Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Next Project

Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
~ Roger Miller, Author

It's still raining here in Vancouver and quite chilly for this time of year.  I am still fighting some bug. I'm not so sick that I can't do anything but I don't feel so energetic and I have a bit of congestion.

It's good weather for reading which I have done a lot of this past week. I've read 2 and a half books this week and started two others. I've also put these books on hold at the library and will be picking them up later this week.  Normally I don't read quite so many books.  While I am in the mood for it I might as well get my reading done.  I literally have hundreds of books on my 'to read' list  and so I'll be busy for years to come. I keep adding to the list as I learn about  new books too.  It doesn't really matter if I read all of them.  The main thing is that I keep reading and challenging myself to read more each year.  Hopefully I will enjoy most of the books on my list.

The first in a series of books that follows the fates of five interrelated families (American, German, Russian, Welsh & English) as they move through the dramas of WW1, the Russian Revolution and the struggle for women's suffrage.
Follows the fates of five interrelated families--American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh--as they move through the dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage. - See more at: http://vpl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/2137499038_fall_of_giants#sthash.sNOAu9cy.dpuf

Follows the fates of five interrelated families--American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh--as they move through the dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage. - See more at: http://vpl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/2137499038_fall_of_giants#sthash.sNOAu9cy.dpuf
Follows the fates of five interrelated families--American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh--as they move through the dramas of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, and the struggle for women's suffrage. - See more at: http://vpl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/2137499038_fall_of_giants#sthash.sNOAu9cy.dpuf

A twist on a travel memoir, Sarah Turnbull was supposed to spend a week in Paris but she meets Frederic who invites her to visit and what results becomes this story

A book by a highly acclaimed new author.  In her own words the book is about a "family saga that takes place in a fictionalized province of the Balkans. It’s about a female narrator and her relationship to her grandfather, who’s a doctor. It’s a saga about doctors and their relationships to death throughout all these wars in the Balkans."

These books ought to keep me busy for awhile.

During the rainy season it is also good to do some craft work. I did enough quilting last week, and still need to do more.  But in the meantime, I've started on my next project. I hope to finish it within the month but am not quite sure how it will all come together.

I'm not following a pattern. I will make all the pieces and attach them once I feel I have enough. I'm not sure how big I want to make it. This might be a gift and I'm keeping all the pieces in the same colours (two shades of blue, grey and off white) though the colours are not used in the same order in every piece.  Once the pieces are blocked and finished, they will more closely resemble hexagonal blocks.

I hope your week is going well.

Checking in with Our World Tuesday today.


  1. Enjoy the books and let me know what you think of The Tiger's Wife - it's on my reading list.

    1. Thank you Lady Fi. There is a lot of interest in this book so I may feature it after I'm done reading it. See you soon ;-)

  2. Enjoy reading books in a good climate. Quilt looks so good...

    1. Thank you! I enjoy reading all the year through but especially during rainy season.

  3. Hi there, thank you for your lovely comment on my blog! You have some interesting looking books there. I have read a couple of Ken Follet's books and enjoyed them and I have also heard hood things about the Tigers Wife too.
    M x

    1. Welcome to my blog and thank you for your visit and comment. I have read 1 Ken Follett book before and liked it so much that I now want to read a few others. This series should be good. I've heard lots of good things about "The Tiger's Wife" too.

  4. Oh, good, some more book recommendations! I'll never finish my list of books, but I still love some good additions.

    I love the colors you are using in your project. I am knitting a cardigan sweater. It is teaching me patience, as I've had to rip it out and start it over several times. Lots and lots of patience.

    1. He, he Clair. I know exactly what you mean. My "to read" list is much longer than my "read" books!

      Good luck with the sweater. I'm liking the colours of my project. Originally I bought them for a throw for myself but am thinking of it now as a possible gift.

  5. I have a huge, and I mean cubic feet, box of wool stuffed under a piece of furniture. My daughter's mother-in-law rescued it from her best friend's belongings. "Your mother can do something with this."

    After my current sweaters are done, I'm thinking hats for Africa.

  6. I hope you are feeling better.Looks like a great reading list! Love your crochet!

    1. Thank you Myrna. I never can get over an "almost cold". It drags on for weeks and weeks at this time of year. Thank you for the encouragement on my project.

  7. I hope you are feeling better!
    I have been doing far too much stitching, and not answering on blogs like I should.
    Thanks for your nice comments!

    1. Thanks for taking a few moments from stitching to pay me a visit Margaret. I know how crafts can consume one's attention and time.

  8. Books and crocheting. Sounds like you are getting ready to settle in for the winter ahead!

    1. I really am. Truth be told it already feels like winter here though I'm sure the weather will improve soon.

  9. I'm looking for a new book! And I hope to finish a crochet project this month!!

    1. Hi KT, there are so many books to choose from, aren't there? Have fun reading. I hope you will share your crochet project on your blog this month.

  10. Great that you are still able to read while ill and enjoy indoor pursuits while you are off-colour, hope you regain all your strength soon.
    Love and Blessings.

    1. Thanks Jan. It is difficult to have energy to do much while ill. But I am so grateful I can at least do some things. I appreciate your well wishes. Hugs.xx

  11. Hope you feel better soon and enjoy the books.
    Take care.

    1. Thank you so much Margie. I always get excited when I finish books and projects. Even if I am feeling a bit low. Have a wonderful week.

  12. The first one, Ken Follet's is lying in my to-do list for long.
    That is a beautiful piece, pls share once you have completed.

    1. Hello Indrani, please do read the book and let know how you like it. Have you read any of his other works. I've read one, Pillars of the Earth, and enjoyed it thoroughly. You are sweet to commend for my work in progress. I hope to share a photo of the work as I progress.

  13. I love the colors in your project. I bet it will be lovely when it's finished. I love to read more than just about anything in this world!

    1. Hi Georgene, we are kindred spirits in our reading hobby ;-) I'm glad you like the colours of my project. I like them too! Have a wonderful week.

  14. Excellent book choices, you'll have some good reads. Thanks for connecting and posting on my blog, I appreciate it - have a great week!

  15. When it rain , good for read books, lovely project , Greeting from Belgium


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