Thursday, January 28, 2010

Winner of the Giveaway

The names of the entrants to My First Giveaway were entered into a bowl.

The winner selected at random is

*Drum roll* please........

the Happy Sparrow in Australia.

I will be contacting her for the shipping address and I hope that the little one enjoys Sumi :-)
Thank you everyone for entering the giveaway. I had fun hosting it.

I hope you will take a few moments to read my posts on Haiti and Kenya.
Please don't be shy to leave comments too!

Note: I hope no one minds but I changed the cut off date by one day to have time to send the parcel before I go on my trip.


  1. congrats to the winner of your giveaway!! Wish i hadn't missed it!

  2. Hi Katherine, thank hou for dropping by! Hopefully I will have another giveaway you can enter sometime :-)

  3. Oh...Joyful!! I am very excited to win the giveaway!! Thankyou so very much!! I know Noah will feel like its Christmas when we open your lovely package!! Thankyou so much!
    Blessings to you,
    :) Martine

  4. Martine, So glad that Noah will be able to show Sumi around the Gold Coast. The parcel is enroute. Let me know when it arrives home :-)

    Laura, hear, hear...bravo :-)


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