Thursday, March 15, 2018

Pastel Sky & Few Critters

I was fortunate to be able to capture some beautiful colour in the sky earlier this week. 

The first three photos were taken from my home.

The photo below was taken on the highway between the provinces of Alberta and British Columbia in the Rocky Mountains during one of my travels to northern Alberta.

The next few photos were taken on my balcony on a hot summer day.
I discovered a beetle which at first I thought was dead in the bird bath.
But upon closer inspection it was alive.
Do you see what appears to be an air bubble over it's head (3rd photo in the beetle series).
I emptied the bird bath into the garden as it needed refreshing and the beetle was able to recover.

This little exotic bird and flowers were photographed at the Bloedel Conservatory.
I'm afraid I can no longer recall the names of either but some of you might know.
If you do know could you leave a comment with your knowledge?

I'm linking up with

Friday Foto Friends

Skywatch Friday


Saturday's Critters

Thanks for visiting!
Have an awesome weekend.


Anonymous said...

Finally, the daylight comes back and conjures color in the sky. Lovely Pics!

magiceye said...

The sky photos are gorgeous!

Lady Fi said...

Love those pastel skies!

Irene said...

Gorgeous captures. I can't help you with the names :)

bookworm said...

The first two pictures are gorgeous; when I've seen sunrises with that coloring I've found myself holding my breath in wonder. Alana

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, so much to enjoy here! I love the sky photos, esp. the one with the steeple...that is beautiful! the little beetle in the water is such fun...even his shadow in the water is fun...and yes, it looks like he has a halo in the air bubble. Love the bird, but I don't recognize it. And that flower is so interesting...I can see an owl's face in the picture that is blooming...Thank you for sharing these with us. Loved them all!!God's beauty everywhere!!

Dianna said...

I enjoyed all of your photos, Penny. The colors in the sky pictures are just so so beautiful...and the view of the mountains in a distance in the third picture...oh my! Be still my heart! Isn't it interesting to watch beetles? It amazes me how God provides His creation with just what they need to survive...even beetles. That little bird at the conservatory is so pretty and sweet. And the flowers are gorgeous! Your photography is wonderful, my friend! Thank you for sharing.

Rhodesia said...

I am no good with birds in your country and it looks nothing like any birds here! Maybe David will identify it. Love that fourth shot of the rocky mountains, a real picture postcard photo. Enjoy your weekend, Diane

Red said...

I could spend a whole month cruising the highway from BC to Alberta. Great photo.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your bird appears to be a Bearded Reedling, also sometimes referred to as a Bearded Parrotbill or Bearded Tit. The taxonomy of this species has been subject to considerable discussion. Just as an aside, I have several times tried to locate this species in suitable habitat in Europe, but have never succeeded.

affectioknit said...

...I love the pinks and have such a beautiful skyline...

~Have a lovely day!

carol l mckenna said...

Magnificent sky shots!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

italiafinlandia said...

I like the golden coloured beetle!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Beautiful pastel skies, and some great flowers.

Aritha V. said...

The bird! So nice!

HappyK said...

Beautiful pink skies.

Carol @Comfort Spring Station said...

Liked all the photos, beautiful skies, the birds, and even the little beetle. Have a lovely weekend!

Annie said...

So pretty, all of it!

Jeanie said...

What lovely skies! I wish I knew what that little bird was -- he's so pretty!

Joanne Noragon said...

Lovely photos--as ever.

Joyful said...

Thank you David for adding your knowledge. I did a quick search and it seems this pretty little bird is under threat. Perhaps that's why you haven't captured it in Europe. I photographed this little one at the local conservatory.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Really beautiful photos. I rarely get the pastel purple color in my skies. I wonder if that something more common in the higher latitudes? Gorgeous shot of the rocky mountains, too!

Angie said...

Alberta and BC are spectacular provinces! The one shot of the Rocky Mountains says it all! The plant right under the bird is a shrimp plant - I used to have one in college! Have a lovely weekend!

eileeninmd said...

Love the pretty colored skies and the view of the road and mountains. I am glad the beetle was alive. Pretty bird, I wish I could help with it's name. The flowers are beautiful. Thank you so much for linking up and sharing this post. Also, thanks for the nice comment and visit. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Lovely post and I wish I knew the name of that sweet little bird~

Elisabeth said...

Beautiful photos, I love the pinkish look from the captured it so well. I have a dear friend who lives in Alberta for many years now, and all three of her adult children moved from there, but she and her husband would never want to leave Alberta...they love it there!

shayndel said...

Love the pinks in the sky! Beautiful views from your house and highway!! You are always so kind and this time to the little beetle!! I`m always moved by how see all the life around you from the tiny to the grand!! Blessings and a beautiful weekend to you!♡

Joyful said...

It is a beautiful province :-)

A Colorful World said...

Beautiful sky and mountains! And I love that beautiful bird!

Granny Marigold said...

Lovely sky pictures.
It's so nice that other commenters were able to identify the bird and also the pretty bloom.

Mari said...

Beautiful pictures! I love the sky and the mountains!

Breathtaking said...

Hello!:) Your bird is a Bearded Tit, I saw a photo of one recently in one of my bird books. It's lovely bird. I'm glad you rescued the beetle, my hubby often checks the pool to rescue insects,'s a good feeling to save one of God's creatures. I love the purple skies, I'm guessing early morning shots, cos, that's when I sometimes see beautiful skies like these. Lovely yellow flowers, and spectacular mountain view too.

diane b said...

Love the pink sky through the bare tree. You have a great view from your place.

Jan said...

Such a beautiful sky Penny. Love all your photos of different creatures animal and plant kind. Just lovely.

NatureFootstep said...

I found the name Bearded reedling, probably a female. We have them,but they are rare.

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