter or do you just love having them around you?

I love having books around and it's hard to discipline myself from buying them. Since most of my book purchases these days are gently used, I sometimes go on a bit of buying binge.  I even stop at the mini book libraries in the neighbourhood when I'm out for walks. Not too often though because with the sheer number of books I already have, and the number of books I borrow, I no longer feel such a great need to have them around me. I do feel that what I currently own is largely clutter and I'd like to whittle down the number of books I own.  I've given away a lot of books and I need to get better organized so I can add some to the mini libraries in the neighbourhood. Does your neighbourhood have a little library box where you can drop off books or take books for free?

4. What is the oldest book you've read and what is the newest book you've read or are reading.

I guess the oldest book I've read is the Bible and also Shakespearean works. Believe or not my English 12 teacher introduced our class to Chaucer and other writers of old. He even covered the history of the Bible. He was a wonderful English man and I felt like I was in a university class. The newest book I've read was published in February 2024. It was a very poignant story which I reviewed here.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Gratitude December - Day 5 & Tuesday 4

Today is Day 5 of my posts about gratitude and those things for which I'm grateful. Saturday was a beautiful day and more sunny than what I managed to capture in these photos.


Overnight there was snow and you can see some on the north shore mountains just under the clouds in the photos below.  There was an awful lot of traffic.

I was on my way to pick up some books on hold at the library. I picked up  the 3 books at the top of the pile. The other 2 books I already had in my reading pile. I also have another 3 digital books. This is the most books I think I've had on loan at one time. I try to space them out and change hold dates if I need to so I can finish reading what I already have.  However these books all came suddenly. I think it means that people are not busy reading as much right now for them to all be available so quickly. I didn't have time to change the dates.

Anyhoo, books are on my gratitude list today. I love books! There are many places in the world where books are not readily available and yet here I can pick up all the books I could ever hope to want to read. How blessed I am!

Fortuitously there is a books and movies theme out for Tuesday 4 so I've decided to participate in that.

Tuesday 4 is published each week in memory of our dear friend Toni Taddeo, it's author.

1. Is there a hero or character on TV, in a book or a movie .. or even on all three, that you are especially like? What do you find attractive about them?

I love heroes. I like strong characters whether they be male or female although I'm likely more drawn to male heroes simply because we hear or see much more of them.  I've totally enjoyed the movie hero, James Bond as played by Daniel Craig. I looked forward to each and every movie release and I'm sad to see his role come to an end. As the old saying goes 'all good things must come to an end'.  What I liked about him in the role are his looks, his believability, his strength yet vulnerability, his conscience and his big heart.  As for female heroes, I think my favourite is Wonder Woman. I grew up watching the television series and was always enthralled by the female lead as played by Lynda Carter. I would say that the female lead, now played by Gal Gadot on the big screen is not as well developed a character but perhaps in time she will be.


2.  Was there a book that was better in movie form? How about a movie you thought didn't live up to the book?

One book that I can readily recall which I thought was better in movie form is The English Patient written by Michael Ondaatje, Sri Lankan Canadian.  This book came with a lot of hype and it took me years to get around to reading it. When I finally did I was sorely disappointed. I simply did not enjoy it at all. The movie on the other hand I did enjoy and the movie cast is made up on very talented actors.  It is rare that I've seen and enjoyed a movie more than a book I've read.  It's happened once or twice but at the moment I cannot think of any. One movie that surprised me is The Life of Pi. I'd read it many years before and I enjoyed it so much. I had to go and see the movie because I couldn't figure out how they might manage to turn the book into one. The movie was great too.


3. When you choose a book, program or movie which subject it is most likely to be: science fiction, mystery, romance, comedy, documentary, etc.?     What draws you to a particular book or movie?
I've been keeping track of the books I've read over the last 10 years. Too bad I didn't keep track of books I read before then. What I've discovered through tracking books is that I tend to be drawn primarily to books of historical fiction and books set in other countries or within different cultures. I'm surprised by that because though I liked Social Studies as a student I would not say that I was overly drawn to history though I realize it is important. It wasn't a surprise to me that I love books set in other countries and cultures since I love to learn about other places and people whether that be trying new foods, attending festivals, making friends or travelling.

4. How important is the title or picture on the cover of a book?   How much importance do you place on a movie because of the actors who are in it?

The title or cover design are important to me because if I'm unfamiliar with the author or the book content this is what will draw my eye to it on the bookshelves. I've picked up many books that way though whether I liked them is another issue.  I don't choose movies based solely on who my favourite actors are. It really depends on the subject matter and my own schedule. Having a favourite actor or two will help but is not the determining factor.

I hope you have had a fabulous weekend and I wish you a wonderful week ahead. I'm linking up with Tuesday 4.

Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we are asked to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal i...