Thursday, June 16, 2016

Sky Watching

I spoke too soon at my last post here about not getting heavy rainfall on Monday.  That night we had such a torrent of rain that there was significant flooding in one part of the city. We don't usually get floods here despite the fact we get a lot of rain. 

I also saw on the news tonight that there has been significant rain and damage in a small northern city called Dawson Creek. Not Dawson City in the Yukon,  but Dawson Creek which is located at Mile "0" of the Alaska Highway. Dawson Creek is in the beautiful Peace River District in northeastern British Columbia.

My small garden is okay even with all the extra rainfall.

Here are a few photos.

The cherry tomatoes are starting to grow.

The snap peas are also growing.

The rodents are still eating my kale. I've planted a few more but have been too tired to try and cover them with netting.  My starter seeds of lettuce did not germinate well and whatever did was picked and eaten by the crows. The crows also ate all the sunflower seeds I was trying to start so instead I've planted some seeds directly in the ground and covered and watered them well.  We'll see if they will grow.   I let the English cucumber stay too long in the nursery pot but it has been planted, as have the peppers. We'll see how they do. The recent soaking of the soil will help a lot.

The heavy rain was also good for the pansies and violas. Though if one looks closely you can see that a number of leaves got too much water.  I've found these plants like more water than hot sun and it can be difficult to keep them happy when the sunny days are plentiful.

I love pansies. 
This year it was difficult to find any so I only have 2 small pots of them. 
Normally I have about 5 pots of pansies of all colours.

This colour of petunias looks rather nice. I also have deep fuschia coloured ones.

The sky was rather dull by the time I took photos. 

I missed the opportunity when the sun came out.

I think we will have more rain tomorrow (Friday).

Have a great weekend everyone.
I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday today.

A big 'thank you' to our faithful
Skywatch Friday team of Yogi, Sandy, and Sylvia.


magiceye said...

Gorgeous captures all!!

ak_ut said...

same here with lots and lots of rain! such a pretty little garden and lovely flowers. enjoy your weekend :-)

Jo said...

Oh I love your cute cherry tomatoes and snap peas. The pansies are pretty. They flower here in winter. Grant loves them but I haven't planted into pots this year. Your skies look promising for more rain. Take care. Blessings Jo

Lux G. said...

Nature is always so glorious to look at.
Nice shots.

Rebecca Jo said...

ahh - little critters are eating well :)
I love all the flowers. The bright purple just makes me happy during the hot summer months.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love cherry tomatoes, YUM! Your pansies are so pretty. Our sky looks much the same today, cloudy and gray! Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

Melanie said...

I do like pansies! My mother lovingly tended a small round pansy bed when I was growing up. They were so pretty. I hope the critters and birds will leave your garden alone. We have lots of squirrels in my yard and I suspect they would do something similar. Have a great day.

Thomas Lee said...

weather don't look good but flowers do

Jackie and Joel Smith said...

So glad you dropped by and left a message on our TravelnWrite because it led me back to your delightful blog. Hope we'll stay in touch. Love your photos in this post and hope you have sunshine again.

Red said...

Gardening is always a big challenge. The weather is just one of those challenges along with crows. I don't have the same problems with crows.

Shilpa said...

I remember my childhood house and the garden

John's Island said...

Hi Joyful, Wow, what a nice series of new photos! Love the close up of the plants in your garden! I was surprised to hear about flooding in or around Vancouver ... so unusual. I like the update on your garden. Gardening always has its challenges, doesn't it? Thank you much for your very kind and thoughtful comment about the Leukemia Cup Regatta on my blog. I appreciated all that information. It does seem like we have a fine weekend in store for the Pacific Northwest ... Hope yours is great!

Meredith said...

I love rain and we need some pretty desperately here in Florida.

Nancy Chan said...

Your garden plants are doing very well. The cherry tomatoes, snap peas and flowers are so healthy looking. Have a happy weekend!

Unknown said...

Lovely flowers! We've had some storms and heavy rains here too, but we've avoided bigger damage. I'm sorry to hear about the floods over there.

Cynthia said...

I love your deep blue flowers. Nice photos.

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