Thursday, May 28, 2015

A Good Report

 And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.
Matthew 10:42 (NIV)

Hello friends,

I hope this post finds you well and in good health. I also hope the weather is agreeable wherever you are. It seems the weather is so unsettling in many places around the world. These days you never know what to expect.

I reported just over a week ago about the abundance of hail we had here in Vancouver. Pictured below is the hail which had accumulated around my newly planted lettuce. Since that day, the lettuce (and other plants) seem to be fine.  However I find the lettuce doesn't grow that fast despite our sunny and very warm weather.  That might just be normal. I haven't grown lettuce for several years and I can't quite remember much about the experience.

The main purpose of today's post is to give you an update about missions work in Kenya.  Many of you have been following the plight of Angel Baby Fidelis pictured in the photo below with her advocate, Joseph Wanjau and the baby's mother.

Joseph has been raising the funds for Angel Baby Fidelis travel to Canada for surgery to remove the growth on her face and brain.  The baby also needs reconstructive surgery.  I am so thrilled to report that through Joseph's efforts and through the support of people near and far, the family is now able to travel to Canada!

Joseph is just waiting for word from the hospital as to when they will be ready to perform the surgery so that travel arrangements can be made.

I ask each of you to continue to pray for this family.  They will be far from home in a foreign land.  They will need to remain in Canada for 4 months for the surgery and recovery process.  I am grateful that they will get to make the trip during Canada's warmer months and not during winter. I only hope they will cope well with the humidity levels in Ontario.

Let us pray they will adapt and that they will have good success in surgery and recovery. Let us also pray for Joseph who is tirelessly working in Kenya to support orphans and to support disabled children and their families through the Hope Foundation for Orphans.

Photo Credit: Joseph Wanjau, Hope Foundation for Orphans ~ L to R, Joseph, Baby Fidelis & her mom

In other news, my good friend Jonah has continued to make his evangelistic outreach and humanitarian visits to the Pokot people of northern Kenya. These people are the Plains Pokot as they live in the dry, infertile plains herding goats, cows, sheep. Often it is too dry to keep the livestock watered and fed properly and the people also go hungry.

It takes a full day of travel to reach these people from home base in Kericho in the Highlands of Kenya. My friend Jonah has a huge heart for the Plains Pokot and has made many missions trips to reach them with the good news of the gospel and with practical food aid.  He does whatever he can and travels with other volunteers from his church about once per month or as funds allow.

You can see the people are very happy to receive their flour.

Some of the local men help to distribute the aid.

Jonah also likes to try and bring treats and fun to the people.

Here you can see them enjoying the succulent watermelon. I can only imagine how good it must taste when you are thirsty in a dry land.

In my last photo you can see the woman having fun blowing bubbles.

Perhaps it is the very first time she has ever experienced the childlike joy of blowing bubbles.

[Photo credits:  All photos of Pokot mission courtesy of Jonah of Missions of Hope, Kenya]

 I can certainly remember how much fun I used to have a child blowing bubbles.

As a grown up I love opportunities to buy bubbles for children just so I can watch them have fun and squeal in delight at such a simple pleasure.

In closing, I want to say that we value your faithful readership and as always we covet your financial and prayer support for the ongoing work to help the Pokot peoples
If you can help donation can be sent

via Pay Pal  

Donations to Hope Foundation can be made at their website.

Thank you.

If you have any problems or need any assistance with making your donation let me know and I will try to help you.

In the coming near future  I will let you know about another great initiative from one of my readers who is very keen to help raise funds for ongoing needs in Kenya.


John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Wonderful news that Baby Fidelis will be going to Canada for surgery! Your efforts here have surely been a part of the success. Let us hope that all who helped on this will continue to pray that Baby's surgery will be successful as well and there will be a full recovery for her. May God bless Baby Fidelis!

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Joyful, thank you for updating us about Baby Fidelis. I hope all the arrangement with the hospital will turn out well and smooth and the time will be suitable for baby and family. May God bless everyone involved in this operation and mission.

Laura said...

This is beautiful, I will pray for all of these families as I pray for all people to be comforted, safe, healthy and content. Thank you for sharing these tender photos and life-stories of the families you are helping.

Joy said...

Thank you for all the effort Joyful and for everyone who works for the mission. I supposed God has given each one a call and I thank God because when He calls...He provides. I am with you in prayers and God bless you more!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog so that I could visit you here. My heart is so touched by your post. I will be praying for Baby Fidelis and her family and physicians. The watermelon surely must be so good and such a treat to these precious people. Blessings to you.

Joyful said...

Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to read about the missions work in Kenya and for praying and caring. May you be blessed by our Heavenly Father who is love and through Him we send love to others. Hugs. xx

Linda said...

Your photos are so beautiful and heartwarming! Thank you so much for sharing. Thanks, as well, for your kind comment on my blog post. In response to your question, I love to take long walks in nature and nature parks here in Montreal, and I love visiting the St. Joseph's Oratory on Mount Royal. :)

Cynthia said...

The photos of the child eating watermelon and the woman blowing bubbles are just precious. God bless the man who is helping them with food and fun.

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