Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Little Yellow Bird Came To Visit

In my last visit to Nairobi, I had a little visitor over breakfast. In fact several birds came by through the open window at the hotel but I was only able to capture one in a photo. It isn't the best quality but I'm hoping someone can identify it for me.  Update:  Nelson, from Safari with TAfrica, has identified this bird as a weaver. Thanks Nelson!

Here is the bird perched on a wooden rail between the dining tables and the open windows.

Camera Critters


  1. Oh, isn't it beautiful?
    I'm sure Jo will send the photo to her sister-in-law who identifies birds for her!
    What fun to have birds come to the window. The closest I get to that is the sickening thud of birds hitting my windows. Then I watch them, lying below, stunned for up to half an hour, but most of them fly away safely. None of our windows are high at all.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  2. Beautiful! I never saw a bird like that in Kenya, so I look forward to learning what kind it is. Thanks for sharing it. :)


  3. wow..yellow color..bird is so beautiful...

  4. @Kay, yes it is a pretty little bird. I don't normally see a variety of birds either at my home. Fortunately none of them smash themselves against my window but some almost walk right in, lol.

    @Linda, we didn't have to wait long. Nelson identified it as the weaver bird. I do remember reading about weaver bird on my friend Jo's blog.

    @Nayana, thank you for your visit. It is a colourful little bird and a cheerful visitor for me during my early morning breakfast.

    @Nelson, thank you so much for the information! I think you probably noticed I put your blog/website on my blog list as currently I'm featuring a variety of African blogs.

  5. Oh, of course! I remember now. They have such unusual nests. Thanks, Nelson!


  6. What a sweet looking colorful! Funny, when I went to another area of the island where it gets much cooler, I'd spotted these small yellow birds. They were near many yellow Ohia trees over there as well. We have mostly red-

  7. Hi Penny, we had weavers sitting on our tables and nearby (in their droves) when we visited Island Camp on Lake Baringo in April. This is Baflecht's Weaver. We have them nesting in the thorn trees on the dam. Bless you Penny, and have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

  8. @Regina,it is a sweet looking bird and it entertained me at breakfast :-) It's amazing how you've also just recently spotted yellow birds and yellow trees. It must be your week for yellow,lol!

    @Jo, hi there. Thanks so much for dropping by and giving the complete name of this little yellow bird. Happy birding this weekend. Here it is only Thursday ;-)

  9. wow that's so exciting. weaver is cute too. i love to capture birds naturally too. tried the pigeons visiting my balcony but in vain.

  10. Nice picture of the weaver, even through glass

  11. Very sweet bird. You have taken lovely shot. I feel that you are quite lucky to take such a great shot.
    You are welcome at my new posts-

  12. Lovely photos, all. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  13. Looks very much like a weaver bird to me. I'm not an expert by any means, but have seen weavers in many different parts of Kenya. Beautiful! And I always loved dining in the open air restaurants and having birds come down for a few tidbits while I sipped on a hot cup of chai after the meal.

  14. What a cute little birdie. I have to close your post before my cats see it !

  15. That takes serious talent to take a photo of a bird like that!

  16. Looks like a weaver bird to me. One species that I miss since I left Africa. Have a great weekend Diane

  17. I love birds...even brown sparrows. I'm glad God looks not at the outward appearances with us too!!! PS...didn't get to go to Africa. That is ok...My husband needed to go as they needed a man and he is doing a great job pulling it together. God knows best :)

  18. oh, dearest.
    this bird loves foreign
    I´ve taken a photo of the same in Nairobi
    I was thinking to go back there on December but I don´t think it can be possible cause I´ll spend a lot of money in my trip to the Balkans.
    nice day


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