Thursday, May 7, 2015


Now and then I am blessed to catch a sunrise. This is one from a few days ago. 

We continue to have odd weather. It hailed again.This is the 2nd time in a week.

The hail looked like snow. I couldn't believe it but speaking to a cousin of mine just yesterday I learned it was snowing where she lives. It is rather late in the season for that. While we were talking on the phone I saw one reporter from her city (Edmonton) bringing the news of their recent provincial elections. The snow was falling and blowing wildly about him. Brrr.

The hail did a bit of damage to my garden plants.  I didn't realize that until I uploaded these (and other photos) and saw the damaged  leaves.
 I think they will be hardy enough to get beyond it.

I apologize to my readers if you haven't seen me much this week. I'm recovering from a nasty bout of food poisoning. I seem to be on the mend.

How was your week? 

Joining in with Skywatch Friday this week.
Have a look there for more awesome skies from all over the world.


Bethany Carson said...

Sorry to hear about the food poisoning--that does not sound fun! Unusual weather seems to be getting so common it could become the norm. Glad your plants were not too damaged by the hail. Your captures of the sunrise are beautiful!

affectioknit said...

I do love to be up at sunrise...I hope you feel better soon...

~Have a lovely day!

Mari said...

Very pretty sunset! A friend just posted pictures of Colorado Springs. They had a huge hail storm today, that also accumulated and looked like snow. They got about 2 inches. Crazy!
I love your photo of the raindrops on the hosta.

Rajesh said...

Spectacular sunrise shots.

Annie Jeffries said...

Very sorry you've been sick. Food poisoning is no fun. On the up side, you got a jet in your last sunrise shot. NICE!!

Joyful said...

Thank you for your kind words, Anne. Those are actually birds in a few of the sunrise photos. I like to capture birds in the morning when I can. They seem to be more plentiful before all the humans come out :-)

Joanne Noragon said...

Our weather is going straight to summer. I can remember the hostas taking quite a beating from a late spring freeze and having a wonderful summer and fall in spite of it.

KT said...

Need to get out to weed ... spring has sprung. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning - ick.

My Garden Diaries said...

Beautiful photos! I hope you feel like yourself soon! Nothing worse than being take care and thank you for these inspiring photos...just so pretty!!! Nicole xo

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous shots of the sky! Hope you're feeling better!

ak_ut said...

gorgeous shots - so sorry to hear about the food poisoning...hope you're feeling better and wish you a happy weekend :-)

Leovi said...

Yes, I like, pretty sunrise, a beautiful sky. Beautiful pictures!

amo sin blogg said...

Lovely pictures.
Here are hail and sun each time here too..
But soon summet I hope.

NatureFootstep said...

a golden beginning of a day. what more can you ask for :)

Small Kucing said...

I do love the pic of plant With droplets of water. So refreshing

eileeninmd said...

Gorgeous sunrise, love the pretty golden color. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!

Thomas Lee said...

A beautiful morning and sunset.

Thomas Lee said...

A beautiful morning and sunset.

Stephanie said...

Oh no, food poisoning! How awful, my friend! I hope you are feeling much better.

Your photos are always so beautiful and they are a joy to look at. Have a blessed weekend. Hugs!

Nancy Chan said...

Lovely sunrise pic. Hope you have fully recovered. Happy Friday to you.

psychelyn said...

Oh I am so sorry about the food poisoning. I hope you continue to feel better fast.

I don't like odd weather-it always makes my days worse. Your pictures are wonderful though despite of its being odd :)

Beverley Baird said...

Glad you're feeling better. Lovely shots of the sunrise. We had 30 C today - just opposite of you! But it will get cooler soon.

Farida said...

I love the sunrise photos! They are truly lovely. I hope you have fully recovered. God bless!

Pietro Brosio said...

Fantastic sunrise images!
Hope you feel well now.
Greeting from Italy!

Unknown said...

Lovely colours in the sunrise. Snow at this time of the year is not so lovely.

Meredith said...

The skies are beautiful.

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, This afternoon I'm catching up on my favorite blogs and just found your fine sunrise photos in this post and the Baboons in Kenya (May 8). I like all the photos! You sure have a nice view out to the eastern ridge of mountains, for catching the nice sunrise. Now, I am so sorry to hear about the food poisoning! Dang, I've had that a couple times over the years ... the last time was many years ago but I remember how bad the pain was. Bless your heart! Hope you are fully back to normal soon if not already! Re previous posts: I went back and looked again at your post of May 3rd to review plans for Baby Fidelis. I had wrongly thought the party was last weekend but see it is actually happening today ... sure hope they got the funds they needed! Lastly, your Baboon photos are fascinating ... I'll bet they are an unusual appearance on Eileen's meme. Thanks for sharing all ... take good care and be well! :-)

Cynthia said...

Such a beautiful golden sunrise. We've been having pretty pink ones here recently. Sorry to hear about the food poisoning and I hope you have recovered fully.

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Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Thank you for joining my submission to this week's Skywatch Friday .  We've returned to rain whic...