Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Thoughtful Gift & A Pleasant Walk

"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun."
Charles Swindoll

Yesterday I had a package from my blogging friend John of John's Island.  We have been friends for awhile now and have come to find we enjoy certain things that speak to simple pleasures in life.  One of those is coffee.

John lives in Seattle and I live in Vancouver. Both of our cities share similar weather patterns and the residents of both simply love their coffee. Do you think it has anything to do with all the rain both of our cities get over the winter months?

My wonderful care package; coffee mug included.

This morning I enjoyed my first cup of these "new to me" coffee. It was very nice!I even got a wonderful mug showing the Seattle Skyline.

It is a dark roast and I usually drink medium roast but I enjoyed this coffee very much. I even drank it black when I normally take cream. 

Receiving the gift was a lovely thoughtful gesture.
You meet some of the nicest people through blogging.

Most of  my regular viewers will know that we've been having a very hot summer
this year with little rain to speak of. One can see the dry grasses everywhere in a city that is known for lush greenery.

Still you can't beat the walks along the waterfront.


Joining in with Our World Tuesday


  1. I'm pretty sure the world is fuelled by coffee - I certainly am some days! Enjoy your cuppa :) #mondayescapes

  2. Awww... Your cup of coffee sounds wonderful. Sigh... I'm not really supposed to have coffee right now, but I sneak a half a cup in once in awhile.
    You certainly live in a beautiful place, even though you are having a hot summer. I love the beach!! :)

    Have a blessed day, dear friend.
    Joy to you! Debbie

  3. What a lovely gesture from John he truely his a good guy x

  4. I've heard that dark roast is the best. Whether true, I don't know. I do like dark roast coffee when I drink it. Great photos of your beautiful city.
    Take 25 to Hollister

  5. Hi Joyful, I got started on coffee very early, when I was just a kid. I can remember back when I was in high school (yes, I know, a forever ago) I liked to get up early in the morning and go into our kitchen and brew up a fresh pot of coffee to help me get a kick start on finishing the homework I had put off the night before. Those were the days before drip coffee makers … we had a percolator … remember those things? I recall often thinking … wow, coffee could really be awesome if only it tasted as good as it smelled. Ha ha. It was much, much later, after I ended up living in the Coffee Capitol of America, aka Seattle, that I discovered a coffee that met the taste criteria. So now you know how I fell in love with Umbria’s dark roast coffee. That was just one of the lucky things that’s happened to me in the last few years and another is finding Snap That! We have a lot in common and it is just a real pleasure to follow your blog and see what you are posting from the beautiful city of Vancouver. I truly admire your efforts for missions that you tell us about in your blog and the efforts you put forth to help others. To make a long story somewhat longer :-) When I discovered that you enjoy coffee as much as I do I just thought I had to send you some Umbria. It truly makes my day to hear your kind words about receiving the gift. That you think it is good enough to drink black is awesome but what tops that is your very kind post on Snap That mentioning the gift from that guy at John’s Island. What a pleasure to be your blogging friend! And I love the pictures from your walk along the beach!

  6. Beautiful captures!
    Great to know of your gift of coffee from a blogging friend!!

  7. What a thoughtful present!

  8. Beautiful pictures of sky and waterfronts! Have a lovely day!

  9. Hmmm what a thoughtful gift from your friend. I really like the quote you have at the top. About friends, that speaks to me. And then having a walk with friends at the waterfront, that is very pleasing experience. Enjoy your coffee and time with friends!

  10. Have to say I'm more of a teapot than a coffee pot ... but do understand it's lovely to share a cuppa.

    Lovely pictures here ... my favourite is the last one, lovely cool waters and a lovely blue sky.

    All the best Jan

  11. It's always fun to try a new coffee, especially in a nice mug from a friend. I love a certain coffee only available in minnesota and my daughter just sent me some. I'm disciplining myself not to open it until the coffee I had is gone!


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