Showing posts with label life updates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label life updates. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Life Update

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

I hope you are all well and fine. I'm still keeping busy here at the homestead. This will be a long post so settle in with a refreshing drink and relax awhile.


I saw that the building contractors seemed to have packed up and finished with their patio reconstruction. However there was an issue I had been raising with them all summer to no avail. Apparently they said it was due to the instructions they had received from the engineers. I kept trying anyway. Once they completed the work but still hadn't dealt with my issue (actually an issue for most of the owners but no one else seems to have raised it), I called the building management company and explained the situation. The management then spoke to the engineer and I couldn't believe that within the hour, the contractors were here having a look at the issue and brainstorming how to resolve it. We just had a long weekend so no work happened until today but I am pleased the work was done. It isn't perfect but it is much better than it was and I'm satisfied.  Moreover the other owners' balconies are getting the same solution. When I spoke to the management, I told them that we owners had spent a considerable amount of money to get the patios redone and by leaving them the way the engineer recommended, we would likely be having to spend even more money in the not too distant future. I had to emphasize that because I think there was some misunderstanding that I was merely raising a design or aesthetic idea. Anyway that is done. Over the past week or two, I have also purchased new patio chair pads and a new patio umbrella. I also had time to wash the patio doors and all the windows and sills from the outside and move or position all the patio planters. It's doubtful that I'll plant anything in the planters until next spring. I will try to find some suitable greenery to plant this fall if there is anything at the nursery that fit within our new planting guidelines. If not, I'll have to wait until next year. 

Before table and chairs were washed.

In addition to the patio, I'm still working in the master bedroom. I've been moving and rearranging things. I also finally called the movers to discuss some claims items (2 of my belongings were damaged) so resolving that will be the goal over the next week or so. The moving company is eager to resolve the issue so they can also get paid their considerable sum by the insurance company.

One thing that has added to my already busy schedule is potluck dinners every week at the church. I don't need to take something every week but as the church gathering is not usually that large, I have taken something for several weeks in a row. Last Sunday my contribution was dessert. I was going to take dessert bars because they are easy to make and easy to transport on the bus but in the end I decided to take a reduced sugar version of Peach Cobbler and a version of Bliss Balls which I made up with ingredients on hand.  Both were quite good and a hit with people who attended.  Now I'm taking some time off from baking and will take either a main course or a salad for the potluck at the end of September.

Bliss balls made with dates, shredded coconut,
walnuts, peanut butter and cocoa.

Reduced sugar Peach Cobbler 
I also used ground muesli mix instead of flour

I've been busy shopping for a few needed items: a new heavy duty backpack from Swiss Gear. This is a laptop backpack but I bought it just for every day use and I'm very happy with how sturdy it is. I've already gotten a lot of use out of it.

I bought a few dresses on clearance prices and a pair of Mary Jane shoes which are suitable for wearing with dresses or pants. I've decided to try and dress more traditionally (dresses where possible) for church.  I thought long and hard about these purchases but looking at my closet, I realize I have very few wearable dresses for certain occasions. 

Since these are summer dresses, I'm planning to wear them as much as possible before colder weather arrives. I'm also experimenting with how to extend their wearability as the weather gets cooler by pairing with tights, scarves, jackets, cardigans, covered shoes and boots. These ideas will help in reducing the number of new purchases as well.

I've already enjoyed wearing this one.  DH liked it too!

So much of the past few months has been all about work, some of it very unexpected like the leak several floors above me and the ensuing damage in the master bedroom. It's meant a lot of extra work for me in so many ways.  To take a break from it all, I've done a fair bit of reading and watching the boob tube or the You Tube. These are easy ways to take a break when one is tired of work.  

The reading statistics thus far

  • 18411 pages 
  • 47 books
I'm currently reading 4 books. 

The book on the Vagus Nerve.

These books should keep me busy for a while. 

Last but not least, I'm still trying to declutter. I've made good progress but more to go. I need to make more progress before my niece comes to stay for a brief visit later this month. I'm also hoping to hear from my brother and his wife but they will be staying elsewhere.

I certainly haven't been leading what one would call an exciting or fun life of late but I know it's certainly better than the alternative. A good friend passed in July. She was seemingly healthy and a bit younger than me. It is still difficult for me to accept that she's gone and sometimes I think of calling her to get together. I guess it will take me some time to get used to the idea that she is no longer with us.  Losing her reminds me that every day we have here is a gift and it helps me to be content with what each day brings. Actually, I've been working on that principle for many years already however losing someone close to you brings the principle more sharply into thought and focus.

If you've read this far, thank you. I truly appreciate your time and interest. Let me know you were here and how your summer went or if you are on the other side of the globe, what did you do this winter?

Saturday, September 10, 2022

DIYs, Decluttering & Reading Update

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, 

How are you all doing? 

I'm keeping busy with the DIYs I started last month. though I've slowed down a bit due to many other appointments and 'to dos' I have on my list. 

I've also been cleaning out little seen spaces such as the laundry closet.  Though small it involves a lot of work and effort because everything is packed into it. It must all come out before it can be cleaned properly.  The building manager arranged for dryer vent cleaning for the building and we are annually given the option of having our individual dryer vents cleaned at the same time. I took advantage of the offer and it became a good motivator to re-arrange the closet for greater efficiencies and for more decluttering.

The  master bathroom now has a new door knob. If you read my earlier list of DIYs, you'll know I had to return the first door knob I ordered because it didn't have a removable plate. Though this is a small job as far as household renos go it's a big win for me to figure out how to do it and to get it done without help. I do love learning new things as long as the challenge isn't so big as to be too frustrating.  The new door knob was actually much harder to install than the new door knob I purchased earlier and returned. But I persevered and it is now done. I will be ordering a few more to change out several other door knobs and eventually replace the hinges as well.

Old door knob, lever style

New door knob

I also returned the cream white, waffle weave shower curtain I initially purchased. I've decided to go with the one in the photo. I love the bright blues and white with pops of green, pink and plum. These colours bring together the white of the floor and walls, blue bathroom cabinet and the original pink countertop.

New shower curtain

Even though I've done a lot of work, the master bathroom is taking awhile to complete. The shelving unit has gone up and I've placed a lot of items on the shelves for now. Sadly I damaged the wall behind the toilet. When I slid the unit behind the toilet bowl it scrapped off a portion of the wall which now needs repair. It looks to me like paper (not wall paper but some kind of paper). The other hole made from water damage is still there and I'm leaving it like that for now so it can all dry out. My main concern was plugging the gaps in grouting and caulking and that is now done. I have decluttered a number of bathroom items and decanted the oils and liquid soaps I use. Once I've completed some more cleaning and touched up the paint job, I will rearrange everything that needs to be stored in the cabinet or on shelves.

Large floor lamp

The living room was in desperate need of more light so I've installed Ikea light sconces on either side of the sofa. You can adjust them to direct light in every direction. They seem to give off a lot of light and I think they will be perfect for our needs or at least much better than what I had before.  I bought the sconces several  years ago intending to use them in my bedroom. However I don't know what I was thinking at the time because the bedroom wall colour is far too dark to use the black scones.  I've kept the heavy floor lamp for now but moved it next to the television for an extra light source when needed. Hopefully it will also help the Fiddle Leaf Fig tree because I have no sunlight coming into the apartment.  For now I've kept the floor lamp and will decide what I want to do with it.  For some reason, I don't like giving away my floor lamps and I have 3 that don't get much use.  They come in handy in winter months especially when I'm trying to sew.  I'm hoping to do more sewing this winter.  

In the kitchen I've had a good clean out of the refrigerator and washed and recycled a number of containers.  I also got rid of a few scrub brushes and wash cloths that had seen better days. I've also knitted a few more dishcloths to replace the ones that had to be discarded.

Ikea sconces

In addition to work around the house and having errands and appointments, I've read a few more books.  In 2022 my reading goal is not high. Late last year, I set an intention to slow my reading down because I wanted to work on other things.  I'm a slow poke when it comes to getting everything done so something had to come off the list. I couldn't completely stop reading though as it is one of my favourite things to do.  So far I've read  38 books. My estimated completion for the balance of the year is a maximum of 16 more books. I guess it will really depend on whether I get in a sewing, writing or studying mode as I have plans for all three. It's good to have many things to do and that way you can pick and choose depending on how the mood strikes you.

Here is a picture of the books I've read so far. I'm waiting for a book on hold entitled The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow and The War Librarian  by Addison Armstrong. In the meantime I will read Homo Deus, A History of Tomorrow by Yuval N. Harari which I've had on hold off and on all year.

I'll be beavering away at my long list of DIYs as September continues. By the end of the month I will have completed much of the work if not all of it. Anything left undone will have to wait.

Thanks for stopping by. If you have time I'd love to hear what you are working on as the seasons transition. Keep well and keep safe.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Small Projects Keeping Me Busy

Hi everyone,

If you've been following along you know that I am in a decluttering mode and I'm working on a few small household projects. I've made a list of projects I've completed and that are in progress. This list is for anyone interested but is mainly a way for me to keep track of the tasks to be done and the progress made.

Anyone who's done household projects knows that all the costs add up even when you do the work yourself. I have gone back and forth between doing things myself or hiring someone. I really don't have the funds to do things the way I would like in this time of rising interest rates, increased supply prices, dramatic decline in housing sales and prices and uncertain economic times.  I hope to keep track of all the costs in a spreadsheet so I can review later.

I've considered various alternatives to what I'd like to do and decided to try my hand at many of the smaller things myself rather than 'go big' at this time.  I'll getting a bit of help from Jonah and my brother. They are both very busy but they can lend a hand here and there especially where more strength or stamina for a project are needed.

Without further ado, here are the things I've been working on in the month of August.

  * shopped for Spackle, grout, dremel tool with bits, wrenches, screwdrivers, paint for bathroom walls and bathroom cabinets. Done 08.13.22

* filled holes, sanded & painted living room window wall and trim. Done 08.15.22

* washed and painted walls and cabinets in 2 bathrooms. Done 08.16.22

* shopped for a few more home improvement tools like foam paint brushes, double sided tape, sponges, etc.  Done 08.18.22; purchased more silicone caulking and extra tools Done 10.06.22

* washed and painted bathroom doors. Done 08.21.22

* removed and replaced grout in master bathroom. Done  08.24.22.  I returned the dremel tool I bought because it only operates on one very high rpm and I found it difficult to control the tool to keep it in the grout grooves.Got friend to removed and replace silicone caulking for 4th timePatched wall behind tub tiles and regrouted. Done 10.09.22

* ordered and set up a bathroom shelving unit. I have the option of using it in one of 3 places. I've decided to use it in the master bathroom. Done 08.23.22 

*ordered new master bathroom shower curtain and installed it Done 09.04.22 

*ordered colourful towels and washcloths to coordinate with the new shower curtain Done 09.1.22

* vacuumed and washed carpets in front rooms and high traffic bedroom areas. Done 08.12.22

* replaced bulbs in kitchen light fixture and ordered replacement for cracked fixture cover.  Done 08.19.22 (new bulbs purchased and installed). 08.25.22 (cover arrived & installed).

* shopped for 5 small succulents plants and one large yucca plant to replace & beautify the front room.  Done 08.13.22 Bought a small, fake succulent plant for bathroom shelving unit.  Done 10.06.22

* ordered a lazy susan and tiered shelf for organizing kitchen/bathroom counters - delivered, unboxed & put to use Done 08.15.22

 * donated Kitchen Aid Food Processor (too large) and bought a smaller one that will be used more often, and Breville Juicer (I had 2 of them), water bottles, cups, mugs and various odds and ends. Done  08.12.22

* decluttered bathroom products in master bathroom Done 09.03.22 Decluttered 8 items from master bathroom. More to be done. Arranged toiletry items on shelving unit. Done 10.01.22. Master bathroom counter cleaning/decluttering 10.09.22

* decluttered 4 items from kitchen & 10 items from refrigerator. Done 09.06.22

* organized one wardrobe in master bedroom - in progress

* changed bathroom seat cover in main bathroom - in progress (I'll need help with this one as the screws won't come loose).

* installed light fixture in dining area - in progress (someone else will actually do this one because of 'special' issues with the old light fixture and the difficulty of removing all it's hardware).

* organized under sink in main bathroom/kitchen with shelving - in progress

*decluttered all kitchen cabinets - in progress

* decluttered patio and discarded all excess pots/metal carts and miscellaneous items.  Done  08.24.22

* shredded several small tubs of papers, journals and calendars. Partially done - 08.27.22 - 2 tubs cleaned & discarded & 2 tubs washed & reorganized. 09.02.22 Another bag of paper declutter (mostly mail packaging).

* shorten a linen tablecloth - in progress 10.0.22 Tablecloth measured and cut.

* hem 4 pair of pants - Done 10.9.22 pants hemmed, others in progress


Next projects (no timeline) will be done on a prioritized basis.

* redo the silicone seal around the toilets (2 bathrooms) and master bathroom tub. Partially done 09.24.22  I removed all the silicone from the master bathroom tub, washed, dried and prepared it for sealing. I had to buy a gun for the silicone and some small things to 'tool' the silicone once it is put around the bathtub edge. I made a mess despite using a tool to smooth the silicone. I've removed it all for the 2nd time (08.27.22)  and will re-do using painter's tape as a guideline and the special tool to remove excess silicone. 08.31.22 redid silicone for the 3rd time. I think I'm done both literally and figuratively. It's not the best but is something I can live with and I'll probably get a professional to re-do it at some point.

*replace master bathroom shower curtain, wash liner, discard bath mat. Done 08.25.22 Shower curtain has been replaced with a curtain in a creamy white cotton waffle weave.  I've also ordered a white one with variegated blue leaves and flowers with touches of pink (expected delivery date 08.29.22). New coloured shower curtain arrived 08.31.22. It's beautiful and I returned the white one. 09.02.22.

* repaint the window sills and trims in both bedrooms. priority

* assess what to do about towels and bathroom storage in 2 bathrooms. priority

* install shelving in master bathroom.  Shelving unit installed 08.23.22. Train rack yet to be installed.

* replace the flush valves in 2 bathroom toilets.  priority

* replace door hinges in 2 bathrooms - parts ordered 08.19.22.  These will be returned. I had to select a different finish for the replacement door knobs and I want the knobs and hinges to have a similar finish. Door knobs and hinges returned 08.26.22

* replace and upgrade the bathroom shower head in main bathroom.  keeping eyes open for sales

* replace light fixtures in 2 bathrooms. considering what metal finishes to buy 08.19.22

* replace electrical switches and covers in kitchen and bathrooms.  pricing at Home Depot, CT & others. I removed and washed the switch plates in the bathroom. This might work for all the switches I wanted to change out.  Done 08.22.22

* replace door handles in 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms. parts ordered 08.19.22; one door done 08.21.22 but I will have to re-do it. When I did the worked I learned I need a door handle with a removable latch plate. In the meantime  I drilled 2 holes in the door to secure the unremovable latch plate. The door 'fit' is very tight and I learned I need to chisel a hole for it to lay flush with the door edge. 08.24.22 I've order a new knob with removable latch & will repair the 2 small holes drilled previously.  08.31.22  New door knob arrived. 09.02.22 Door holes filled and area around door knob holes repainted on 09.03.22 New door knob installed. Yeah! It fits well so I'll order a few more of the same for 3 more doors. 10.13.22 Finally ordered the rest of the door knobs.

* replace 2 kitchen cabinet doors. researching whether I can find the same cabinet doors

* replace (all kitchen and) bathroom cabinet knobs - master bathroom knobs changed from white to glass.  08.21.22

* replace flooring in master bathroom, entry way, kitchen. research on-going

* install wall lights in the living room.  Wall lights and hardware are on hand. 1 sconce installed 09.05.22. The hardware provided was inadequate.  Fortunately I had longer screws in my stash of building supplies.   2nd sconce Done 09.09.22

* replace fireplace tile surround & hearth.  Jonah thinks the original tiles should remain because they are better quality 08.18.22

* paint the fireplace mantle. Jonah thinks the mantle should remain as is because it matches the fireplace tiles 08.18.22

Now that I've listed everything I want to do, it seems like I have more work than I first thought.  Some of it can't be put off any longer.  For example bathroom door hinges, light fixtures and toilet paper holders have rusted due to moisture and look unsightly.  Other things have just deteriorated with age so need a bit of refreshing.

Progress is made in small steps and limited by health challenges, energy levels and day to day household and outside appointments and activities.  I may post before and after photos as time goes by but only if I remember to take photos and if there is any change that might be noticeable to someone else.

How about you dear reader?  Have you done any small house projects lately? Were you already experienced at household repairs or were you learning just like me?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Update and a Big Announcement

 Hi everyone, 

I trust you have all been doing fine. 

I have been on a long blogging break for a number of reasons but the blogging break has gone on longer than I intended.

When I first went off line it was because I was working very hard on what I had hoped was the last stages of major decluttering. This involved dealing with all the papers I've been collecting and storing for years.  Several years ago I had gone through my large filing cabinet and gotten rid of a lot of paperwork so I thought I was well on my way to completion.  However I discovered that that was only the tip of the iceberg.  The more I looked, the more I had papers here and there that I had stored away. It seemed like as I was going through and shredding old papers that they were in fact expanding in number! Of course that wasn't actually happening, it's just that there was so much of it. I set myself a deadline of the end of March, then April and I worked hard toward the goal.  I got rid of much of it but I still have more to do. 

Once I stopped shredding papers, I got very sick with a bad cold. I had worked myself very hard and so I guess my immunity was not that great.  I no sooner got through that then I started having an arthritic flare up and it has gone on for many weeks. I'm not one hundred percent sure why the flare up happened but I think it is largely due to the horrible weather we've had for the last quarter of 2021 and for half of 2022.  Constant rain.  

It's actually been quite cool too but I think I'll take the cool to the heat wave we had last summer at this time.  Sadly, the hot weather resulted in the deaths of hundreds of people and wild fires totally wiped out one small community named Lytton and another First Nations community or two. The damage to the forests was also extensive. Lots of rain to dampen the earth this year has significantly reduced threat of wild fires for the present time. Instead communitys are now dealing with possibility of flooding due to melting snow packs on the mountains combined with heavy rainfall. Water levels are dangerously high right now throughout much of the province but I'm hopeful that rivers won't overflow. This past week we had a mini-heat wave but yesterday and today, it is back to a bit of rain and overcast weather. I prefer it when the weather is broken up with warmer days and cooler days as keeps everything in better balance all around.

In between decluttering and getting sick, I did manage to plant the garden albeit not quite how I normally do. The heavy rainfall and cold seemed to affect how things are growing. Too much water I think but at least things are now blooming.

My nephew and his girlfriend are looking after the community garden at the park again this year. They enjoyed it so much last year but next year they may get their own plot if any are available.

If you are still reading, I have some big personal news to share. I've been waiting for the right time to share it and now seems to be a good time.  My long term readers and blog friends know that I do grassroots missions to villagers in Kenya and have been doing so for a very long time. Early on in the missions outreach, Jonah and I met through a mutual pastor friend. Jonah is a trained pastor but also has an academic background in humanitarian work and a significant volunteer background in relief work in Kenya.  We had been planning to get married for quite some time and on my last visit to Kenya it finally happened.  The global pandemic and Canada's backlogged immigration process delayed our reunification but as of May, Jonah landed in Vancouver and we were reunited at last.

Here he is on arrival day in Vancouver. He's not used to getting flowers :-)

As you can imagine, we have been super busy.  There is an awful lot for Jonah to learn and discover but he is adjusting well and enjoying the process. He loves it because it is peaceful and the city is not too small.  The city is quite large by Canadian standards but is relatively small and calm compared to Nairobi where he often travelled for business.  We hope to continue the work of the missions in Kenya and to share what we feel led to share now that he is here but first things first.

Immigration and travel during these last few years has been very challenging. As we went through the process we could see the hand of God in the process.  We really know that God undertook everything on our behalf and was with us through it all.  This was especially evident to us through the last year and even now.  We are grateful when we realize the great hardships and difficulties that so many other couples have faced and are still going through as they journey through the same process. I'm still marvelling at how quickly our application was processed though it took some time for the officials to actually begin processing the paperwork. Some people have been waiting years and ours took only about 4.5 months to be processed though the other elements of the process added time. Truly a miracle during the Immigration backlog affecting millions of people.  We don't take the blessing lightly and are thrilled to begin life together.

Here he is at one of our outings to Stanley Park and the waterfront.

The long weekend is coming up so I just want to wish all my Canadian and American readers a very Happy Canada  Day (July 1st) and Independence Day (July 4).

Stay safe until next time💓💖🎇🎆

A Long Awaited Gift to Myself

Hi friends and fellow bloggers, I'm sharing happy news today. I finally took the plunge and bought a storage sofa with reversible chaise...