Thursday, January 9, 2014

It's Raining, It's Pouring

It's raining; it's pouring.
The old man is snoring.
He went to bed and bumped his head,
And he wouldn't get up in the morning.

Did you sing this song as a child too? I don't remember where I learned it or at what age in school but I've never forgotten it.  In those days I lived in a small city where it seldom rained except prairie type downpours in the summer month. These downpours came complete with thunder claps and light shows (lightening). Some days or nights I would be babysitting and when the thunder and lightening began at the same time, I was terrified.  I can remember it would be so loud and the lightening would literally light up the entire house (with lights off) as we were taught to unplug and disconnect all power sources once a big storm came through.

Photo:  Looking toward downtown and False Creek from the waiting room of a doctor's office.  You can make out the reflected lights of the doctors office, some chairs and a person in the corner (bottom right).

Once or twice I remember we kids hid under the bed because the lightening was so powerful and it was difficult to escape. Our house had windows all over the place and the front room had a whole row of windows and more in the front porch.
It's funny what you remember from childhood. To this day I do not like rain storms that come with thunder and lightening at the same time. The few times I have been on the Canadian prairies when this kind of storm came up was rather terrifying too.

Photo:  Looking west on West Broadway, Vancouver, BC. I'm in the waiting room of a doctor's office hence the reflected lights.
You can make out the reflected lights of the doctor's office.

Where I live now we get a lot of rain so I always think of the little nursery rhyme about the pouring rain. Our rain storms don't usually come with thunder and lightening at the same time and when they do, the lightening doesn't light up my home like a Christmas tree!
Thank God for small mercies.
It's been pouring rain all day today and very windy tonight. That usually means a clear sky the next day. Indeed some sunshine is forecast for tomorrow but then it is rain for another week.

It was a very busy day today filled with phone calls and appointments.

I did manage to finally get to the movie

"Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom".

I enjoyed it thoroughly and recommend it.
Idris Elba is a formidable presence on the screen and captures the essence of Mandela very well. Naomi Harris also does a wonderful job portraying Winnie Mandela.

Here is trailer of this touching & inspiring movie.

I hope you are all staying warm and dry wherever you are.

I will be joining in with Skywatch Friday 


Weekend Reflections

and add the links later :-)


Joanne Noragon said...

I remember singing that before I was old enough for school.
Some I recall in their entirety, some have slipped away. Wasn't there one about mulberries?

Joyful said...

Hi Joanne, my memories are hazy about when exactly I learned the song. The one about mulberries is "all around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel, that's the way the money goes, pop goes the weasel!". That's the version we sang in my neck of the woods though I understand there are also different versions and different verses. In looking up the words on line it seems we must have mixed up a few different versions and rolled them into one! lol

Meredith said...

It is raining here in Florida today, on and off all day. In the summer we have huge storms that move in fast, with bright lightning and big booms, then they leave just as fast as they come.
Hugs to you, stay dry.

Lynda said...

Yes, I remember singing that song and sometimes still sing it - - even if I am alone. What makes us a bit nervous with storms that have some high winds and lightening is the concern one of the trees will be hit and land on our house.

Joyful said...

Hi Meredith, I have a friend in Orlando and she is always telling me about the weather in her area. I never would have known how many storms you get in Florida otherwise or how quickly the weather changes. Hugs to you too. Hopefully you won't have too much rain to contend with this winter.

Joyful said...

Hello Lynda, actually I confess I still do sing that song too! Like today, lol. I do understand the concern about trees landing on the house if they get knocked down. Fortunately I don't have any tall tress near me. You take care now!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hi, Penny. You can send some of the rain to California. Please!! We are in the midst of a terrible drought here. It's so bad, we have fire alerts for winter. Rare thing here.

Joyful said...

Wow! droughts in winter. I've never heard of that. I pray that you get some rain soon!

Anonymous said...

It's been raining a lot here too. Keep warm!

Joyful said...

Thanks Lady Fi! You stay dry :-)

eileeninmd said...

I know the song, but the words were a little different.. We are expecting some rain today too. I hope it does not last long.. Take care and have a happy weekend!

Terriea Kwong said...

Hope the weather is getting better and you're in good form.

Margaret said...

I awakened to snow on the ground (again). This weekend the temps will go up, and there is a rain/flood warning?!?

NatureFootstep said...

looks pretty much like where I live. Except for the size of the buildings. :)

Joy said...

I remember that song also Joyful! Today we have sunshine in the Sth West of W Australia, and tomorrow is forecast to be 38 degrees (celcius) so I'm not looking forward to that at all but, on the other hand, thunder and lightning doesn't bring me pleasure either! Rain would be wonderful and hopefully that will come after the heat to help cool us down!
I trust all is well with you and your Mum is feeling settled? Hugs, Joy x

DJan said...

I will be seeing the Mandela movie very soon, this coming week I hope. Thank you for the thoughtful comments you've left on my blogs, Joy. I'm off to find out how I can follow you. :-)

Viera said...

Beautiful city view...great reflection...

'Tsuki said...

Very impressive view, nice catch on those reflections...

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Sure enjoyed your photos looking out of the Doctor's office and your discussion of the rain. As you will know, I'm right down here in Seattle, so pretty much the same weather as Vancouver and the surrounding area. I also grew up with a lot of heavy rains, lightening, and thunder ... down in Texas. I do think that was a good place to grow up, but now I much prefer our Northwest climate. The rain does get a bit much at times, but I love our summers and falls, our almost always mild temperatures, and the way things stay green here all year. I sure appreciate the positive nature of your blog. Also, thank you for commenting on mine. By the way, I see up above in a comment someone has called you Joy ... do you prefer that? Have a good day! John

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful urban reflection photos ~ warm and cozy here ~ Sun is even out today ~ Had thunder and lightning yesterday ~ carol, xxx (A Creative Harbor)

Anonymous said...

Hi! love the photo. Oh, & yes I have a new blog the other one is history. Stop by.

Electra said...

I was born in Vancouver. Now I klive on the Prairies, with our fantabulous storms. lol I don't miss the grey at all. But I miss the ocean. Great to see from your eyes!

Joyful said...

Hello everyone! Thanks for stopping by and leaving such wonderful comments. I will see you soon at your blog ;-)

Joyful said...

That's great DJan! I'll be interested in knowing how you enjoy it..

Powell River Books said...

I remember the rhyme well, and I taught it to the kids in my kindergarten class as well. We had to leave our Powell River home to find some sunshine in Arizona for a week. - Margy

My Castle in Spain said...

Enjoy the sunshine when it comes Penny ! here, we actually could do with some rain :·)
Have a wonderful start for 2014 !
xo Lala

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Please excuse my second comment here, but I just wanted to say thanks for your recent comments on John's Island. The kind, positive comments keep me moving forward and I sure appreciate them. In the upcomming segment on Yellowstone, the two young ladies took some wonderful photos of bears. Those were the days when people were still allowed to feed the bears right from their cars ... so you can imagine they were a traffic stopper. Thank you again and best regards from Seattle. John

Ercotravels said...
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Joyful said...

Hello John, your comments are welcome any time! I'm glad you appreciate my visits to your blog ;-) I enjoy travelling and hearing and seeing the travels of others. Enjoy your week!

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