Hi again,
It seems so very long since I've written here about what is going on so here goes. I meant to post on Thursday for Skywatch Friday and post some autumn photos but time slipped away on me.
I'm still recovering. My face still looks like quite a fright but the swelling has gone down a lot. Now I watch the colourful bruises change from day to day. I have a big bump under my right eye. When I touch it is is very hard. This is where I have a fractured bone. After a lot of telephone tag, I finally have an appointment to see the plastic surgeon in just over a week.
I've been working very hard for over a month to try and manage my blood
sugar levels better. I had been eating well, exercising and watching
snacks but the sugar levels just keep going up. I have been researching
all about the causes of insulin resistance and the effects of low
carbohydrate diet on insulin and blood glucose. I am now on one meal a
day (OMAD) and Intermittent Fasting. I'm glad to say the blood sugar
level has come down a lot. I compared my current reading to the last few
years and I see that I haven't had such a good reading in 4 years. So I
'm very excited and will keep doing what I'm doing. Hopefully in 3
months the blood sugar will be even better. Since I've been trying this new way of eating I am not posting photos of my cooked meals. It just isn't that interesting but if I should somehow become more creative about the meals, I will post about it.
I haven't been able to get back to household routines while I've been recovering. I'm too sore and tired and I still have a lot of neck and shoulder tension. But I am moving forward every day to complete a number of 'to dos' and errands that I've been wanting to get to for long. That is how I happened to be out to get some photos some of which I'm sharing today.
The Sea bus to the North Shore leaves regularly from downtown.
During Covid it has been much harder to do the shopping for anything other than groceries and medicines. Over the summer things opened up more and now I'm running around trying to get what I need. I'm also worried that things might become more restrictive
again so the more I can do now, the better.
Most of my 'to dos' have been focussed on trying to fill the gaps and needs in my home. I'm doing everything on a very tight budget so it takes a lot of looking around, consideration of the overall theme and colour scheme, seeing about the size of pieces and how to get them home. Truth is, I've been looking for some of these items for a few years already but wanted to get rid of other things first. I'm not much of a decorator. I usually see something I like and then I try to make it work. But now I have to be far more mindful if I want to avoid collecting a bunch of things that just sit unused.
I took this photo from the downtown Simon Fraser Uni. campus
I have needed dining chairs for a very long time. Whenever I'd have people for dinner it would usually be a crowd so we didn't sit at the table anyway. We would gather on sofa, ottoman and side chairs. Before I got different chairs I wanted to get rid of my old ones. I did that just over a year ago. I've been searching for quite awhile for just the right chairs: sturdy, right colour, appropriate style and good price. I finally bought some thrifted dining room chairs and they are absolutely nothing like I originally planned to buy. In the end I got tired of looking and considering and these chairs will do just fine. As it turns out my late sis owned a set of these oak dining chairs an an oak table to go with them.
They are just solid, oak wood chairs that will blend in with many other furniture items and decor. These are not very popular chairs where I live. Most people want modern or post-modern furnishings, not traditional or farmhouse. However I happened to look at a new issue of Victoria magazine and saw the chairs featured in a restaurant and in some beautiful photos. I also saw them in a music joint in a You Tube video featuring Zydeco music and dancing. So I'm thinking the chairs are popular with restaurants and bars in rural areas of the USA. I think if I lived in a rural area in Canada, I could also find a lot of these chairs but not here in the city. I found some on the Wayfair website (see photo below). They vary in price from about $250 per chair to $550 per chair. If you find the chair in a brick and mortar store I'm certain they would cost a lot less. In fact, my late sis used to own the exact same chairs and an oak table to go with them. They and can be stained or painted a different colour and that was one of the reasons I bought them besides the fact that they are solid. I had been looking for new chairs in a more traditional style and primarily made of wood or a neutral coloured fabric. It wasn't easy to find anything in a style and material that I like and that won't need constant tightening of the screws and also fit the budget. The antique oak and cane dining chairs I gave to my cousin needed regular tightening of the legs and I grew tired of dealing with that. It seems modern chairs may be no better. My cousin lives in the country where there are craftspeople who can repair what needs repair. In fact, her father-in-law did the job of fixing up the chairs for her and she absolutely loves them. I am happy too that I found a good home for them because my late mother bought the chairs for me as a gift. I picked the chairs against my mother's better judgement. I should have listened to her.
One chair on Wayfair for $450.
When I'm up to it, I'll share a few of my container finds from the thrift store for those of you who like thrift hauls. I did a bit of research on the pieces I bought before I decided to go ahead and buy them. I wanted to be sure the prices were not too high and I also wanted to consider whether I would really use them or they would just become clutter. I hesitated to buy them at all because I'm not yet ready to display and use them. I need to get a few shelves to put up in the kitchen and then I'll be ready to put out the containers.
I also found new planter pots to repot some the aloe vera plants and other large plants that already out grew the pots I put them in over the summer. I was glad to complete this job before winter arrives. They should all be good in their new pots for a long time to come.
I've long had an interest in Chinese porcelain but to be honest, they don't go with my decor. I have such eclectic tastes which lean toward bohemian or classic. However this past 6 months or so, I've been trying to hone in on a style and I'm going for ethnic or tribal bohemian to incorporate different things I've collected over the years. It might seem a bit strange to hone in on a style as I head into my the last third of my life but I see it as one way to harness my purchasing habits so that I don't end up with a lot of needless things as the years go by.
- Can anyone relate to being indecisive about what style you really like or do you just go all eclectic?
- Does anyone relate to ethnic or tribal bohemian decor?
So the Chinese porcelain doesn't really fit in though perhaps some small items here and there will work.
A jaunt to Chinatown to check out plants and porcelain
The Bamboo Village was my destination. They carry a lot of plants and pots
The thrift store where I bought the dining chairs was selling 2 Chinese porcelain pieces that had not yet been priced. I was a bit interested in them so I went to Chinatown to see if I could price similar items. I also checked on line and then went back to the store. It turns out the larger porcelain piece, which is the one I liked most, had been sold just a few minutes before I arrived.
I found out it was sold for $140. I couldn't believe it because though that is less expensive than what you will pay on the Wayfair website, it is definitely not what I consider thrift store prices. I also think you can buy a similar piece in store for a lot less if you look around. he thrift store isn't an antique store and of course like all thrift stores the items are donated to them for charitable purposes. I just don't agree with pricing donated items out of the range of most thrift shoppers. I likely wouldn't have purchased it anyway but I had to go through the process. The store has a second item which hasn't been put out yet because the lady who prices the items told me she is still researching. When she researched the piece she found it on line for $3000. and on that basis she is going to price it on the expensive but hasn't yet decided on the final amount.

I had discovered that there is a city in China (and quite likely many cities) where making porcelain reproductions is their chief business. So I asked "how do you know the vase isn't a reproduction?" She didn't have a good answer for me and acknowledged it could be a reproduction and that she hasn't finalized her research. This is another reason why thrift stores should not try to act like they know about authentic art vs. fakes and reproductions. If they keep prices on the high side they might end up selling something to some unsuspecting person who pays a lot and the purchaser might end up with a fake! Anyway, I'm glad I was not interested in purchasing the piece. It is a vase with butterflies painted on them similar to the photo above. It wasn't that pretty to my eye. The one in the photo is nicer. If I ever do purchase a Chinese porcelain pot or two I won't be looking to buy originals so I don't want to pay high prices. I am no collector of fine porcelain. I just want something pretty that catches my eye.
More fun for me was going to the fabric store and buying muslin and cotton fabric and cotton webbing. I have some tea towels on hand that I want to turn into some bags. This is just to occupy my time and perhaps give some gifts as it is that time of year again. I have one or two people in mind for the bags.
We celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada on Monday. I will be making ham for dinner so we don't have turkey for two holidays in a row. I like to have turkey on Christmas Day. If you are a Canadian reader, have a very Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving.
One of my brothers who lives far from me will be visiting with his wife a week after Thanksgiving. They are coming to Vancouver on a short vacation and it will be nice to see them again. Since it's Covid times, their options for travel are limited. Though we've talked and visited by phone, I haven't seen them since mom's funeral service in April 2017. Time does fly by so fast.
Last but not least, I'm reading a bit. Here are 3 books on my list at this time. I can recommend them all.
The Book of Candlelight is a mystery set in a town called Miracle Springs. The town suffers a flood and mystery unfolds concerning the death of a Cherokee pottery maker.
Under the Table is chick literature. The story concerns a woman who separates from her husband, moves to New York City to live with her sister and start a new life through cooking and catering private dinner parties. On one of her jobs she meets a reclusive, nerdy multi-millionaire and with his consent, begins a process of making him over.
1000 White Women is a fictional book based on a historical fact. It's the story of May Dodd who was committed to an insane asylum by her rich family because she married a man they felt was beneath her station in life. In 1875, she decides to volunteer to travel to the American West and marry the chief of the Cherokee Nation. The marriage opportunity is through a secretive government program and she joins up so she can escape the asylum.
Enjoy your weekend and the week ahead.