Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's Happening in My World this Week?

I've been quite busy these past few days. Suddenly the other day I realized that I have a lot to get done within the next week or so: various blood tests, finding a podiatrist, getting my prescriptions refilled, writing to my sponsored children, getting my hair done, attending a diabetes clinic, coordinating my travel to visit mom and the business I need to do there, finishing and filing mom's taxes and mine, paying bills and getting some financial things in order. I've been good about keeping to schedule but today I needed a rest. I may not have much time for blogging over the next week but am not 100% sure. If I can I would like to post some more blogs about my Kenyan trip.

I'm looking forward to my quick overnight trip to visit my mom and niece. I have some business to do there at the same time so the trip needs to happen soon. I decided not to travel over Easter because everything in this small city where I'm going virtually shuts down on holidays and it will be difficult to get business done. Also my mom and my niece will each have Easter dinner to spend with others so they'll be gainfully occupied.  I'm trying to arrange for my niece to come and stay with me overnight and she sounded excited when I asked her about it over the phone today.  Maybe she can bring her swim suit and we can relax in the jacuzzi.

This photo I took during the last big snowfall.

We had unexpected wet snowfall here today. Wow! I can't believe it but in the province next door to use they had much more snow. Tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny but right now with the low lying and thick clouds it doesn't look too promising. My garden has been cleaned and I've been waiting for the time to put the bedding plants out. Hopefully it will be this weekend.

Pretty red blossoms in my garden from another year.

Corn in my garden from another summer.

I was busy today looking for paper items to send to my 3 sponsored boys in Ethiopia and Kenya. I had one letter from little Peter near Nakuru, Kenya telling me what a wonderful Christmas he had this year due to the funds I sent for his family. It really warms my heart so much to know I've made him happy and probably alleviated some stress for his dear parents who can also enjoy their children's happiness over the holiday. I also heard from little John in Mathare, Kenya. It is his birthday in mid-June so I've sent a special amount of funds for his family to help celebrate his birthday. I had my first letter from young Haile in Ethiopia too. He is my newest sponsored child so we have only exchanged one letter each. It nice getting a letter to learn of his interests. 

I know that sponsored children love to keep their letters and photos and I'm not sure if any of these little boys have something to keep them in. I was thinking of how to address this. I came up with the idea to send a medium sized gift bag  made of heavier paper. I can fold it in a large envelope to send in my next mail out. I also sent the boys post cards of my city and maps of my country as well as lots of stickers and sticker albums. The boys are all young. One is 6, one is turning 7 and the other is 10. Since I don't have little children in my home, it is challenging for me to write to them of things that they will enjoy but doing good with ideas so far.  I'm sponsoring all 3 boys through Compassion International Canada. If you would like to sponsor a child please take a look here.  You can even write to a child if you don't have money to sponsor them monthly. Just ask the office to identify a correspondence child for you.  These are children that have monthly sponsors but no one writes to them. All children just love to hear from someone and to know that someone cares about them.

I've featured this photo before but I really like it so am showing it again. It is of a tree with bird's nests in Kenya. I took it on the drive back to Nakuru from Lake Bogoria.

No sooner did I post this then I got a phone call. My mom had to be sent to the hospital again. This is the 4th time she has had to go by ambulance to the hospital since February 1st, the day she moved into the nursing home. She has some kind of infection and appears confused and the doctor doesn't know where the infection is coming from. Every time I get a phone call, I get into a tailspin. It seems I barely recover from one episode and it happens again. I will be monitoring things as best I can so I can determine if I need to go and see her sooner and skip my diabetes clinic. Please keep us in your prayers.

I am at my mom's. Thank you for your prayers.


  1. Beautiful photos of the plants and tree. So sorry about your mom, I pray that she'll get better. I can tell you have such a big heart, nice of you to help those boys.....Christine

  2. Oh Penny, I prayed for your dear mum right now. Glad you're able make a trip to see her and your neice soon. I pray for peace and calm in your life as you deal with this new problem. You are an amazing woman who cares for those little boys here in East Africa. Bless you dear friend. I will take a look at the link shortly. (((Hugs))) Jo

  3. I pray everything turns out right with your mom and you have safe travels.

  4. Your photos are really great. Your Mom is in my prayers.

  5. Just beautiful photos. Sponsoring a child is something I am going to do today, I've been thinking about it for a while but put it on hold due to financial uncertainty. Currently have no income and unsure about the future but your words about the importance of corresponding were very encouraging. I am sure I can afford the tiny(to us) amounts of money needed to help for now and continue as long as possible.

    Holding you and your Mum in my thoughts today.

  6. Barbara RosenzweigApril 16, 2011 at 9:43 AM

    I feel lucky to have seen this "in person." Amazing country.

  7. I hope your mother will be OK and I understand how you must feel when the phone rings. Sponsoring the boys is such a wonderful thing to do. I'm sure they appreciate everything you do for them or buy for them.--Inger

  8. You've got a a lot going on in your life right now; I hope your mother is being well taken care of. Thanks for visiting while I was away.

  9. I love that is awesome!! Don't think I've seen one like it either. So you had a touch of snow? The image is pretty. You are certainly busy (sounds like your hands are full) and as I understand, your mom is having difficulties but you are working on having your niece to come and spend some time anyway. How old is she? My sister is having a Passover dinner at her house for fun combining it with my niece's birthday..(her's is on the 18th) I think she will be either 37 or 38 yrs?
    I think the idea of letters are terrific and enjoyed the update..the boys sound sweet..I will remember to pray.
    The corn looks good too and so do the colorful blossoms!! I picked up my seeds and a few plants and intend on moving toward getting a garden up. Despite the will be worth it to connect out of doors and have home grown vegies and FLOWERS!!! (lo)
    I got here and left (had to put my compute to sleep) and go get propane with my husband. I haven't had time to respond on my own blog but am trying to do so..
    Till later (hugs) and have a peaceful day~

  10. Hi there..well I thought I'd check in with you and hope everything is OK. So you have to scedule an appt. with a podiatrist? I had to have surgery years back because of pain that I had too. Then I sprained my other foot and it didn't feel normal for at least 2yrs (felt worse than the one I had work on) ! I'm better on a really took care of it but the results were down the road (not right away( but have a lot of pressure built up lately in my shins oddly? There was a lady (my youngest son rents out her house here)..she moved to Calif. but does rolfing (sturctural integration of the body) and is excellet. She worked on me before and because the way I'd put stress on other parts of my body to compensate.. there would be a lot of tension in my shins..anyway, not perfect but hey..I don't have any insurance now, but back I was on a temporary (University H. Alliance).
    Just wanted to wish you a great week. I am starting to prepare for the Passover/birthday dinner at my sisters family tonight:)

  11. I pray for your mom and everthing will go all right. I understan how you have been busy , too busy. Take care of yourself. I'm worrying about you. The tree is amazing! I feel as if I heard birds singing.


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