Thursday, October 17, 2013

CAL #3

“My mother taught me many craft and household skills but she never taught me to crochet. 
For that I have to thank her, as it meant I had to teach myself.” 
~ Pauline Turner

Well our Canadian Thanksgiving is over for another year.  It is always a fun holiday and a time to reflect on our blessings.  It is also time to check in with Ladybird Diaries and Chrissie Crafts again. They are the fabulous ladies who are hosting a crochet-a-long every week on Thursdays. Join in if you can.

I am working on an afghan with 4 basic colours (2 different blues, cream and gray) in a number of variations.

I did not have a lot of free time this week but I managed to make 6 hexies.

Slow and steady is better than nothing at all :-)

Notice the bumble bee and hexie (honeycomb) pattern on the tablecloth?

The three hexies on the right side of the photo are completely finished but the other 3 on the left still need to have the ends woven in.

 If you are joining in with Ladybird and Chrissie, I will be peeking in at your progress.

Chrissie Crafts

Happy crafting!


  1. They're looking good Joyful - I'm so pleased you're enjoying the CAL, you're doing very well!
    Hugs, Joy xo

  2. You are SO amazing, Penny. You''re already showing another of your many talents. I'm still at the dish-cloth knitting stage which I learned from you! I hope you're keeping well. I'm back on Blogger now and should be a regular visitor again.Blessings and (((hugs))) Jo xxx

  3. Well done for making progress, it's better than what I've done this week! :-) Chrissie x

  4. A wonderful quote. I, too, taught myself. Except, I called my grandmother to explain things like treble crochet. She was a local call, my mother long distance.

  5. Wow looking fab! your hexagons are looking brilliant x

  6. I love the colours you've used for your hexies, it'll be so restful and easy on the eye when it's finished. I may have made good progress on my scarf this week, but I have an unfinished granny square blanket that I started 4 years ago! So well done for having got those hexies made!
    Glad to have found your blog via the CAL .
    Gill xx

  7. Beautiful, I love the colour combo. Have a great weekend. Deb x

  8. Beautiful are your hexagons!
    Greetings, RW & SK


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