Showing posts with label October. Show all posts
Showing posts with label October. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

And When October Goes ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to Toni Taddeo's

"And when October goes
The same old dream appears
And you are in my arms
To share the happy years
I turn my head away to hide
The helpless tears
Oh, how I hate to see October go". 

Barry Manilow

1. What do you hate to see go?

I hate to see the end of the dry seasons.  Heavier rains can start as early as the middle of October and last well into the new year.

2.  How's the autumn weather in your part of the world right now? 

Today (Monday) it was a beautiful day with sunshine and clearing blue skies.  We've just had 3 days of torrential rainfall. Something called an atmospheric river which is a new phenomenon.  Sadly, many of the surrounding municipalities were flooded and there were a few casualties around the province.

Sunday sky
Monday sky

3.  Anything on your reading list for autumn? What are you reading/watching right now that you would share with us.

I'm about to begin reading several books including:  The Book That Wouldn't Burn by Mark Lawrence.

I can't yet say that I recommend them because I haven't read enough yet.  They were all random books I picked up at the library a few days ago.

I've also been watching a few different series on Netflix:  Pachinko and Slow Horses and I'm looking forward to the new season of both. I understand that Pachinko hasn't yet been renewed but Slow Horses has been. If you are a fan of Gary Oldham you will enjoy his performance in Slow Horses but really, the entire cast is a delight.

4.   For many religion keeps them going with promises of better things to come.  But there are other things that help along the way.  What things/people/thoughts, keep you going on your way?

At the moment, the thought that keeps me going is once I get through major decluttering and reorganizing, I will be 'free' to do other things wholeheartedly and enjoy life more. I do enjoy life right now but I hope to enjoy it more with greater free time to do hobbies and maintain or make new friendships. I also want more time to host people for dinner including loved ones and family members and time to plan travels and projects with my dear hubby.

Monday, October 7, 2024

October Memories ~ Tuesday 4

Welcome to October's first Tuesday 4 kept in memory of Toni Taddeo.   

1. What memories do you have of Octobers past?

I have 2 memories of Octobers past. The first is when I was 13 years old and the last time I participated in October 31st trick or treating. I lived in the far north of my province and though we didn't have snow at that time of year it usually got quite cold at night. Children and teenagers of course almost never worry about the cold, especially when out having fun.  

My siblings and I covered many miles that night with our pillow cases, going house to house.  The moon was full and the hoar frost was out in abundance.  It was cold and we weren't dressed for it but it didn't stop us.

My outfit that year was as a hippie.  I was dressed in bell bottoms, a t-shirt, an open button down blouse (striped), some kind of necklace and a scarf tied around my forehead with the sides hanging down the side of my face. It was back in the day when you put together your own outfit and mother's seldom sewed them for their children like they do today.  I don't know why I remember this particular Hallowe'en. Perhaps I got a load of candy more than usual, perhaps it was extra cold that night, perhaps it was because I knew it would be my last outing as a 'trick or treater'.  In any case, I remember that night well.

My second memory is of living in our nation's capital, Ottawa, Ontario. My mother had come for a late fall visit and we greatly enjoyed going for walks and tours soaking in the beautiful fall foliage. Here we are at the farmer's market, called the Byward Market in Ottawa with all the gorgeous pumpkins. Forgive the quality of the photo. It was in the days before smart phones. I think I was even using a disposable camera.

2. Besides here in New Jersey, some of the coziest neighborhoods I've driven through were in rural Ohio and Pennsylvania.   The picture reminds me of those times.  Does this photo bring any thoughts to mind for you?

The photo reminds me of scenes in and around Ottawa, Ontario. When you go out of the city a bit to the villages you will see a variety of cottages, old wooden homes and of course trees in the fall with their beautiful, autumnal colours.

3. As weather cools I do enjoy Pumpkin Spice and Pumpkin Latte flavors in my coffee.  Do you like flavored coffees or teas? Which are favorites for you?

I'm not found of flavoured coffees especially those with mixes you add to your coffee at home. Occasionally, I do enjoy a Pumpkin Latte at Starbucks but I seldom order such things. I used to go on regular coffee dates with a friend who has now passed on and she loved Pumpkin Lattes and coffee in general. Since her passing I still do enjoy coffee but seldom at a specialty coffee shop. I don't drink much tea but I have a variety of fruit flavoured teas and also I love my Earl Gray with Oil of Bergamot.

4.An orchard near me not only sells apples but pies and their famous apple cider donuts in the fall.  What kind of pies, cakes and pastries do you like to eat?

Don't get me started, lol. I do enjoy pastries of all kinds. At this time of year apple pies are especially good and apple fritters too. I have never had an apple cider donut.

I join with like minded people in asking God to bless and protect all the precious people in North Carolina, George, Tennessee and all areas impacted by Hurricane Helene.   I also ask for protection of Floridians who are at this moment expecting another Category 4 Hurricane.  

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Tuesday 3 ~ October


Welcome to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 hosted by Annie at Cottage by the Sea.

Here on the sea coast the weather is very chilly.  We are in the low 50s by night and the low 60's by day. Leaves are turning and will be falling soon.

1.  What does this picture make you think about? 

It makes me think of beautiful and peaceful  days away from the hustle and bustle of the city and all the things that keep us busy. Fall colours in particular also make me think of a particular period of my childhood between the ages of 10-14 when we lived in a quiet neighbourhood not far from a walk through the forest. There I would enjoy the fall colours. At the end of the trail there would be a slough where horses and their riders would take a break and the horses could drink. My family members and I would go there often for walks.

2. If you could spend a week in that cottage would you do it and who would you bring along with you?

I would gladly spend a week in that cottage. I would bring my dear husband but if there is enough space I would also like to bring other members of my family so we can spend some quality time together.

3.  What kind of meal do you think represents October best? How about cookie or cake or dessert?

When I think of October I always think of a turkey dinner. It's probably because I live in Canada and we celebrate Thanksgiving in early October. In fact, we just celebrated Thankgiving this past weekend. A turkey features prominently in the traditional holiday meal though these days a lot of people don't roast one or don't know how to do it. Cinnamon and pumpkin are common ingredients in treats around here at this time of year. I would say pumpkin spice cookies or coffee cake to go along with coffee would be my pick.

4.  Thinking of October, what song would go well with the month? What song would go well with this picture?

Now that's a more difficult question. October where I live is usually when we start getting much more rain. In fact it rained very heavily overnight and into today. My pick without thinking about it too much  is "Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head" by B. J. Thomas.  The song that goes well with this picture is "Autumn Leaves" by Nat King Cole. Here it is for you to enjoy.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Skywatch Friday ~ October Vibes

Site of the new subway station at Broadway & Main

Hello friends and fellow bloggers,

We've had record setting temperatures over the fall season but on Friday we are finally expecting some rain.  The other day the meteorologist reported that since July to the present time we have only had 16 mm of rain when the norm would be just over 160 mm of rain. No wonder the tree on my patio died. It had been looking sickly for a few seasons and it has finally succumbed. I'm a bit sad but it's not going to matter much. 

Within the year or so the strata will be uprooting all the patios and is contemplating not having any gardens at all. The weight and growth of them (dirt, plants, roots, water) has the potential to become problematic for the structure of the building. No decisions have been  made yet and there will be a special meeting to discuss all the results and options going forward once a report is ready. I think I would rather confine my gardening to containers on the patio and have a bit more footage to arrange furniture.

In the meantime here are some photos I took of the sky when I was out and about running errands earlier in the week.  I took these photos just as thd light was fading. I thought the ones with the trolley lines set against the sky were quite interesting.  A lot of those lines will be likely be eliminated once the new subway system on the Broadway corridor is running (target is late 2025) but I don't know that for sure.


In my reading stack this week I found a wonderful little book called The Birds of East Africa. It is short read of approximately 200 pages and is a sweet little tale set in Nairobi, Kenya. The style is along the lines of Alexander McCall Smith's #1 Ladies Detective Agency books.

I'm now reading the best seller The Distant Hours by Australian writer, Kate Morton. It's an interesting book about family secrets connected to 3 elderly sisters living in an imposing and decaying castle. 

I picked up both of these books at the thrift store on a whim and wasn't expecting much from them but they are both turning out to be satisfying reads.


I also picked up a set of sheets and pillowcases at the thrift store. I wouldn't have purchased them but they were a good price, minimally used and I like blue and white. This set is by Tommy Hilfiger but strangely they look quite wrinkled even though they are not 100% cotton. I don't iron most things including sheets. By the time they are pulled flat onto the mattress most of the wrinkles will disappear.

Each piece of the 4 piece set was sold individually.  I didn't notice that the two exact same pillowcases had different prices until I got them home.  I'm guessing two different clerks priced them.  I paid about $26 dollars in total for the set. I think the price is okay given what new sheets cost and these appear to be little used.

Have you found any good thrifting deals lately or read any good books?

I'm joining in with Skywatch Friday this week. Thank you for stopping by!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Catching Some Light


By Robert Frost 
O hushed October morning mild,
Thy leaves have ripened to the fall;
Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild,
Should waste them all.
The crows above the forest call;
Tomorrow they may form and go.
O hushed October morning mild,
Begin the hours of this day slow.
Make the day seem to us less brief.
Hearts not averse to being beguiled,
Beguile us in the way you know.
Release one leaf at break of day;
At noon release another leaf;
One from our trees, one far away.
Retard the sun with gentle mist;
Enchant the land with amethyst.
Slow, slow!
For the grapes’ sake, if they were all,
Whose leaves already are burnt with frost,
Whose clustered fruit must else be lost—
For the grapes’ sake along the wall.



And, on another note.......

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Home Sweet Home ~ Tuesday 4

Hello!  Welcome back to Toni Taddeo's Tuesday 4 where each week we ask you to consider 4 questions on various subjects.    The goal is ...