Monday, November 14, 2011

Re-post: Change of Address for Missions of Hope

Hello friends,

The blog for the Missions of Hope has a new domain name  Please be sure to change your bookmarks and visit often. Jonah would love to hear from you.

Once the blog was available at the new domain, I posted about the change of address and was promptly informed that the comment feature was not working. It appears to have been a blogger problem and I apologize if you were trying to leave a comment and couldn't.  I think it is working now.

The last post was about little Linet and her family. Linet is the little girl who needs reconstructive surgery.  MOH was not able to help her with surgery because we are still recovering from the months of expenses for little Kigen's medical needs, however Jonah did help Linet to get medical attention for a month as she was losing weight and unable to eat. She is stable at the moment but we want to keep her that way.

One of the things we would like to do to help little Linet and her family is to help her mother with a micro-enterprise initiative.  The mother wants to start a beauty salon business near where she lives. If she is successful in this venture, she may be able to take care of Linet's surgical needs herself.  We just don't know for certain if she will be able to cover the cost of surgery for her little girl but at least she would be able to try and make some money of her own.  I have received one contribution toward this project and have contributed funds of my own but we need another $100 to $150 to fully fund this enterprise and get Linet's mother on her way.  If you can help at all, please donate here.

Linet and her mother.
Know that Jonah reads and treasures all of your comments and they encourage him in his work under difficult circumstances to bring help and hope to the people.  There have been some problems with the comments feature at his site but it seems to be working now.  Please pray for him as he is currently on the road undertaking some work. Pray that all goes smoothly and that all needs will be met. May God bless you!


Angelika Poe said...

hello and good morning, Penny, I've just read the pages of MOH, first is very sad that people have to live in this world so bad when others do not know where the wealth.
Sorry, the comment on the blog does not work. I wanted to write something, but it does not work.
Now I go to water aerobics and look forward to the warm water and the movement.
I wish you a wonderful day, Geli

Joyful said...

Hello Geli, I will look into the blog issue over at MOH. I'm thinking that blogger does not make it easy when one changes it's domain name because it took long for the new domain name to work. I will try to figure all this out. Thank you for trying. Have fun at swimming.

Angelika Poe said...

dear Penny, thank you for your quick response, I believe that it is not easy with all the technology. I am waiting ...

I come now from the swim and it was wonderful ... it makes me feel good and I always look forward to this Thursday.

Greetings to you from Geli

Jo said...

What a lovely idea for Linet's mother to try and become self-sufficient and care for that beautiful little girl. I pray that people's hearts are opened and you are able to send money to this cause. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Jo

Saucy Siciliana said...

You are doing a wonderful job, I also hope they manage to open the beauty salon. It is not easy nowadays anywhere in the world to make a living, there are so many people jobless, here in Italy young people too are having a hard time trying to find jobs.

Linda said...

Bless you, Penny, for your help for "the least of these." God knows your heart and your efforts on behalf of His children. He's smiling. Thank you for the way you inspire us to action.


Kay L. Davies said...

You are just amazing, Penny. I know you have troubles of your own, but you still find the time and energy to help others. Bless you.
I've bookmarked the new address for Missions of Hope.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Joyful said...

Dear Geli, I thank you for your interest. Please bear with me as I look into the problems. I will let you know when everything is working properly. I'm glad you had a great swim :-)

Joyful said...

Dear Jo, thank you for being an encourager and a faithful friend. I value your prayers too! Hugs. xx

Joyful said...

Ciccia, thank you for your visit. I am trying to do the work I feel that God has led me to and I do enjoy it so much. I know that Italy is really suffering right now as is Greece. The world over is suffering but the people of God at least have somewhere to turn for comfort and help. I hope Italy is able to avoid major problems. My thoughts and prayers are with you there.

Joyful said...

Linda, thank you. I rely on God to move on people. His sheep know his voice. Praise His name ;-)

Joyful said...

Kay, it is so easy for us to get focussed on our own problems and quickly get to the point where we feel we have nothing left in energy or finances to help another. I pray that I never get that way. Life is so much richer, fuller and exciting when you can feel blessed enough to help someone else. Hugs. xx

Jan said...

Penny. Thank you for keeping us updated and reminding us to look outside ourselves and our own concerns. I will be back at weekend to look more thoroughly and to bookmark the link.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Jan. For visiting and being mindful of others. Blessing. xx

Urmi said...

I appreciate for your wonderful idea. God bless you.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Babli.

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi Penny..hope these challenges are met as well as the domain name. It can be frustrating.
Thanks, will be in my prayers (hugs), in Him:)

Joyful said...

Thanks Regina. It seems there is always a challenge...and, 'yes', it can be frustrating at times. Jonah's missions blog may have to be moved if the challenges are not rectified.

Brenda Green said...

Dear friend,
Thank's for the update. your readers have said it all, I agree with a big hearty AMEN!!!!!

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