Friday, August 19, 2011

Spectacular Colours

I really like this photo taken through the side mirror.
Once the colours changed we really had to stop and take a photo or two.
These photos are all taken on the highway between Grande Prairie and Edmonton, Alberta. My next post will feature maps and more photos of my recent journey.

For more wonderful sky photos please join in at Skywatch here.

I'm also submitting this as my first submission to Weekend Reflections.


  1. I like it too! The colors are beautiful! Sorry, I've slowed down a bunch because of my health and as I mentioned my computer. I've been using a laptop and just need more memory. Anyhow, hope all is well and your mom is ok-

  2. I love the sky and these are fantastic photos. Diane

  3. Lovely colors - I tend to forget that it's not only in Africa that the sun sets ...

  4. Gorgeous skies and colors. Awesome sunset captures, happy skywatching!

  5. Certainly are spectacular colours.

  6. I love it Penny. You live in an amazingly beautiful country. I wish I could visit! Blessings and hugs Jo

  7. I like it too!!! Wonderful snapshots, greet colors!
    Have a nice weekend ♥ moni

  8. The tittle is perfect here : spectacular color indeed ! Wow !

  9. So so beautiful. Thank you for stopping to take photos so that wecan share this with you. x

  10. The color in the second and third shot is a "Wow!" for me!

  11. Hello dear Joyful, what an amazing colour pallette our God gave in His creation. Your camera and your gift has captured it in perfection.
    Much love Crystal Mary.

  12. That is what I'd call big sky country!


    Sky so high,
    Sky so blue,
    Tell me why
    I love you.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher


  13. You went on quite a road trip. This sky is beautiful. Glad you were able to pull over and capture it for us. Thanks for visiting!


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