Sunday, July 8, 2012

Random Photos Downtown Vancouver

 Our World Tuesday Graphic

I had to go downtown to the Sears store. Sears has been located here in this downtown building for well over a decade.  Before it was Sears it was, Eaton's; a company that went out of business.  Sadly, Sears is moving out of this downtown location as it's lease it up.  I will miss it even though I don't get there that often now that I don't work downtown.

After doing my shopping research,  I was so tired.  I walked around for hours, testing this and testing that. When I left the store, I had to take a rest on one of the many benches that line the street just for that purpose. I decided to take some random photos.

The big stores are open late on Sunday until around 7 p.m.  Many of the smaller stores close at around 5 p.m. and some stay open until 8 p.m.   People like to walk in the downtown area as there are lot of places to eat, movies to see or places to sit and have a drink and people watch. It was a very hot day.  It is actually only about the 4th hot day we've had since April because it's been raining so much.  On this day many people were in shorts which I never used to see downtown and I'm not sure I actually like the look but people are trying to stay cool.  Many of the ladies are also dressed in nice summer dresses.  Some are dressed in hot jeans.  I like to wear capris (short pants) in cotton, and a light top on a hot day. I also wear my hat and sunglasses and take water with me.

In the photo below, you will see the signage at a bus stop. It is a little underexposed  but I thought those of you who live elsewhere would like to see it.  Right below the bus sign is a street map which indicates the different places to catch buses or light rapid transit (like subway but it is over ground). Some idiot has already defaced the map by scribbling on it. Why people feel the need to deface public property, I will never know! Someone has to be pay for all that, meaning the property taxpayers.

Right across the street from where these signs are located is a culinary school. This particular place is where the students cook meals daily and the public can have a fine dining experience. I ate there once many years ago and it was quite good.

On another corner of the street there is a new Shopper's Drug Mart which is a pharmacy in a huge chain of pharmacies of the same name.  This shop wasn't there the the last time I was on this corner.  It's been awhile since I've wandered downtown. to this corner.  The last business there was a bank.

It is a rather large pharmacy. As you can see it is two stories high.

I zoomed in on the back of the 2nd floor to where the "green mural" is located. This mural has been there for years and years, and years!  LOL.  It was there when the bank was there and the bank was there ever since I can remember.  I used to think the mural was rather ugly but now I think it looks rather nice.  Funny how one's tastes can change.

Here is another  helpful piece of signage below. These maps and helpful aids are all over the place these days. I wish they existed when I first moved to the city.

In the photo below you will see where I am going to catch the light rapid transit to the connecting bus home.  For a few stations downtown, the rail is underground.  But for most of this particular line, the rail is above ground. It can be a good way to see the city and some of the suburbs going east.

I'm linking up with Our World Tuesday this week.


Vores have said...

Hello Joyful. Great pictures you show - everything is much larger in Canada and the U.S. than here in Denmark. Thanks for your comment on my blog. Wishing you a great new week. Hugs Hanne Bente

Denise said...

I really enjoy the photos you share, thanks.

Diane said...

Love these photos of a place I am never likely to see. From the clothes I think you are at present much warmer than we are. Not sure what has happened to summer this year! Diane

Sylvia K said...

What a great look at your world, Joyful! We do live in large and wonderful countries, don't we? Love your captures for the day! Hope you have a great week!


Unknown said...

Wow Eaton's was an institution and now Sears gone from that building. You're making me feel old. Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

Fun60 said...

It is so interesting looking at photos from around the world. You can just tell what the weather must be like by looking at the clothes people are wearing.
Thanks for the comments on my blog. I do vaguely remember Pall Mall cigarettes but they would not have been manufactured in that part of London (its far too posh!)

Carver said...

Interesting tour of the downtown area.

Al said...

I like Vancouver's downtown area and this is a nice tour of it. If you don't like people in shorts then you'd better not come here, that's about all you'll see in the summer. Even professionals will sometimes wear shorts to work!

Leora said...

Vancouver is a busy place! I've been there twice (I have cousins there), but what I remember most are the gardens. And the short drive to the mountains nearby. Quite cosmopolitan.

Anonymous said...

Surely is a big city. Enjoyed seeing.

❀~Myrna~❀ said...

Great Pics! Thanks for the city tour!

eileeninmd said...

Thanks for the tour of the city and your downtown Vancouver. Shopping is fun in the big cities. Great photos and post. Thanks for sharing.

Joyful said...

Wow, I thought people only wore shorts to work in the Bahamas and in Australia's north and outback areas.

Joyful said...

Yes, we are blessed with lots of green spaces and lots of brightly coloured flowers in public areas. I just met a cashier the other day who said he moved here from Montreal and he loves all the natural beauty.

NatureStop said...

That's abig city indeed.Thanks for sharing and have a great week ahead.


Inside Cambodia said...

These are great photos of your city. Reading your post and looking at the pictures make me feel like I was having a photowalk with you. Thank you for sharing.

Black Jack's Carol said...

Since we share our beautiful city of Vancouver, it was great fun to see it from a slightly different perspective. I also enjoyed imagining you sitting on the bench, taking photographs, wondering about the hot weather fashion choices, and finally heading to the sky train. Come back again soon :)

Farida said...

Thank you for sharing a part of your world to us. I have always wanted to visit Vancouver and experience its beautiful culture and people.

I hope to get to know more of you in the coming posts. Would you care that we follow each others' blog?

Take care! :D

Molly said...

Vancouver is a great city. I have been there 3 times and always loved it.


OtienoHongo said...

Great pics, now I want to come to Vancouver! The city should pay you a commission :)

Joyful said...

Hi Carol, it is so nice to hear from you. I like to capture other parts of the city through photos but don't get out much, lol.

Joyful said...

That's a great compliment, Charles. I hope you get to visit some day.

Joyful said...

I'm always happy to hear people enjoyed their visits to Vancouver.

Joyful said...

I hope you get a chance to visit. I'm your new follower. x

Carole M. said...

so interesting to see another part of the world via your blog post; looking like a lovely clean city; thanks for sharing

Susan said...

Thanks for all the great photos! So cool! Also, thanks for visiting my blog and commenting, too! Great job. Susan

Farida said...

I am also your new follower now :D

EG CameraGirl said...

It was fun to see Vancouver through your lens. I like a city that has loy=ts of maps to show you where you are.

Joyful said...

Thank you. I look forward to getting to know you better through your posts :-)

My Castle in Spain said...

Hi Penny, so great to hear that it's warm in Vancouver ! 1 month ago, i met a lovely couple from your town who wants to move to Andalucia and told me Vancouver was mainly cold and grey...but....with great eating places !
Thank you so much for your lovely wishes for my boyfriend who is well now...

Joyful said...

Hello Lala, yes Vancouver has been mainly cold and grey this year but when it shines, you forget all about that, lol. These days one cannot count on the normal weather anywhere in the world. I think we are in for a hot summer from here on in. We are getting the heat wave that started in the USA. I'm so glad to hear your boyfriend is better after such a scare. xo

CameraCruise said...

Great shots!
Looks like a big city.

Pat said...

It looks like business is still booming in Vancouver--that's good! I like the photo where you zoomed in on the green mural. It's funny that it wasn't changed when the business changed. I like it, too.

Joyful said...

Yes it seems things are booming everywhere here. Yet at the same time, I know a number of businesses that are closing due to high taxes and/or slow business. For every business that goes down another one seems to take it's place. Thank goodness for entrepreneurs.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

A lovely City -- we haven't been there in way too long .... (we lived in Oregon for years and used to go there occasionally.

Lonicera said...

I have absolutely no sense of direction, so I'd find those maps and signs to help you decide what bus to take really useful. I too am an enemy of grafitti 'artists' and see it as a massive ego trip on their part. Would love to visit Vancouver one day.

Brenda Green said...

Very interesting photos my friend,
The eye is especially interesting!!! It is nice that the directional signs are in a lot of places.

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