Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Little Garden

My little garden has been subjected to a lot of heat so the flowers aren't doing quite so well. I water them it but haven't much energy in this heat to really spend time deadheading. Pansies don't do so well in excessive heat and they do need regular deadheading. All the other flowers are also struggling. My anemones which I thought were going to do very well bloomed early and promptly died.

The loops got into the cabbages and the beets but I still haven't caught any of them. There seem to be a lot of ants this year too. My little cherry tomatoes are now starting to ripen but the romaine lettuce is so-so. Good thing I don't really grow the garden for food. At this point, I am experimenting to see what will grow but hope soon that I can actually grow a bit for food needs. The only food I expect to harvest from my garden are the cherry tomatoes and the hot peppers.

The cherry tomotoes should be ripe and ready to use soon.

This busy bee was so excited flitting from plant. It really didn't know where to land but kept coming back to this red geranium. 

I've had a particular species of  butterfly come by daily too but I'm afraid I don't know the name. It is a simple, pale yellow coloured butterfly.  But the birds who used to like to splash at the bird bath, haven't been around. I'm guessing they too like the shade. Plus with all the smoke around, I think it would be hard on their little lungs. At least it looks as if my garden is feeding the butterflies and the bees, if not the humans and the birds.

Thank you for your visit.

I've got some treats lined up in the next few posts so I hope you will drop by again soon.
Enjoy the rest of your week!


  1. Nature is gorgeous !!
    Great shots !!

  2. Hello, you have a lovely garden. The tomatoes look great and the flowers are beautiful. Enjoy the day!

  3. Your garden is really produtive and must be a lovely place to relax x

  4. There's just about nothing better than home grown tomatoes...

    ~Have a lovely day!

  5. Your garden is beautiful, and it looks tasty too!

  6. Our tomatoes just started...I think it was because there was so much rain, they were not getting enough sun. And as for heat - we are only at 65 degrees F again today - downright cold. The heat is coming this weekend though. What pretty garden pictures!

  7. Hi Joyful, Your garden is looking good! I have to agree with affectioknit's comment above ... "There's just about nothing better than home grown tomatoes..." I hope the skies are clearing up a bit and things are cooling down. It's a little bit cooler but more smoky than yesterday here in Seattle. I especially like the orange flower ... 7th photo down. Thanks for sharing, as always.

    1. I agree John and I can't wait for the tomatoes to be ripe enough to eat.

  8. We are hot and dry. the plants we grow are somewhat drought resistant but they like yours are not doing well.

  9. I think it's just too darned hot and dry for our plants right now. They are hanging on for dear life! Many of ours are just totally hear stressed and have given up. Your flowers look pretty and those tomatoes.,, yum! They don't seem to mind the heat!!

  10. I would love to see more of your garden. We're done with our hot summer here so I assume my plants will grow and look better now. Lovely flowers you have.

  11. Flowers are always such a joy and seeing yours has brought a smile to my face :) Thanks for sharing your garden with us....have a beautiful day. Hugs!

  12. You have a good collections of beauties in your garden. My garden is also under too much heat.

  13. Your plants are beautiful. Is that bright orange a gladiolus? It is so pretty! I just looked up how to spell 'gladiolus' and read that they are native to Africa. I didn't know that.

    1. Yes Henny Penny. The bright orange blossom is a gladiola. I have several of them but this one is the only one in bloom at the moment.

  14. Such vibrant colors! No wonder the bees find their way there. Your tomatoes are doing well, too. Gardening is always an adventure and a learning experience, and no two years are ever the same.

  15. Well at least the tomatoes and the petunias are doing well. I think you can eat the petunia flowers, so all is not lost!

    1. LOL. I know one can eat pansies but I didn't know about the petunias. Thanks for dropping by.

  16. Those cherry tomatoes look delicious! Sorry to hear the heat is getting to your flowers, but I love their colors anyway.

  17. It is way too hot and dry in the lower part of the Pacific Northwest too! And still early in the fire season, very scary. The garden you have saved looks good, geraniums are always so cheerful. And tomatoes are fun eaten warm from the vine, even just a handful or two are worth it!

  18. Your tomatoes are beautiful! Yes, heat is not good for the flowers. Therefore, my youngest son water them in the morning and my husband sprinkles them in the late evening. (Lavender and white roses). My tomatoes are small yellow flowers :-) Lettuce grows well. I love gardening. What would it have been nice in Paradise


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