Showing posts with label recycle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label recycle. Show all posts

Thursday, April 11, 2019

A Bit of This & That: Books, People, Paintings, Sky

I started the week tired so have been taking a bit of a break from heavy duty
 house cleaning while still trying to make a bit of progress.

I was very happy that I was able to recycle (by giving away) several household items (tablecloth,  oven mitts, scatter rug, dish rack and drying mats). It takes a lot of work to make sure items are clean, photograph them, post them on line and then respond to inquiries as well as arrange pick up times but it is so much better than throwing away items which are still in good enough condition to be used by someone else.

I also cleaned the cabinet under the Master Bathroom sink and installed a shelving unit. It makes a big difference and now I can have things nicely stored away.

I finished reading two books and am working on the 3rd one picked up recently at the local library. There is already a waiting list for the two books in the few days since I borrowed them. Whenever I see a waiting list for a book I try to hurry up and read it because I cannot renew a book for which there is a wait list.  If I finish a book quickly I also like to return them to the library quickly so that others may enjoy them.  Of course while at the library I  picked up 3 more books (2 books with tips for household cleaning and/or frugality and one novel).

It's been raining a lot here and I haven't managed to get to the planting of my gardens. However I can see the perennials coming up in my patio garden with all the rain we've been having. I still have to plant the bare spots and I'm hoping for better weather soon though Tuesday was a spectacular day.

On that day, or rather, that evening, a friend and I went to see the exhibition from French Moderns: Monet to Matisse, 1850 - 1959.  While in the line up to get into the museum I started chatting with the woman ahead of us. Instead of being a local resident, she was a visitor from Mexico City who was in Vancouver for a conference.  She was squeezing in some sightseeing whereever she could and it was her last night in the city.  I helped her out with some of her questions and then I invited her for coffee afterward which she readily accepted.  It was nice to sit and chat and be hospitable to a stranger.  Hopefully she will have a nice thought about Canada or Vancouver in years to come. This verse of scripture always comes to mind when I chat with a stranger

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Hebrews 12:2 (NIV)

It isn't the reason I entertain strangers however. I just enjoy meeting people and showing them kindness or helpfulness. I think most people, including me, enjoy being on the receiving end of this kind of hospitality.

Now here are a few paintings (and one sculpture) that caught my eye at the exhibition. I did ask first if it was okay to take photos and the answer was 'yes' but no flash photography.

Carpet Merchant of Cairo, c. 1869 Artist Jean-Léon Gérôme

Madame Boursier and Her Daughter  c.1873 Artist Berthe Morisot

Young Women of Sparta, 1868-70 Artist Jean-Baptist-Camille Corot

Woman of African Descent, 1868, Artist Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux

I end this post with a photo of the night sky on my walk to the bus station after coffee.

To cap the night I grabbed a quick bite to eat and stopped at the dollar store to see if I could find a small item I need.
I didn't find what I was looking for but I was satisfied with my day.


Joining with 


Friday, September 23, 2016

Reducing and Recycling


I mentioned in yesterday's post that I had a bit of time to get rid of some stuff through the local Freecycle.  My efforts to get rid of things paid off and now I've cleared up some of my clutter.

I love pretty, fresh cut flowers.

Yesterday and today I gave away several items of clothing (mostly vests and sweaters) that I've had for a long time but never wear.Since I've purchased newer things in the last 2 years I must get rid of other things to make room. Sometimes you just have to admit that some of your purchases weren't quite right and let them go. But there are also things one has for such a long time that can be let go to make room for something new.  The things I recycled were in good or like new condition and went to a lady who was very much appreciative.  I also recycled a lot of other items such as: books, bread machine, coffee machine, fabric remnants and DVDs (music and movies).

I've got lots more to get rid of but I prefer to take my time to sort through things.  It also takes time to give things away because one has to write up the advertisements, take pictures of the items, post and then respond to queries before someone comes by to pick things up. If there is a lot of interest in something for giveaway it can be a bit tricky to coordinate and believe or not, some people can get nasty about it if they are not the ultimate recipient. That experience put  me off of giveaways for a time but I've since resumed the activity because I prefer to give things to someone who needs them rather than give them to the thrift store for sale.

"Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.”  
Luke 6:38

My mother was the type that held on to things to be used "some day".  I've inherited her tendencies toward sentimentality and also keep a lot of  things for a rainy day.  However I am also much better at releasing things than she was.  I don't like having too many things stuffed in bags and boxes and stored somewhere to be used "some day".  One tends to forget what is stored away in bins and boxes. I also think that one cannot receive "good gifts" if you don't have room for them.

I took the above photos at the Yellowpoint Lodge, near Ladysmith on Vancouver Island a few years ago.  It was Fall and I really enjoyed walking on the property through the mist.

I  know many of us tend to purchase more than we need. I'm conditioning myself to purchase only the things I want or really need and let go of other things that bog me down.  For quite some time I've felt like I have far too much stuff and have been looking for ways to find new homes for it all. It takes time.

My progress sometimes seems slow because at the same time I am getting rid of things I am also adding to them.  A lot of it is clutter caused  by my ever present sewing projects. I need fabrics on hand for future projects. Once I've made things there are always remnants of fabric left. I don't tend to use fabric remnants myself so then they need to be stored.  A fabric stash and fabric remnants take up a lot of space.  Yarns for knitting and crocheting also take up a lot of space.  I've had to give away so much and so I realize it is better not to buy more until I really want to use it. Adding to things that need to be stored are things I must bring back from my mother's room and closet. I am always editing her things as she has limited space.

These are some of the ways I add to household clutter not to mention digital and paper clutter.
 Even so, I like to think I am making progress with clearing some of it up.
At least one of my brothers assures me that I am not a hoarder, lol. 
He knows how much I've given away and gotten rid of over the past several years because from time to time I need his help to take items to the goodwill  which I tend to do if I have  put together many bags/boxes of things at one time.


The city where I live has recently started collecting compostable materials. I have a small compost pail for the kitchen (it has been sitting outside in the garden for the year, lol). I need to bring it indoors and get used to setting aside food scraps and taking it downstairs to the compost bin that is emptied every week.  Cardboard,plastic and glass containers also get recycled and there are appropriate bins in the garbage room for all of it.  Sometimes I save the glass jars and wash them before giving them away.  They make good containers for storing buttons and other odds and ends.

I already save all the refundable containers. Once I have a great big bag of them they are taken to the recycling facility to get the small refund. A large black garbage bag of bottles and cartons usually gets me a refund of $3.- $4. Canadian.

It seems so many of us recycle but sometimes one wonders if these efforts are helping when you see garbage everywhere. Moreover the rate of climate change is happening so fast. 
I shudder to think what would happen if no one tried to do their part to help the environment.
We all need to be vigilant in doing our part but some people still don't seem to be alert to the issues.

What about you dear reader? 

Do you give things away, donate them to goodwill or just throw them out? 

What things do you have trouble getting rid of?

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Fun Project

She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

Proverbs 31:13

Old night clothes after washing.

Cutting up the clothing for trope or tarn.

Trope/tarn turned into this....

The finished product after a bit of steaming. It looks wider on the bottom but that is an illusion.

It measures approx. 19 inches from top to bottom and 21 and a half inches from side to side. I could have added more trope/tarn but didn't feel like making more trope/tarn.

I think the rug is ample enough for my two feet. I'm thinking I will put it by my bedside or give it to someone. (Pardon my see through sock, he he).

I am quite happy with how the rug turned out. I didn't follow a pattern, instead making one up as I went along and adding stitches to the corners as needed to try and keep a more or less, even shape. To make the trope/tarn needed for this project I used 4 pajama tops and 1 leg off of one bottom. Ideally, you should use t-shirts and in particular,  those without side seams. This will make your trope or yarn much stronger. My trope has a lot of joined sections which I can see peeking out in different stitches and it may not be quite as secure as it could be. That is quite okay with me.  I don't mind the more rustic look and this rug is likely going to be for my own use.  I decided against using green or orange coloured pajamas so I could make my rug in shades of pink, purple and  light blue. That means I will probably make another rug but first have to cut up the rest of my green coloured nighties.
Jessie, a missionary to the deaf in Kenya, is the one who inspired me to make tarn and the rug.  I followed her example here for attaching the strands of tarn.

If you want to learn more about how this kind of project is done, there are several youtube videos that teach you how to cut t-shirts (or in my case, pajamas) for trope or tarn. I'm posting the video I followed but there are others out there with different methods. Choose one that works best for you!  I will be posting soon about some other creative projects so come back and visit again sometime. I like hearing from crafters and would be crafters.

I'd love to know if you decide to make your own project after making your own trope/tarn.

If you missed my last post, please read here. I'd love to read your comments especially if you already help on the mission field or are a missionary. It might encourage someone else to step forward ;)

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Hi dear friends,

I hope you are all doing great! It is still cloudy and raining where I live but in a few days we are expecting sunshine for a few days. Last weekend the weather report was also for sunshine for two days and though it did stop raining it didn't really shine all that much. I hope they are right this time!

I continue to nurse my leg. It is really up and down with the pain levels. On my good days I get outside for some errands. Those days aren't as often as I'd like but today the leg is feeling better and I can walk straighter than usual without a side to side gait. I am trying out this new-to-me infrared heating pad.These pads are very pricey but I got it on a significant discount.  I still had to think twice before buying it but the free shipping was the clincher. This one is on a trial basis for a few weeks.  It had many good testimonials from arthritic pain sufferers but for my knee it didn't seem to do much. Last night I also had an aching back and sciatic pain from sitting so much. I decided to use the heating pad on my back and neck before I went to sleep. Boy did it work like a charm. Today I have far less pain in my back and muscles than I did yesterday. I will try it again tonight.

It's a little hard to see the heating pad as it is black against my brown footstool.

While I've been doing all this sitting I have managed to get a lot of knitting done.  I take a break here and there for laundry, tidying, cooking, etc. I'm knitting the same pattern over and over and I'm not tired of it yet.  I expect that I will be ready to move on from this in a few days when I expect my cotton yarn will be used up as well.  Knitting for so many hours leads to some issues with the balls of yarn which can roll all over the place.  I made myself a yarn holder which saved me a good deal of money.  The cost of yarn holders varies as does what they are made of, but I saw one medium sized plastic model which cost approximately $15.00 Canadian.

I poked a hole in the top of this plastic container and it works great. I would recommend you place a piece of masking tape over the centre of the lid where you want to make the hold. Use a drill with a larger size bit if you want to make this otherwise you may crack the lid in places you don't want (like I did).  I used a sharp pointed object and it made several cracks in the lid. The yarn will get stuck in the cracks and fray if you are not careful.

My yarn holder cost me nothing and saved the container from the garbage pile. I saved about $15.00 and it holds several small, rolled cotton balls. I keep 2 or 3 in the plastic jar. Just the ones I'm using for the project I'm knitting.

I have a question for any of you avid crafters out there. I have a lot of negatives from the old days before digital cameras. I was going to throw them out but lately have been thinking it would be good to use them in a creative project if I can find the right project.  These are negatives of a lot of photos I no longer want to keep so I don't want to highlight them in something like a lamp, nor do I want to make a tote bag out of them. If any of you have some ideas as to what I can use them for please let me know.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Blue Monday, April 11, 2011

How would you like to take a spin in this little blue number? * wink.

On another topic altogether, I managed to get rid of the clutter below. Someone from the local Freecycle kindly came and took it off my hands. I feel so much better that someone else will get some use out of it. I never like to throw things away and would have to take it to the charity shop if I couldn't give it to someone. Next I'll be on to shredding all my old paper records.  This can be done a little at a time.


Click here to join Smiling Sally and the gang for Blue Monday submissions.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

A New Dish to Try & Making Progress on Goals

I've spent the past two days getting caught up on Spring cleaning and pulling together all of the things I will give away or try to sell.  Normally I give everything to the thrift stores but I think this time I will do up an advertisement for Freecycle.  This is where you and like minded people, offer or request things that you want to get rid of, or acquire for free.  Even though there is a local branch, I actually heard of this service through a friend who lives in North Carolina. While I've been a member for quite some time, I've never actually used the service so this will be my first try.  I have a lot to give away: 6 bags of outerwear and linens, one tub of patterns, and two small boxes.

My assortment of stuff for giveaway.
I also did a lot of laundering of things that only get laundered maybe once a year and need special attention.  Lots of things continue to be moved around the apartment and "rejigged" as I get rid of things and make room.  This is a constant "work in progress".  I'm getting fairly close to getting to outstanding paper clutter and going through the 4 drawer file cabinet. I intend to get rid of at least 3 of the 4 drawers of paper but these need to be shredded and that takes time.  Once there is room in the cabinet,  I can add the papers that are currently in boxes I brought home from moms. I have already sorted through these boxes fairly well once when I first brought them to my home but next sort will be the fine tuning one where I decide what is absolutely necessary to keep.  My challenge is that I am the keeper of special or important documents; not just mine but for 3 other adults (family members) who cannot keep it for themselves due to various circumstances.

Another big project out of the way today was a good cleaning of the garden. A friend came over to do the work for me and I was amazed at how much he did in such a short time. It took him about 2 hours to clear away what would normally take me time over a 2 or 3 day period. I'm so pleased to have this work done because it is going to rain for the next few days. Once the rain stops, the bedding plants will at last get planted!  The constant rains and cool weather have really delayed all this work but at least it is getting done now. We did have a few days of sunshine but on those days I was busy. The patio furniture will be cleaned up very soon too and made ready for al fresco dining and relaxing with friends.

I managed to try another new recipe today. Something I've been wanting to try for years. I don't know why but it is one of those dishes that I just never got around to making and I felt intimidated by. I have my blogging friend, Diane at the blog, My Life in the Charente to thank for inspiring me to make the soup at last and I was pleased to find that it is really very easy.  My regular readers know that I only like to make easy recipes.  You can find Diane's recipe for butternut squash soup here.

Butternut Squash Soup

I most often modify recipes according to what I have on hand and today was no exception. In this case, I omitted the dairy, the citrus and the apple; not because I didn't want to add these but I didn't happen to have them on hand even though I normally would have these items in stock! I just made sure I had enough broth and seasoning to ensure the squash and onions were cooked and to ensure that the blended version would be reasonably thick and creamy. It worked out perfectly and it was so tasty! I will definitely try this soup again and also the spinach soup I tried for the first time the other day.

Sky in Early March

Hello friends and fellow bloggers, Welcome to another Skywatch post where I watch the skies over Vancouver, Canada.  We are currently still ...