Wednesday, October 9, 2013

CAL Update #2

I've joined in with Ladybird and Chrissie Crafts for a crochet-along. This is my 2nd update. It's given me the little push I needed to get started on an afghan throw for which I've had the yarn for a year or two.

So far I've made 30 + "hexie's" and woven in all the ends. I had to re-do 2 of them because I'd missed a petal outline in them. These were two of the first one's I'd made.

I started to stitch the hexie's together to get an idea of what they might look like. Then I got the bright idea to pin the pieces together with quilting safety pins. This way I can reposition hexie's if I decide I want a different layout. I'm hoping this will work as I've never done this before.

I'm liking how it is coming together but I will be repositioning a lot of these pieces.

Here are more "hexie's" and yarn waiting to be turned into more hexies.

Chrissie Crafts


  1. It's beautiful! I love the colors and the pattern. It will be a beautiful quilt!

    1. Thank you Georgene (and others) for making me feel good about the colour combination. I like the muted colours and am glad they are working well in different order of use.

  2. It's looking great! The colours work really well together.
    Marianne x

    1. Thank you Ladybird. I'm loving your hexies too!

  3. So pretty! I love the soft blues and greys...

    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you affectioknit. I find the soft blues and greys very calming and soothing though I love bright colours too.

  4. Wow, you are flying along! The hexies are looking very pretty indeed! At this rate you'll be done soon and can help me with my blanket... ;-) Chrissie x

    1. Hi Chrissie, thank you for getting me motivated ;-) I'm making progress this week while I can. I hope I can complete this blanket before Christmas.

  5. This pattern reminds me strongly of the blocks I carelessly crocheted for several teen age years, as I babysat. It was my mother's idea. She managed to assemble the lopsided little things into a blanket I used for years, until it wore out.

    1. It's nice that crochet reminds you of good memories.

  6. This is a great way to spend idle time alone, Ms Joyful! :) I would be interested to do this too since I crocheted when I was younger but I find it difficult to put together the pieces.

    1. Hi Farida, crocheting is a great way to spend time. I get so into it that I must remind myself to take a break. I hope you can get started again on this work.

  7. Beautiful, beautiful hexies. I love your colour choice.

    1. Thank you, Irene. I'm glad you agree on my colour choices. Luv to you. Have a great weekend.

  8. Hi Joyful! I love how they are the same pattern, but with different colors. They all blend so well! And maybe you'll get it done before the cold weather sets in.

    You are a talented person, Joyful!
    Thank you so much for visiting me while I was gone. I really appreciate our blog-friendship!

    1. Hey Ceil, good to see you. I didn't know you were already back from travels. Glad you made it safely home. I appreciate our blog-friendship too!

  9. These are such lovely colours together. The throw is going to be wonderful when its all done!

    1. Hi Leeanne, thank you so much for your visit and your kind words. I tried to visit your blog but I don't see one. So I appreciate it even more that you took the time to comment anyway. Have a great weekend.

  10. Gosh your a fast worker! Looking wonderful your colour choice is really lovely nice calming colours :) x

    1. Hi FMN, I did try to work fast because basically I am impatient and like to see something completed or near completed as soon as I can. Normally something that requires so many pieces is scary for me as it takes too long so I'm beavering away :-)

  11. You're doing a terrific job with your hexes Joyful, and I really love the colours you have chosen - they make me think calm, peaceful, healing!I am also impressed with your idea to use quilting safely pins to help gauge how things are coming along - well done!
    Warm hug, Joy xo

  12. Those are beautiful but then I am partial to blue. You have a lot of patience and talent.

  13. These are gorgeous, I love blues and greys. Deb x

  14. It's exciting once you can see the overall vision coming together. Looks like the perfect autumn project.

  15. They look so beautiful all next too each other. Amazing how different they look when you first start stitching them togther


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