Thursday, March 1, 2012

Update on Edwin

A few days ago I brought to you a story about Edwin Bett, who has Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and made a plea for funds and prayer for healing for this young man. I very much appreciate those of you who responded.  We continue to need your support as things are moving quickly and we are stepping out in faith.

Today, Jonah of Missions of Hope, accompanied Edwin to the Tenwek Hospital in Bomet, Kenya.  They spent the entire day there and as you can see it was raining heavily.

Edwin and Jonah in Tenwek, Kenya.

Edwin is a tall young man. I hope both of them can stay dry enough to avoid a cold.

Edwin has been referred to Nairobi and so Jonah and he are on their way for further examination and possibly treatment.
Letter of referral to Nairobi.

Please continue to keep them in prayer and if you can help with the costs, there is a donate button at Missions of Hope, click here.

Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.
For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
Luke 6:38 NIV

I invite you to go to the bottom of this post where you will find share buttons. It is easy to share this story on Facebook, Twitter, through email with your friends or you can even blog about it yourself. The more people who see and read this story, the more likely Edwin can get the help he needs.

Thank you so much for reading and to those of you
who decide to hit the share button.


Kay L. Davies said...

Hi Penny—
I'm sure Edwin isn't going to be over this in a hurry, so I'll send more at the end of March.

Joyful said...

Kay at this point, I don't know whether they will keep him in hospital or he will go back and forth. Either way, he will continue to need funds so your committment for the end of March is very welcome. Thank you so much!

Cindy said...

Bless you for your love and concern for this young man and his plight. Hugs, Cindy

Joyful said...

Thank you for your visit, Cindy. If you can spare some moments to pray for this young man that would be very much appreciated. Joyful :-)

snowwhite said...

I pray for him at home. Whenever I visit a temple or shrine, I pray and ask Buddha or deties to help him. Your love is vast and boundless like Kannon bodhisattva!

Joyful said...

Thank you Keiko for your kind heart. How is your mother doing?

Heidrun Khokhar, KleinsteMotte said...

Bless you for sharing your concern and hoping for aid for someone so far away. Prayers are being sent for both of you.

Joyful said...

Thank you Heidi for sacrificing your time in prayer. I really appreciate it on behalf of Edwin. Hugs. xx

Brenda Green said...

God Bless you my sister, for your heart and for all you do!!! I pray that hearts will be touched. me

Joyful said...

Hi sis, thank you for stopping by. Thank you too for joining in prayer with us. Blessings and hugs. xx

Beth Zimmerman said...

I have no funds to share but I can, and will, pray for answers, peace and healing! Thanks for sharing his need!

Joyful said...

Beth thank you for sharing your time in praying for Edwin for healing and for the help that he may need. I (we) truly thank you :-) Blessings.

Karen @ Pieces of Contentment said...

I pray he will find answers and the best treatment.

Laurie Collett said...

Praying for Edwin! Thank you for sharing his story.
Love in Him,

Eki said...

My prayers for them and for you, Joy. May God's love sustain you always in doing His good work.

Joyful said...

Thank you, Eki. I've been praying that myself as it can get hard at times. I appreciate your prayers.

Joyful said...

Thanks POS.

Joyful said...

Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Edwin.

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