Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vancouver Sky ~ Skywatch Friday, March 24, 2010

Song of Solomon 2: 11-12

See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.

Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.

Another winter passes and glorious sunlight is on the way!

Though the skies have been unsettled this week, Winter's earlier warmth meant the blossoms came too soon to the young magnolia trees and to the mature cherry trees. The cherry trees were in full bloom during the Winter Olympics 2010 while I was up country.

On a walk the other day I did manage to find some beautiful blossoms though most trees are now bare in preparation for the late blooming plants and trees. These snap shots will give you a small idea of the annual beauty I so look forward to. With beauty like this every year, it is not hard to see why Spring is my favourite season.

See more sky photos around the world by clicking here


Unknown said...

Bless you for this!

Joyful said...

@Shell, I know you love Spring too! Thanks for the blessing :-)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Fabulous sumission!! Lovely verse and gorgeous blossoms!! Have an enjoyable weekend friend-

Kcalpesh said...

Most beautiful pictures of flowers I've ever seen! Lovely shots!

Pixellicious Photos

Susan said...

Such lovely photos. I can feel the breeze and catch the slight flowery scent on the wind.


VioletSky said...

Love the blossoms!
I could really get carried away taking hundreds of pics of their pink delicateness. But, that is still many weeks away...

Smalltown RN said...

Wonderful photos...and yes I saw all the bloosoms in bloom when I was there last month...wonderful....I spent most of my life on the living on Vancouver Island things bloom at different times and the sky seems so much different...thankyou for sharing..

Japa said...

Spring has arrived. Beautiful blooms all over and nice captures too.

LV said...

You do not any help on finding great Sky Watch pictures. All of yours today are excellent work and perfect for your post. Great job.

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

Beautiful!thanks for the visit

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots. Very pretty flowers.

Mridula said...

The blooms look so radiant and lovely sky too!

Joyful said...

@ Kalauea Poetry, thank you for the beautiful compliment! I hope your weekend was lovely :-)

Joyful said...

@ Kcalpesh Thank you! Compliments don't get better than yours. Am honoured.

Joyful said...

@ Violetsky, you sound like me. I do get carried away with taking photos of the cherry blossoms in particular. I had hundreds from years gone by. So snap away and do share some with us :-)

Joyful said...

@ Susan, that was a lovely compliment. Thank you for visiting and please come again soon. I'll be dropping by on you as well.

Joyful said...

@ Smalltown RN, how great that you were able to be here for the Olympiscs. Even though I didn't get to savour the blossoms, I'm so glad that others from around the world, and you over on VI, were able to!

Joyful said...

@ Japa, yes Spring is definitely here. Thanks for dropping by. Please come again soon.

Joyful said...

@ Coffee, thank you for the visit and the compliment :-)

Joyful said...

@ Rajesh, thank you. Please drop by again soon.

Joyful said...

@ Mridula, thank you for dropping by. I'm glad you liked the scenes. Hope to see you again soon.

Namnet said...

A wonderful post for skywatch. I like the way the light is coming up from behind the cloud.
And those blossoms are gorgeous! Spring is also my favourite season.
Happy skywatching:-)

Joyful said...

@Namnet, thank you for dropping by. I'm so glad you love Spring too. It is simply a wonderful season with boundless opportunities for photos. Happy skywatching to you too. I look forward to seeing some scenes of your wonderful country.

Katy ~ said...

I am envious of your flowers! We have perhaps another month before we see such blossoms.

Joyful said...

@Katy, aw, well I do hope you will take a lot of photos. The cherry blossom beauty is especially fleeting and most of our blossoms are gone :-(

Joyful said...

I am envious of your flowers! We have perhaps another month before we see such blossoms.

Joyful said...

@ Coffee, thank you for the visit and the compliment :-)

Joyful said...

A wonderful post for skywatch. I like the way the light is coming up from behind the cloud.
And those blossoms are gorgeous! Spring is also my favourite season.
Happy skywatching:-)

Joyful said...

@ Kcalpesh Thank you! Compliments don't get better than yours. Am honoured.

Joyful said...

Spring has arrived. Beautiful blooms all over and nice captures too.

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